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Author Title Category Year Publisher
Index of Pendle Hill pamphlets, 1934-2012 [reference] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 2012 Pendle Hill
Amongst Friends [videocassette] Audiovisual
Apocrypha of the Old Testament, {The} Bibles 1957 Thomas Nelson
Book of Psalms, {The} [reference] Bibles 1902 Am. Bible Society
Complete domestic Bible, {The} [on cover: “Presented to the Friends Meeting of Minneapolis in memory of Minnie Gorton Truman”] [reference] Bibles 1881 Domestic Bible Pub. Co.
Fellowship in prayer (Dec. 1987 issue) Devotional Works – General 1987 Fellowship in Prayer
Friends consultation on Quaker treasure: what do we hold in trust together? Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1992 Earlham School of Religion & Quaker Hill Conf. Center
Friends one in the Spirit Quakers in the World Friends United Press
Holy Bible, {The}: King James Version Bibles World Publishing
Holy Bible, {The}: new international version Bibles 1984 International Bible Society
Holy Bible, {The}: red letter, King James Version Bibles A.J. Holman Co.
Holy Bible, {The}: the Oxford self-pronouncing Bible Bibles Oxford
How we come to be Friends Quaker Journals & Writings
Introducing the great chronicle of the Hutterian Brethren World Religions 1986 Plough Pub. House
Living Bible, {The} Bibles 1971 Tyndale House
Lots of queer Quakers, some of whom are gay [videocassette] Audiovisual 1984
New American standard Bible, {The} Bibles 1987 Thomas Nelson
New American Standard exhaustive concordance of the Bible Biblical Reference 1981 Holman
New English Bible, {The}: New Testament [2 copies] Bibles 1961 Oxford / Cambridge
New Testament, {The} (King James Version) [reference] Bibles Am. Bible Society
New Testament, {The}: red letter, King James Version [2 copies] Bibles World Publishing
New Testament, {The}: Revised Standard Version (“The new covenant”) Bibles 1946 Thomas Nelson & Sons
Paebar anthology of verse, {The} Fiction & Poetry 1936 Paebar Co.
Psalms, {The}: American standard version [owned by Edith Jones] [reference, in envelope, has loose pages, marginalia] Bibles 1901 Thomas Nelson & Sons
Quaker faith & practice: the book of Christian discipline of the yearly meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Britain [4th ed.] Quaker Faith & Practice 2009 BritainYearly Mtg.
Religious poems: selected Fiction & Poetry H.M. Caldwell Co.
Revised English Bible Bibles 1989 Oxford
Revised standard version of the Bible Biblical Reference 1952 Thomas Nelson & Sons
Sayings of Buddha Devotional Works – General 1957 Peter Pauper Press
This we can say: talking honestly about sex Sexuality 1995 Nine Friends Press
Twentieth century New Testament: part 2, Paul’s letters Bibles 1900 Revell
Women of the Bible Theology 1958 Church World Press
Abbott, Margery Post Quaker views on mysticism [pamphlet #375] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 2004 Pendle Hill
Abbott, Margery Post To be broken and tender: a Quaker theology for today Quakerism – History & Beliefs 2010 Friends Bulletin Corp.
Abileah, Joseph & Riki, Mira & Elliot, Jeffrey Voices for a Middle East confederation: two interviews [pamphlet] International Peace & Justice 1977 Soc. for Middle East Confed.
Ackerman, Dorothy Quaker looks at yoga, {A} [pamphlet #207] [2 copies] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1976 Pendle Hill
Ackerman, Dorothy (contrib.) & Taber, William P. (contrib.) & Seeger, Daniel A. (contrib.) Variations on the Quaker message: articles of lasting interest on varied theological perspectives from the Friends Journal [pamphlet] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1990 Quaker Universalist Fellowship
Adede, Rose Joel Litu, pioneer African Quaker [pamphlet #243] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1982 Pendle Hill
Adelsman, Carole Mpls. Friends Mtg. 11/13/88: On faith, work and relationships [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1988 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Adeney, Bernard T. & Dodson, Shirley & Boroughs, Philip L. Latin American liberation theology [theme of issue in QRT 22:1-2, Fall-Winter, 1986] Quaker Religious Thought 1986 QTDG
Adkinson, Helen & Pullinger, Edna Guide to A Hymnal for Friends, {A} [2 copies?] Devotional Works – Quaker 1955 Friends General Conf.
AFSC American Friends Service Committee North Central Region 50th Anniversary Celebration, Sept. 12, 1998 International Peace & Justice 1998 AFSC
AFSC Hunger–why? International Peace & Justice 1969 AFSC
AFSC In place of war: an inquiry into nonviolent national defense Pacifism & Nonviolence 1967 AFSC
AFSC Nameless to nameless: the material aids program of the AFSC [videocassette, 16 min.] Audiovisual 1994 AFSC
AFSC Peace in Vietnam: a new approach in Southeast Asia International Peace & Justice 1966 AFSC
AFSC Quaker approaches to human brotherhood [pamphlet] International Peace & Justice 1949 AFSC
AFSC Queries on disability issues [pamphlet] [3 copies] Justice, Crime & Social Issues 1995 AFSC
AFSC Questions and answers on Lebanon [pamphlet] International Peace & Justice 1982 AFSC
AFSC Speak truth to power: a Quaker search for an alternative to violence [pamphlet] [1 of 2 copies] International Peace & Justice 1955 AFSC
AFSC Speak truth to power: a Quaker search for an alternative to violence [pamphlet] [1 of 2 copies] Pacifism & Nonviolence 1955 AFSC
AFSC Struggle for justice Justice, Crime & Social Issues 1971 Hill & Wang
AFSC United States and the Soviet Union, {The}: some Quaker proposals for peace [pamphlet] International Peace & Justice 1949 Yale
AFSC Where the heart stands [videocassette, 22 min.] [2 copies] Audiovisual 1987 AFSC
AFSC Who shall live?: man’s control over birth and death [1 of 2 copies] Illness, Death & Loss 1970 Hill & Wang
AFSC & Boulding, Kenneth E. (contrib.) Draft?, {The} Tax Resistance & Military Draft 1968 Hill & Wang
AFSC & Gerson, Joseph (ed.) & Birchard, Bruce (ed.) Sun never sets, {The}: confronting the network of U.S. military bases International Peace & Justice 1991 South End Press
AFSC & Gerson, Joseph (ed.) & Gumbleton, Bishop Thomas J. (foreword) Deadly connection, {The}: nuclear war and U.S. intervention International Peace & Justice 1986 New Society Publishers
AFSC & Simon, Scott (narrator) Love amid the ruins: Quaker service after the war [videocassette, 60 min.] Audiovisual 1996 ZDF German Public Television
Akenson, Donald Harman Saint Saul: a skeleton key to the historical Jesus [“advance, uncorrected reading copy”] Life of Jesus 2000 Oxford Univ. Press
Albom, Mitch Tuesdays with Morrie: an old man, a young man, and life’s greatest lesson Illness, Death & Loss 1997 Doubleday
Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous Personal Growth 1976 Alcoholics Anonymous
Alderfer, E. Gordon (ed.) & Penn, William & Tolles, Frederick Barnes (ed.) Witness of William Penn, {The} Biography – Quaker 1957 Macmillan
Alexander, Horace (contrib.) & Hetherington, Ralph (contrib.) & Seeger, Daniel A. (contrib.) Quaker Universalist reader, number 1, {The}: a collection of essays, addresses, and lectures (study guide) Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1988 Quaker Universalist Fellowship
Alexander, Horace (ed.) & Hall, Francis B. & Cooper, Wilmer A. Practical spirituality: selected writings of Francis B. Hall Quaker Journals & Writings 1984 Estate of F.B. Hall
Alexander, Horace, et al. Gandhi remembered [pamphlet] Biography – General 1983 Wider Quaker Fellowship
Alexander, Howard George Fox and the early Quakers [pamphlet] George Fox ? Friends United Press
Alexander, Michelle & West, Cornel (foreword) New Jim Crow, {The}: mass incarceration in the age of colorblindness (revised ed.) Justice, Crime & Social Issues 2011 The New Press
Alexander, Stella (comp.) Quaker testimony against slavery and racial discrimination: an anthology Race 1958 Priory Press
Ali, Abdullah Yusuf Meaning of the Holy Qu’ran, {The} [“Qur’anic Text (Arabic), with revised English translation, commentary and index.”] World Religions 2004 Amana Pubns.
Ali, Ahmed (trans.) al-Qur’an: a contemporary translation [English & Arabic] World Religions 1988 Princeton Univ. Press
Allen, Irene Quaker indictment [“an Elizabeth Elliot mystery] Fiction & Poetry 1998 St. Martin’s Press
Allen, Irene Quaker silence [“an Elizabeth Elliot mystery”] Fiction & Poetry 1992 Villard Books
Allen, Irene Quaker testimony [“an Elizabeth Elliot mystery”] Fiction & Poetry 1996 St. Martin’s Press
Allen, Richard Silence & speech: for anyone new to Quaker worship [pamphlet] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1992 Quaker Books
Allen, Ronald D. & Kolp, Alan & Barker, Lawrence E. Theology of evangelism and outreach [theme of issue in QRT 19:3, Spring 1982] Quaker Religious Thought 1982 QTDG
Allison, DeAnn & Wilson, Dick What’s the matter with the world today? [audiocassette of musical] Audiovisual 1996 Stradivarius Productions
Allport, Gordon W. Nature of prejudice, {The} Race 1958 Doubleday
Althouse, Lavonne When Jew and Christian meet World Religions 1966 Friendship Press
Ambler, Rex Quaker way, {The}: a rediscovery Quakerism – History & Beliefs 2012 Christian Alternative
America Arab Affairs Council Truth, justice and peace [videocassette] Audiovisual Am. Arab Affairs Council
American Bible Society Good news Bible: today’s English version Bibles 1978 Am. Bible Society
American Civil Liberties Union Hands that feed Us, {The}: undocumented farm workers in Florida Race 1986 Am. Civil Liberties Union
American Friends Board of Missions Among Friends in Kenya Africa Quakers in the World 1959 Am. Friends Board of Missions
American Friends Board of Missions Friends in Jordan Quakers in the World 1963 Am. Friends Board of Missions
American Quaker Business Consortium & Smith, Phillip Hartley (ed.) Quaker business ethics: a plumb line guide to practical applications in business and industry Justice, Crime & Social Issues 2001 Diamond Library Publishers
Amundson, Jim Mpls. Friends Mtg. 12/30/90: On putting Christ back in Christmas and every day [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1990 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Amundson, Jim Mpls. Friends Mtg.: On Christmas, God and the Bible [audiocassette] Audiovisual Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Amundson, Jim Mpls. Friends Mtg.: On selfishness / narcissism [audiocassette] Audiovisual Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Anderson, Bernhard W. Eighth century prophets, {The} Theology 1978 Fortress
Anderson, Megory Sacred dying: creating rituals for embracing the end of life Illness, Death & Loss 2003 Marlowe & Co.
Anderson, Paul Was the fourth evangelist a Quaker? [in QRT 25:2, Oct. 1991] [2 copies] Quaker Religious Thought 1991 QTDG
Anderson, Rusk & Dalton, Ruth Rusk Pilgrimage & other poems: written from age 9 to 19 Minneapolis Friends Meeting 2010 Rusk & Arne Anderson
Anderson, Rusk (interviewer) Mpls. Friends Mtg. 5/79: Conscientious objectors in the Meeting (Gordon Coffin, Andy Gibas, Joe White, Catherine Crocker, Herb Crocker) [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1979 Mpls Friends Mtg.
Anderson, Rusk (interviewer) & Jones, Edith Mpls. Friends Mtg. 7/10/77: Interview [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1979 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Anderson, Rusk (interviewer) & Jones, Edith Mpls. Friends Mtg.: Interview (7/10/77) and Semi-programmed worship (5/13/79) [2 copies] [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1979 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Anderson, Verily Friends and relations: three centuries of Quaker families Quakers in the World 1980 Hodder & Stoughton
Andrews, Elsie Marion & Brinton, Anna Cox (foreword) Facing and fulfilling the later years [pamphlet #157] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1968 Pendle Hill
Angell, Stephen W. (ed.) & Weaver, Harold D., Jr. (ed.) & Kriese, Paul (ed.) Black fire: African American Quakers on spirituality and human rights Race 2011 FGC Quaker Press
Anscombe, Francis C. I have called you Friends: the story of Quakerism in North Carolina Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1959 Christopher Pub. House
Apsey, Lawrence S. & Bristol, James E. & Eppler, Karen Transforming power for peace Pacifism & Nonviolence 1991 Friends General Conf. & AVP
Armstrong, Karen Battle for God, {The}: a history of fundamentalism World Religions 2000 Random House
Armstrong, Karen Fields of blood: religion and the history of violence World Religions 2015 Alfred A. Knopf
Arnold, Annemarie & Arnold, Heini Living in community: a way to true brotherhood [pamphlet] World Religions 1974 Plough Pub. House
Arnold, Emmy Torches together: the beginnings and early years of the Bruderhof communities Biography – General 1964 Plough Pub. House
Arnold, Heini & Arnold, Annemarie Living in community: a way to true brotherhood [pamphlet] World Religions 1974 Plough Pub. House
Atta, Kim Van Friends Hospital & Friends Asylum 1817-1820 Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1980 Friends Hospital
Australia Yearly Mtg. This we can say: Australian Quaker life, faith and thought Quaker Faith & Practice 2003 Australia Yearly Mtg.
Avishai, Susan (illus.) & Grollman, Earl A. Talking about death: a dialogue between parent and child Illness, Death & Loss 1990 Beacon Press
Bacon, Margaret Hope As the way opens: Quaker women in America Quakers in the U.S. 1980 Friends United Mtg.
Bacon, Margaret Hope Henry J. Cadbury: scholar, activist, disciple [pamphlet #376] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 2005 Pendle Hill
Bacon, Margaret Hope Let this life speak: the legacy of Henry Joel Cadbury Biography – Quaker 1987 Univ. of Pennsylvania
Bacon, Margaret Hope Mothers of feminism: the story of Quaker women in America Biography – Quaker 1986 Harper & Row
Bacon, Margaret Hope Quaker struggle for the rights of women, {The}: an address [pamphlet] Justice, Crime & Social Issues 1974 AFSC
Bacon, Margaret Hope Quiet rebels, {The}: the story of the Quakers in America [2 copies] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1969 Basic Books
Bacon, Margaret Hope Valiant Friend: the life of Lucretia Mott Biography – Quaker 1980 Walker Pubns.
Bacon, Margaret Hope & Brinton, Howard H. Friends for 350 years: the history and beliefs of the Society of Friends since George Fox started the Quaker movement [4 copies] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 2002 Pendle Hill
Bacon, Margaret Hope & Julye, Vanessa (foreword) Sarah Mapps Douglass: faithful attender of Quaker Meeting: view from the back bench [pamphlet] [1 of 2 copies] Biography – Quaker 2003 Friends General Conf.
Bacon, Margaret Hope & Julye, Vanessa (foreword) Sarah Mapps Douglass: faithful attender of Quaker Meeting: view from the back bench [pamphlet] [1 of 2 copies] Race 2003 Friends General Conf.
Bacon, Margaret Hope (ed.) Wilt thou go on my errand?: three 18th century journals of Quaker women ministers [Susanna Morris, Elizabeth Hudson, Ann Moore] Quaker Journals & Writings 1994 Pendle Hill
Baez, Joan Daybreak Biography – Quaker 1968 Avon
Bainton, Roland H. & Cattell, Everett L. & Creasey, Maurice A. Future of Quakerism, {The} [theme of issue, QRT 8:2, Autumn 1966 ] Quaker Religious Thought 1966 QTDG
Baldwin, Christina One to one: self-understanding through journal writing Personal Growth 1977 M. Evans & Co.
Baldwin, James Fire next time, {The} Race 1964 Delta
Bales, Dorlan Mpls. Friends Mtg. 5/89: All Friends’ Weekend [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1989 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Bales, Dorlan & Kuenning, Lisa & Wallace, Terry S. Lewis Benson issue [theme of issue in QRT 22:3, Summer 1987] Quaker Religious Thought 1987 QTDG
Balling, Peter & Furly, Benjamin (trans.) Light upon the candlestick, {The}: an early expression of Quaker Universalism [pamphlet] Quaker Journals & Writings 1992 Quaker Universalist Fellowship
Ballinger, Raymond A. (design) & Wilson, Robert H. Philadelphia Quakers 1681-1981: a tercentenary family album [2 copies] Quakers in the U.S. 1981 Phila. Yearly Mtg.
Baltimore Yearly Mtg. Faith and practice of Baltimore Yearly Meeting Quaker Faith & Practice 1988 Baltimore Yearly Mtg.
Banks, John (ed.) & Weitsch, Martina (ed.) Meeting gay Friends: essays by gay Quakers Sexuality 1982 Friends Homosexual Fellowship
Barbour, Hugh S. Christ and truth [in QRT 4:1, Spring 1962] [theme of issue: “Barnesville Conference Papers”] Quaker Religious Thought 1962 QTDG
Barbour, Hugh S. God of peace, {The} [in QRT 13:3-4, Spring 1972] Quaker Religious Thought 1972 QTDG
Barbour, Hugh S. Margaret Fell speaking [pamphlet #206] [4 copies] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1976 Pendle Hill
Barbour, Hugh S. Protestant Quakerism [in QRT 11:2, Autumn 1969] Quaker Religious Thought 1969 QTDG
Barbour, Hugh S. Quakers in Puritan England, {The} [1 of 2 copies] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1964 Yale
Barbour, Hugh S. Quakers in Puritan England, {The} [1 of 2 copies] Quakers in the World 1964 Yale
Barbour, Hugh S. & Cooper, Wilmer A. (foreword) & Jones, T. Canby Three M’s of Quakerism, {The}: meeting, message, mission (Tenth Anniversary Lectures) Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1971 Earlham School of Religion
Barbour, Hugh S. (ed.) Slavery and theology Biography – Quaker 1985 Prinit Press
Barbour, Hugh S. (ed.) & Roberts, Arthur O. (ed.) & various Early Quaker writings, 1650 – 1700 Quaker Journals & Writings 2004 Pendle Hill
Barclay, Robert Apology for the true Christian divinity, {An}: being an explanation and vindication of the people called Quakers [reference] Theology 1847 Knowles & Vose
Barclay, Robert & Freiday, Dean (ed.) Barclay’s apology in modern English [2 copies] Theology 1967,1991 Barclay Press
Barclay, Robert & Mather, Eleanore Price (ed.) Barclay in brief [3 copies] [pamphlet #28] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1940 Pendle Hill
Barclay, William Acts of the Apostles, {The} Life of Paul 1953 Westminster
Barclay, William Acts of the Apostles, {The} (revised) Biblical Reference 1976 Westminster
Barclay, William Gospel of John – vol. 1, {The} Biblical Reference 1975 Westminster
Barclay, William Gospel of John – vol. 2, {The} Biblical Reference 1975 Westminster
Barclay, William Letter to the Hebrews, {The} Biblical Reference 1976 Westminster
Barclay, William Letters to the Galatians and Ephesians, {The} Biblical Reference 1976 Westminster
Barclay, William Letters to Timothy, Titus and Philemon, {The} Biblical Reference 1975 Westminster
Barclay, William (trans.) New Testament, vol. 1: the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles [2 copies] Bibles 1968 Collins
Barclay, William (trans.) New Testament, vol. 2: the Letters and the Revelations Bibles 1969 Collins
Barg, Gary (ed.) Fearless caregiver, {The}: how to get the best care for your loved one and still have a life of your own Illness, Death & Loss 2001 Capital Books
Barker, Lawrence E. & Kolp, Alan & Allen, Ronald D. Theology of evangelism and outreach [theme of issue in QRT 19:3, Spring 1982] Quaker Religious Thought 1982 QTDG
Barks, Coleman (trans.) & Rumi, Jelaluddin & Moyne, John (trans.) Essential Rumi, {The} Fiction & Poetry 1997 Castle Books
Barry, Laura Pass & Weekley, Carolyn J. Kingdoms of Edward Hicks, {The} Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1999 Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
Bartlett, John Familiar quotations Fiction & Poetry 1950 Little, Brown & Co.
Barton, William Eleazar & Strong, Sydney Dix & Soares, Theodore Gerald His great apostle: the life and letters of Paul [2 copies] Life of Paul 1906 Hope Publishing
Bass, Diana Butler People’s history of Christianity, {A}: the other side of the story Theology 2009 HarperOne
Bassuk, Daniel E. Rufus Jones and mysticism [in QRT 17:4, Summer 1978] Quaker Religious Thought 1978 QTDG
Battey, Thomas C. & Marriott, Alice (ed.) Life and adventures of a Quaker among the Indians, {The} Quaker Journals & Writings 1968 Univ. of Oklahoma
Baum, Markus & Wallis, Jim (foreword) Against the wind: Eberhard Arnold and the Bruderhof Biography – General 1998 Plough Pub. House
Bauman, Richard For the reputation of truth Quakers in the World 1971 Johns Hopkins Press
Beane, Maxine New creation, {The} Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1975 Friends United Mtg.
Bear, Richard Do this and you will live [in QRT 25:1, May 1991] [2 copies] Quaker Religious Thought 1991 QTDG
Beck, Arthur (intro) & Fox, George Works of George Fox, {The}, vol. 4, The Doctrinals vol. 1 George Fox 1990 New Foundation
Beck, Bill (ed.) & West, Mel (ed.) Cowboy memories [on the 50th anniversary of Heifer Project International] International Peace & Justice 1994 Heifer Project International
Beck, Dwight Marion Through the Gospels to Jesus Theology 1954 Harper
Beebe, Ralph & Lamoreau, John Waging peace: a study in Biblical pacifism Pacifism & Nonviolence 1981 Barclay Press
Beebe, Ralph & Lamoreau, John War tax concerns: what does the Bible say? [pamphlet] [1 of 4 copies] International Peace & Justice 1986 FCWTC
Beebe, Ralph & Lamoreau, John War tax concerns: what does the Bible say? [pamphlet] [1 of 4 copies] Peaceful Lifestyles / Simplicity 1986 FCWTC
Beebe, Ralph & Lamoreau, John War tax concerns: what does the Bible say? [pamphlet] [2 of 4 copies] Tax Resistance & Military Draft 1986 FCWTC
Benatovich, Beth (ed. & comp.) What we know so far: wisdom among women Minneapolis Friends Meeting 1995 St. Martin’s Press
Benefiel, Margaret J. Atonement — a revisionist view [in QRT 23:4, Winter 1988-89 ] Quaker Religious Thought 1989 QTDG
Benefiel, Margaret J. Mothers as prophets: the spiritual work of early Quaker women [in QRT 26:4, April 1994] Quaker Religious Thought 1994 QTDG
Benfey, Theodor Friends and the world of nature [pamphlet #233] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1980 Pendle Hill
Benn, Ruth (ed.) & Hedemann, Ed War tax resistance: a guide to withholding your support from the military Tax Resistance & Military Draft 2003 War Resisters League
Benoit, Emile (ed.) & Boulding, Kenneth E. (ed.) Disarmament and the economy International Peace & Justice 1963 Harper & Row
Benson, Lewis Catholic Quakerism: a vision for all men Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1966 Phila. Yearly Mtg.
Benson, Lewis Continued discussion from lectures 2,3,4 and 5 (Moorestown, NJ, 1985 or 1986) [audiocassette #6] Audiovisual 1985?
Benson, Lewis Early Quaker vision of the church, {The} [in QRT 2:1, Spring 1960] [4 copies] Quaker Religious Thought 1960 QTDG
Benson, Lewis Everlasting gospel in the world of today, {The} (11/10/84, Pendle Hill) [audiocassette # 5] Audiovisual 1984
Benson, Lewis Everlasting gospel, {The}: a lecture (New Market) [audiocassette #2] Audiovisual
Benson, Lewis Fox’s journals: the need to get the whole, real story (New Market) [audiocassette # 1] Audiovisual
Benson, Lewis George Fox: his sense of mission and his message [Pendle Hill, 10/84] [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1984
Benson, Lewis George Fox’s message is relevant for today [1 of 3 copies] Devotional Works – Quaker 1983 George Fox Fund
Benson, Lewis George Fox’s message is relevant for today [1 of 3 copies] George Fox 1983 George Fox Fund
Benson, Lewis George Fox’s message is relevant for today [1 of 3 copies] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1983 George Fox Fund
Benson, Lewis Gospel order (New Market) [audiocassette, #3] Audiovisual
Benson, Lewis New Foundation Movement, {The}: its universal gospel message and mission (1/12/86, Moorestown, NJ) [audiocassette #5] Audiovisual 1986
Benson, Lewis Questions from sessions 1 – 5? (Pendle Hill, 11/84) [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1984
Benson, Lewis Recovering the early Quaker universal mission and message: five lectures… Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1986 New Fellowship Foundation
Benson, Lewis Recovering the everlasting gospel that Fox preached (11/3/84, Pendle Hill) [audiocassette #4] Audiovisual 1984
Benson, Lewis Relation of Quakerism to its own history, {The} [in QRT 3:2, Autumn 1961] Quaker Religious Thought 1961 QTDG
Benson, Lewis Revolutionary gospel, {A} Devotional Works – Quaker 1974 The Friend
Benson, Lewis That of God in every man–what did George Fox mean by it? [in QRT 12:2, Spring 1970] Quaker Religious Thought 1970 QTDG
Benson, Lewis Truth is Christ, {The} [1 of 3 copies] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1981 New Foundation Pubns.
Benson, Lewis Truth is Christ, {The} [2 0f 3 copies] Devotional Works – Quaker 1981 New Foundation Pubns.
Benson, Lewis Universal element in Christianity, {The} (9/8/85, Moorestown, NJ) [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1985
Benson, Lewis Universal Gospel preached by the Apostles, {The} (10/6/85, Moorestown, NJ) [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1985
Benson, Lewis Universal gospel preached by the early Quakers, {The} (11/3/85, Moorestown, NJ) [audiocassette #3] Audiovisual 1985
Benson, Lewis & Macy, Howard R. & Jones, T. Canby Christ as prophet: studies in the basis for Christian obedience [theme of issue in QRT 16:1-2, Winter 1974-75] Quaker Religious Thought 1975 QTDG
Berends, Polly Berrien Whole child / whole parent Parenting & Family Issues 1983 Harper & Row
Beres, Louis Rene Myths and realities: U.S. nuclear strategy [pamphlet] International Peace & Justice 1982 Stanley Foundation
Bergh, Kirsten Savitri She would draw flowers: a book of poems Illness, Death & Loss 2001 Sentinel Printing
Berk, Arthur Coming to the Messiah and living in Christ [in QRT 21:2, Summer 1985] Quaker Religious Thought 1985 QTDG
Berk, Arthur Fox and the centrality of Christ — a message for all people [in QRT 26:1, Nov. 1992] Quaker Religious Thought 1992 QTDG
Berlowe, Burt & Cress, Joseph N. Peaceful parenting: in a violent world Parenting & Family Issues 1995 Perspective Pubns.
Berlowe, Burt F. & Janke, Rebecca A. & Penshorn, Julie D. Compassionate rebel, {The}: energized by anger, motivated by love: interviews and stories Pacifism & Nonviolence 2002 Triangle Park Creative
Berman, Phillip L. (ed.) & Goldman, Connie (ed.) Ageless spirit, {The}: reflections on living life to the fullest in our later years Illness, Death & Loss 1992 Ballantine Books
Berquist, Robert & Rhodes, David & Treadway, Carolyn Smith Scattergood Friends School 1890-1990 Quaker Education 1990 Scattergood Friends School
Berrigan, Daniel, et al. Delivered into resistance Peaceful Lifestyles / Simplicity 1969 Advocate Press
Berry, Lloyd E. (intro.) Geneva Bible, {The}: a facsimile of the 1560 edition Bibles 1969 Univ. of Wisc. Press
Berry, Wendell Hidden wound, {The} Race 1970 Houghton Mifflin
Berry, Wendell (foreword) & Shah-Kazemi, Reza My mercy encompasses all: the Koran’s teachings on compassion, peace & love World Religions 2007 Counterpoint
Berryman, Jerome W. Godly play: an imaginative approach to religious education [2 copies?] Quaker Education 1991 Augsburg
Berzon, Betty Permanent partners: building gay and lesbian relationships that last Sexuality 1988 E.P. Dutton
Besse, Joseph & Gandy, Michael (ed.) Sufferings of early Quakers in Yorkshire, 1652 to 1690: facsimile of part of the 1753 edition by Joseph Besse] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1998 Sessions Book Trust
Bessler, John D. Legacy of violence: lynch mobs and executions in Minnesota Justice, Crime & Social Issues 2003 Univ. of Minnesota
Bieber, Nancy Communion for a Quaker [pamphlet #331] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1997 Pendle Hill
Bielby, M.R. Lady in prison Biography – Quaker 1961 Edinburgh House
Bien, Peter On retiring to Kendal (and beyond): a literary excursion [pamphlet #368] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 2003 Pendle Hill
Bien, Peter Words, wordlessness and the Word: silence reconsidered from a literary point of view [pamphlet #303] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1992 Pendle Hill
Bigelow, Albert Voyage of the Golden Rule, {The} Pacifism & Nonviolence 1959 Doubleday
Biggin, Tony & Leaveners’ Band, {The} & Davison, Alec Finger on the button [audiocassette with 13 songs] Audiovisual 1984 Leaveners’ Band
Bill, J. Brent Holy silence: the gift of Quaker spirituality [2 copies] Devotional Works – Quaker 2005 Paraclete Press
Bill, J. Brent How to be a Friend in an unfriendly world: a youth leader’s guide to testimonies [pamphlet] Quaker Education 1988 Friends United Mtg.
Bill, J. Brent & Isbell, Jennie Finding God in the verbs: crafting a fresh language of prayer Devotional Works – Quaker 2015 IVP Books
Bill, J. Brent (ed.) & various Imagination and spirit: a contemporary Quaker reader Quaker Journals & Writings 2002 Friends United Press
Bing, Tony & International Quaker Working Party & Mock, Ron Study guide to “When the rain returns: toward justice and reconciliation in Palestine and Israel” [pamphlet] International Peace & Justice 2004 AFSC
Birchard, Bruce Burning One-ness binding everything [pamphlet #332] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1997 Pendle Hill
Birchard, Bruce (ed.) & AFSC & Gerson, Joseph (ed.) Sun never sets, {The}: confronting the network of U.S. military bases International Peace & Justice 1991 South End Press
Birkel, Michael Messenger that goes before, {The}: reading Margaret Fell for spiritual nurture [pamphlet #398] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 2008 Pendle Hill
Bishop, Elaine Celebration: Friends and some aspects of a struggle for justice [pamphlet] Pacifism & Nonviolence 1984 Argenta Friends Press
Bittle, William G. James Nayler 1618-1660 Biography – Quaker 1986 Friends United Press
Blackburn, Fred M. Wetherills, {The}: Friends of Mesa Verde Quakers in the U.S. 2006 Durango Herald Small Press
Blair, Edward P. Abingdon Bible handbook Biblical Reference 1975 Abingdon
Blattenberger, Ruth (ed.) & Leach, Robert J. Women ministers: a Quaker contribution [pamphlet #227] [3 copies] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1979 Pendle Hill
Blessing-Eyster, Nellie Chinese Quaker, {A} Fiction & Poetry 1902 Revell
Blockson, Charles L. Escape from slavery: the Underground Railroad Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1984 National Geographic
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Blumenfeld, Warren J. & Raymond, Diane Christine Looking at gay and lesbian life Sexuality 1988 Beacon Press
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Coffin, Linda (moderator) War tax resistance (on KFAI Radio’s “Wave Project,” 3/26/00, with Kate Coon, Judith Felker and Dan Lundquist) [audiocassette] Audiovisual 2000 KFAI Radio
Cole, Kara Mpls. Friends Mtg. 10/17/81: The best of times, the worst of times [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1981 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Cole, Kara Mpls. Friends Mtg. 10/18/81: The body of believers [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1981 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Cole, Kara & Scott, William T. People of God in the world today, {The} [theme of issue in QRT 17:3, Winter 1977-78] Quaker Religious Thought 1978 QTDG
Cole, Kara L. Church, {The}: every person a minister [pamphlet] Quaker Faith & Practice 1980 Prinit Press
Coles, Robert History of Ruby Bridges (at Westminster Town Hall Forum) [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1984 American Public Radio
Collard, Sneed B., III Monteverde: science and scientists in a Costa Rican cloud forest Unity with Nature 1997 Grolier
Collier, Howard E. Quaker Meeting, {The] [pamphlet] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1944 Pendle Hill
Comfort, William Wistar Quakers in the modern world [1 of 2 copies] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1949 Macmillan
Comfort, William Wistar Quakers in the modern world [1 of 2 copies] Quakers in the World 1949 Macmillan
Comfort, William Wistar William Penn and our liberties Biography – Quaker 1947 Penn Mutual
Compassion Iraq Coalition Silent weapon: the embargo against Iraq [videocassette & study guide] Audiovisual 1999 Institute for Development Training
Condia-Williams, Charlotte Names of God in George Fox and John Woolman, {The} [in QRT 26:2, March 1993] Quaker Religious Thought 1993 QTDG
Conti-Entin, Carol Improvisation and spiritual disciplines: continuing the divine-human duet [pamphlet #288] [2 copies] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1989 Pendle Hill
Cooney, Robert (ed.) & Michalowski, Helen (ed.) Power of the people, {The}: active nonviolence in the U.S. Pacifism & Nonviolence 1987 New Society Publishers
Cooper, Charles W. (ed.) & Steere, Douglas V. (intro) Break the new ground: seven essays by contemporary Quakers [2 copies?] International Peace & Justice 1969 FWCC
Cooper, Deborah (ed.) & Perlman, Jim (ed.) & Hart, Mara (ed.) Beloved of the earth: 150 poems of grief and gratitude Fiction & Poetry 2009 Holy Cow! Press
Cooper, Wilmer A. Critique of Quaker accountability, {A} [in QRT 21:3, Winter 1985] Quaker Religious Thought 1985 QTDG
Cooper, Wilmer A. Evaluation of the St. Louis Friends Conference, {An} [in QRT 12:3, Summer 1970] Quaker Religious Thought 1970 QTDG
Cooper, Wilmer A. Living faith, {A}: an historical study of Quaker beliefs Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1990 Friends United Press
Cooper, Wilmer A. New people to be gathered…, {A} Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1966 Friends United Mtg.
Cooper, Wilmer A. Quaker perspectives on the nature of man [in QRT 2:2, Autumn 1960 ] Quaker Religious Thought 1960 QTDG
Cooper, Wilmer A. Spiritual religion and historical religion [in QRT 3:2, Autumn 1961] Quaker Religious Thought 1961 QTDG
Cooper, Wilmer A. Testimony of integrity in the Religious Society of Friends, {The} [pamphlet #296] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1991 Pendle Hill
Cooper, Wilmer A. & Bolling, Landrum R. (intro) ESR story, {The}: a Quaker dream come true Quakers in the U.S. 1985 Earlham School of Religion
Cooper, Wilmer A. & Curtis, John H. & Perisho, Stanley Explorations of the theology of the holy spirit [issue theme in QRT 16:4, Spring 1976] Quaker Religious Thought 1976 QTDG
Cooper, Wilmer A. & Gerloff, Roswith & Davidson, Carlisle G. Ministries of the holy spirit [theme of issue in QRT 16:3, Summer 1975] Quaker Religious Thought 1975 QTDG
Cooper, Wilmer A. & Gwyn, Douglas & Marietta, Jack D. Facing sin and evil [theme of issue in QRT 22:4, Fall 1987] Quaker Religious Thought 1987 QTDG
Cooper, Wilmer A. & Hall, Francis B. & Alexander, Horace (ed.) Practical spirituality: selected writings of Francis B. Hall Quaker Journals & Writings 1984 Estate of F.B. Hall
Cooper, Wilmer A. (foreword) & Barbour, Hugh S. & Jones, T. Canby Three M’s of Quakerism, {The}: meeting, message, mission (Tenth Anniversary Lectures) Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1971 Earlham School of Religion
Cope, Robert E. Day George Fox came to Indiana Yearly Meeting, {The} [1 of 2 copies] George Fox 1967 Indiana Yearly Mtg.
Cope, Robert E. Day George Fox came to Indiana Yearly Meeting, {The} [1 of 2 copies] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1967 Indiana Yearly Mtg.
Cope-Robinson, Lyn Little Quaker sociology book, {The}: with glossary Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1995 Canmore Press
Corbett, Jim Sanctuary church, {The} [pamphlet #270] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1987 Pendle Hill
Corcorran, James & Lundquist, Dan & Scroeder, Paula (host) Tax Resistors [on “Mid-morning,” MN Public Radio, 4/4/97] [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1997 MN Public Radio
Cornfeld, Gaalyah Archaeology of the Bible: book by book Biblical Reference 1976 Harper & Row
Costner, Larry Presence and presents: the Quaker experiment Devotional Works – Quaker
Cox, Elias Armstrong Looking back over the trail [1 of 2 copies] Biography – Quaker 1927 Woman’s Missionary Union of Friends in America
Cox, Elias Armstrong Looking back over the trail [1 of 2 copies] Quaker Journals & Writings 1927 Woman’s Missionary Union of Friends in America
Cox, Gray Bearing witness: Quaker process and a culture of peace [pamphlet #262] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1985 Pendle Hill
Cox, Gray Ways of peace, {The}: a philosophy of peace as action International Peace & Justice 1986 Paulist Press
Crauderueff, Elaine J. War taxes: experiences of Philadelphia Yearly Mtg. Quakers through the American Revolution [pamphlet #286] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1989 Pendle Hill
Craven, Dorothy H. Accountability: a Biblical approach [in QRT 21:3, Winter 1985] [2 copies] Quaker Religious Thought 1985 QTDG
Creasey, Maurice A. Bearings: or Friends and the new reformation Quaker Journals & Writings 1969 Friends Home Service
Creasey, Maurice A. Quaker interpretation of the significance of Christ, {The} [in QRT 1:2, Autumn 1959] [2 copies] Quaker Religious Thought 1959 QTDG
Creasey, Maurice A. Quakers and the sacraments [in QRT 5:1, Spring 1963] [2 copies] Quaker Religious Thought 1963 QTDG
Creasey, Maurice A. & Bainton, Roland H. & Cattell, Everett L. Future of Quakerism, {The} [theme of issue, QRT 8:2, Autumn 1966 ] Quaker Religious Thought 1966 QTDG
Creel, H.G. Confucius and the Chinese way World Religions 1949 Harper
Cress, Joseph N. & Berlowe, Burt Peaceful parenting: in a violent world Parenting & Family Issues 1995 Perspective Pubns.
Crom, Scott Encounters with transcendence: confessions of a religious philosopher [ pamphlet #267] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1986 Pendle Hill
Crom, Scott On being real: a quest for personal and religious wholeness [pamphlet #155] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1967 Pendle Hill
Crom, Scott Trusting agnostic, {The} [in QRT 14:2, Autumn 1972] Quaker Religious Thought 1972 QTDG
Cronk, Sandra L. Dark night journey of the soul: inward re-patterning toward a life centered in God Devotional Works – Quaker 1991 Pendle Hill
Cronk, Sandra L. Gospel order: a Quaker understanding of faithful church community [pamphlet #297] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1991 Pendle Hill
Cronk, Sandra L. Peace be with you: a study of the spiritual basis of the Friends’ peace testimony [pamphlet] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1984 Tract Assoc. of Friends
Cronk, Sandra L. & Grundy, Martha Paxson (ed.) & Palmer, Parker J. (foreword) Lasting gift, {A}: The journal and selected writings of Sandra L. Cronk Quaker Journals & Writings 2009 Quaker Press of FGC
Cropper, Margaret Life of Evelyn Underhill Biography – Quaker 1958 Harper
Crosby, Harriett (ed.) & Hart, David L. Psychology of a fairy tale, {The} [pamphlet #210] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1977 Pendle Hill
Crosby, Mary Mary Crosby (of Church of the Saviour, D.C.) talking at a Quaker gathering, 7/6/84 [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1984
Crosfield, George (ed.) & Fothergill, Samuel Memoirs of the life and gospel labours of Samuel Fothergill…[reference] Quaker Journals & Writings 1844 Collins, Brother & Co.
Crossan, John Dominic Historical Jesus, {The}: the life of a Mediterranean Jewish peasant Life of Jesus 1991 HarperSanFrancisco
Crossan, John Dominic & Watts, Richard G. Who is Jesus?: Answers to your questions about the historical Jesus Life of Jesus 1996 Westminster John Knox
Crowe, Avis & Vermilye, Dyckman W. Ministry of presence, {The}: without agenda in South Africa [pamphlet #293] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1990 Pendle Hill
Cruden, Alexander Cruden’s complete concordance to the Old & New Testaments Biblical Reference 1968 Zondervan
Crump, C.G. (ed.) History of the life of Thomas Ellwood, {The} [reference] Biography – Quaker 1900 Methuen & Co.
Curle, Adam Peacemaking: public and private [pamphlet] [1 of 2 copies] International Peace & Justice 1984 Wider Quaker Fellowship
Curle, Adam Peacemaking: public and private [pamphlet] [1 of 2 copies] Pacifism & Nonviolence 1984 Wider Quaker Fellowship
Curo, Anne Meditations on the Prayer of St. Francis [pamphlet #369] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 2003 Pendle Hill
Curran, Dolores Traits of a healthy family Parenting & Family Issues 1983 Ballantine
Curtis, Anna I. & Jones, Rufus M. (foreword) Stories of the Underground Railroad Race 1941 Island Workshop
Curtis, John H. Quaker belief and experience [in QRT 4:2, Autumn 1962] Quaker Religious Thought 1962 QTDG
Curtis, John H. & Cooper, Wilmer A. & Perisho, Stanley Explorations of the theology of the holy spirit [issue theme in QRT 16:4, Spring 1976] Quaker Religious Thought 1976 QTDG
Dahlke, H. Otto & various What canst thou say? : voices from Richmond, VA Monthly Meeting [pamphlet] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1995 Quaker Universalist Fellowship
Dalai Lama XIV My land and my people: the original autobiography of His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet World Religions 1962/1997 Warner Books
Dale, Jonathan Quaker social testimony in our personal and corporate life [pamphlet #360] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 2002 Pendle Hill
Dale, Jonathan and others & Cave, Elizabeth (ed.) & Morley, Ros (ed.) Faith in action: Quaker social testimony: writings from Friends in Britain Yearly Meeting Quaker Journals & Writings 2000 Quaker Home Service
Dalton, Ruth Rusk & Anderson, Rusk Pilgrimage & other poems: written from age 9 to 19 Minneapolis Friends Meeting 2010 Rusk & Arne Anderson
Damiano, Kathryn Contemplative mode of nurture [audiocassette #3 from NYM Spiritual Nurture Program] Audiovisual 1996 Northern Yearly Mtg.
Damiano, Kathryn Quakerism, a culture of listening [audiocassette #1 from NYM Spiritual Nurture Program] Audiovisual 1996 Northern Yearly Mtg.
Dandelion, Ben Pink Celebrating the Quaker way (2nd ed.) Quakerism – History & Beliefs 2010 Quaker Books (UK)
Dandelion, Ben Pink Confident Quakerism [pamphlet #410] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 2010 Pendle Hill
Dandelion, Ben Pink (ed.) & Fager, Chuck (contrib.) & various God the Trickster?: eleven essays Devotional Works – Quaker 2001 Quaker Books
Danforth, Mildred E. Quaker pioneer, {A}: Laura Haviland, superintendent of the Underground Biography – Quaker 1961 Exposition Press
Davenport, Lucy Christ Jesus the covenant of God: two views of the Quaker doctrine of the Light [in QRT 26:2, March 1993] Quaker Religious Thought 1993 QTDG
Davidson, Carlisle G. & Gerloff, Roswith & Cooper, Wilmer A. Ministries of the holy spirit [theme of issue in QRT 16:3, Summer 1975] Quaker Religious Thought 1975 QTDG
Davis, James Warren & Dolbeare, Kenneth M. Little groups of neighbors Peaceful Lifestyles / Simplicity 1968 Markham Publishing
Davis, John D. & Gehman, Henry Snyder Westminster dictionary of the Bible, {The} Biblical Reference 1944 Westminster
Davison, Alec & Leaveners’ Band, {The} & Biggin, Tony Finger on the button [audiocassette with 13 songs] Audiovisual 1984 Leaveners’ Band
Day, Bonnie Observations on war, and other poems [pamphlet] Fiction & Poetry 1984 Argenta Friends Press
de Schmidt, Aurora Camacho In their presence: reflections on the transforming power of undocumented immigrants in the United States [pamphlet] International Peace & Justice 1991 AFSC
Deen, Edith All the women of the Bible Biblical Reference 1983 Harper & Row
Deloria, Vine, Jr. (foreword) & Breton, Denise & Lehman, Stephen Mystic heart of justice, {The}: restoring wholeness in a broken world International Peace & Justice 2001 Chrysalis Books
Deutsch, Alfred D. (ed.) & Edmundson, William Journal of William Edmundson [1 of 2 copies, different editions] Biography – Quaker 1974 Prinit Press
Deutsch, Alfred D. (ed.) & Edmundson, William Journal of William Edmundson 1627-1712 [1 of 2 copies, different editions] Quaker Journals & Writings 1968 Phila. Yearly Mtg.
Devers, Dorothy C. Faithful friendship Devotional Works – General 1979 Forward Movement
Diamond, Howard Prisoner at Colchester: James Parnell (the story of the first Quaker martyr) [pamphlet] Biography – Quaker 1970 Cochester Borough Council
Dick & Jane’s Big Brass Band & Wells, Tom Dick & Jane’s Big Brass Band [CD] Audiovisual 2006
Didion, Joan Year of magical thinking, {The} Illness, Death & Loss 2005 Alfred A. Knopf
Diwakar, R.R. Satyagraha: the power of truth Pacifism & Nonviolence 1948 H. Regnery Co.
Dodd, C.H. (Charles Harold) Founder of Christianity, {The} Life of Jesus 1970 Macmillan
Dodson, Shirley & Adeney, Bernard T. & Boroughs, Philip L. Latin American liberation theology [theme of issue in QRT 22:1-2, Fall-Winter, 1986] Quaker Religious Thought 1986 QTDG
Dodson, Shirley (ed.) John Woolman’s spirituality and our contemporary witness: a study guide John Woolman 1995 Phila. Yearly Mtg. / Pendle Hill
Doka, Kenneth J. (ed.) Living with grief: loss in later life Illness, Death & Loss 2002 Hospice Foundation of America
Dolbeare, Kenneth M. & Davis, James Warren Little groups of neighbors Peaceful Lifestyles / Simplicity 1968 Markham Publishing
Dorland, Arthur G. Quakers in Canada, {The} Quakers in the World 1968 Ryerson Press
Dossor, Howard F. Existential theology of Nikos Kazantzakis, {The} [pamphlet #359] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 2001 Pendle Hill
Doulos, Bill Lane & Jordan, Clarence Cotton patch parables of liberation Theology 1976 Herald Press
Dowd, Michael Earthspirit: a handbook for nurturing an ecological Christianity Unity with Nature 1991 Twenty-third Pubns.
Downing, Christine R. Eschatological theology, {An} [in QRT 11:1, Summer 1969] [theme of issue: “The God of the future”] Quaker Religious Thought 1969 QTDG
Downing, Christine R. Quakerism and the historical importance of religion [in QRT 3:2, Autumn 1961] Quaker Religious Thought 1961 QTDG
Downing, Christine R. What is theology? [in QRT 6:2, Autumn 1964] Quaker Religious Thought 1964 QTDG
Dowsett, Frank Sonnets of a seeker Fiction & Poetry 1954,1981 Wider Quaker Fellowship
Doxon, Denis With our own eyes: a youth delegation’s journey to Hiroshima and Nagasaki [videocassette] Audiovisual 1995 Goodman, David
Drake, Thomas E. Quakers in Minnesota [article], in Minnesota History, September 1937 (18:3), pp. 249-266. [2 copies, plus complete issue in reference ] Minneapolis Friends Meeting 1937 MN Historical Society
Drane, John Paul: an illustrated documentary Life of Paul 1976 Harper & Row
Drayton, Brian Getting rooted: living in the Cross – a path to joy and liberation [pamphlet #391] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 2007 Pendle Hill
Drayton, Brian (intro) & Gwyn, Douglas Revolutionary Quaker witness: learning from the Lamb’s War of the 1650s [pamphlet] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 2009 Beacon Hill Friends House
Dreikurs, Rudolf Challenge of marriage, {The} Parenting & Family Issues 1946 Meredith Press
Dreiser, Theodore Bulwark, {The} Fiction & Poetry 1946 Doubleday
Drost, Jerome (comp.) Index of Pendle Hill pamphlets, 1934-1994 (with update sheets through 1/99) Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1995 Pendle Hill
DuBois, Rachel Davis Deepening Quaker faith and practice: through the use of the three-session Quaker dialogue Quaker Faith & Practice 1976 Friends United Press
Dunbar, Barrington (ed.) Quaker speaks from the Black experience, {A} Personal Growth 1979 New York Yearly Mtg.
Dunbar, Paul Laurence Poems of cabin and field Fiction & Poetry 1896 Dodd, Mead
Dunham, Arthur Friends and community service in war and peace [pamphlet] Quakers in the World 1942 AFSC
Dunn, Mary Maples William Penn: politics and conscience [2 copies] Biography – Quaker 1967 Princeton
Dupont-Sommer, Andre Essene writings from Qumran, {The} Biblical Reference 1961 Meridian
Dupree, Agnita Wright Widening the circle [pamphlet] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1985 Wider Quaker Fellowship
Durland, William People pay for peace International Peace & Justice 1982 Center Peace Publishers
Duvall, Jed (host) & Ganzel, Bill (prod.) & White, Joe (participant) Matter of conscience, {A} [videocassette, 58 min.] Audiovisual 1993 Nebraska ETV
Duveneck, Josephine Whitney Quest (five): personal religious thought [pamphlet] Devotional Works – Quaker 1982 Wider Quaker Fellowship
Dymond, Jonathan Essays on the principles of morality and on the rights and obligations of mankind [abridged from English edition] Quaker Journals & Writings 1896 Phila. Yearly Mtg.
Dymond, Jonathan Essays on the principles of morality and on the rights and obligations of mankind [unabridged] [reference] Quaker Journals & Writings 1844 Collins, Brother & Co.
Ebeling, Gerhard On prayer: the Lord’s Prayer in today’s world Devotional Works – General 1966 Fortress
Eccleston, Alan War tax concerns: spiritual leadings and rational decisions [pamphlet] [2 copies] Tax Resistance & Military Draft 1987 FCWTC
Ediger, Peter J. Prophets’ report on religion in North America World Religions 1971 Faith & Life Press
Edmondson, William & Jacob, Caroline N. (ed.) & Cadbury, Henry J. (foreword) Journal {abridged} of Wm. Edmondson: Quaker apostle to Ireland & the Americas 1627-1712 Quaker Journals & Writings 1968 PhiladelphiaYearly Mtg.
Edmundson, William & Deutsch, Alfred D. (ed.) Journal of William Edmundson [1 of 2 copies, different editions] Biography – Quaker 1974 Prinit Press
Edmundson, William & Deutsch, Alfred D. (ed.) Journal of William Edmundson 1627-1712 [1 of 2 copies, different editions] Quaker Journals & Writings 1968 Phila. Yearly Mtg.
Edwards, Deanna Grieving: the pain and the promise Illness, Death & Loss 1990 Covenant Communications
Edwards, Tilden Living in the presence: spiritual exercises to open your life to the awareness of God Devotional Works – General 1995 HarperCollins
Ehrhart, W.D. Going back: a poet who was once a Marine returns to Vietnam [pamphlet #272] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1987 Pendle Hill
Ehrman, Bard D. How Jesus became God: the exaltation of a Jewish preacher from Galilee Life of Jesus 2014 HarperOne
Eichenberg, Fritz Art and faith [pamphlet #68] Fiction & Poetry 1952 Pendle Hill
Eichenberg, Fritz Artist on the witness stand [pamphlet #257] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1984 Pendle Hill
Eichrodt, Walther & Quin, Cosslett (trans.) Ezekiel: a commentary Biblical Reference 1970 Westminster Press
Elam, Jennifer Dancing with God through the storm: mysticism and mental illness Illness, Death & Loss 2002 Way Opens Press
Elliot, Jeffrey & Riki, Mira & Abileah, Joseph Voices for a Middle East confederation: two interviews [pamphlet] International Peace & Justice 1977 Soc. for Middle East Confed.
Elliott, Errol T. Friends United Meeting: the power to become Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1975 Friends United Press
Elliott, Errol T. Life unfolding Biography – Quaker 1975 Prinit Press
Elliott, Errol T. Quaker profiles from the American West Quakers in the U.S. 1972 Friends United Mtg.
Elliott, Errol T. Quakers on the American frontier: a history of westward migrations, settlements, and developments of Friends on the American continent Quakers in the U.S. 1969 Friends United Press
Elliott, Rosemary M. Workings of Jesus Christ in the life of R.M.E Quakers in the World 1979 Wider Quaker Fellowship
Ellison, John W. (comp.) Nelson’s complete concordance of the RSV Bible Biblical Reference 1957 Thomas Nelson
Ellwood, Gracia Fay Batter my heart [pamphlet #282] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1988 Pendle Hill
Ellwood, Thomas Sacred history: or the historical part of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments…complete in two volumes (vol. 1) [reference] Quaker Journals & Writings 1853 Enoch & Emily M. Harris
Elphinstone, Margaret Voyageurs: a novel Fiction & Poetry 2003 Canongate U.S.
Emerson, Elizabeth H. Garnered sheaves, {The} Fiction & Poetry 1948 Longmans, Green & Co.
Emerson, Elizabeth H. Good crop, {The} Fiction & Poetry 1946 Longmans, Green & Co.
Emerson, Elizabeth H. Walter C. Woodward: Friend of the frontier Biography – Quaker 1952
Emerson, Elizabeth H. & Hunt, Gladys May Life of George Fox, {The}: in story and scene George Fox 1924 Tercentenary Committee
Emery, Ann American Friend: Herbert Hoover Biography – Quaker 1967 Rand McNally
Epp, Edgar Law breaking and peace making Peaceful Lifestyles / Simplicity 1982 Argenta Friends Press
Eppler, Karen & Apsey, Lawrence S. & Bristol, James E. Transforming power for peace Pacifism & Nonviolence 1991 Friends General Conf. & AVP
Epstein, Isidore Judaism: a historical presentation World Religions 1959 Penguin
Ernst, Van Intervisitation: travel under religious concern; Quaker heritage and present need [pamphlet] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1980 FWCC
Eugene Friends Meeting Peace talks: the conscientious objector [DVD, 25 min.] Audiovisual 2003 Eugene Friends Mtg.
Evans, Thomas (ed.) & Evans, William (ed.) Friends Library, {The} [14 vols.]: comprising journals, doctrinal treatises, and other writings of members of the religious Society of Friends [reference] Quaker Journals & Writings 1837-1850 J. Rakestraw
Evans, William (ed.) & Evans, Thomas (ed.) Friends Library, {The} [14 vols.]: comprising journals, doctrinal treatises, and other writings of members of the religious Society of Friends [reference] Quaker Journals & Writings 1837-1850 J. Rakestraw
Evans, William Bacon & Brinton, Anna Cox Wit and wisdom of William Bacon Evans, {The} [pamphlet #146] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1966 Pendle Hill
Everett, Michael (ed.) Poetry house, {The} Fiction & Poetry 1938 Poetry House
Every, Dale Van Disinherited: the lost birthright of the American Indian Race 1966 William Morrow
F. Cayley-Robinson (illus.) & Hodgkin, Lucy Violet Book of Quaker saints, {A} Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1922 Macmillan
Fager, Chuck Bible, The Church, and the future of Friends, {The} Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1996 Pendle Hill
Fager, Chuck Respondent spark, {A}: the basics of Bible study Biblical Reference 1984 Kimo Press
Fager, Chuck Without apology: the heroes, the heritage and the hope of liberal Quakerism [2 copies] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1996 Kimo Press
Fager, Chuck & Helpsmeet, Mark Judkins (interviewer) Chuck Fager (Quaker House): interviewed on 1/1/2006 [CD] Audiovisual 2006 Northern Spirit Radio
Fager, Chuck & Webster, Leslie (cartoonist) Quakers are funny!: a new collection of Quaker humor Fiction & Poetry 1987 Kimo Press
Fager, Chuck (contrib.) & Dandelion, Ben Pink (ed.) & various God the Trickster?: eleven essays Devotional Works – Quaker 2001 Quaker Books
Fager, Chuck (ed.) Angels of progress: a documentary history of the Progressive Friends: radical Quakers in a turbulent America Quakerism – History & Beliefs 2014 Kimo Press
Fager, Chuck, et al. Friends and the Vietnam war: papers and presentations from a Pendle Hill conference Pacifism & Nonviolence 1998 Pendle Hill
Family Life Subcommittee Living with oneself and others: working papers on aspects of family life [1 of 2 copies] Parenting & Family Issues 1985 New England Yearly Mtg.
Family Relations Committee Quaker marriage, {A} [1 of 2 copies] Parenting & Family Issues 1981 Phila. Yearly Mtg.
Family Relations Committee Quaker marriage, {A} [revised] [1 of 2 copies] Quaker Faith & Practice 1988 Phila. Yearly Mtg.
Family Relations Committee Resource guide, {A}: to be used by a same-sex couple and their Monthly Meeting’s Committee on Clearness in the event of their request for a celebration of commitment or marriage [pamphlet] [1 of 4 copies] Parenting & Family Issues 1988 Phila. Yearly Mtg.
Family Relations Committee Resource guide, {A}: to be used by a same-sex couple and their Monthly Meeting’s Committee on Clearness in the event of their request for a celebration of commitment or marriage [pamphlet] [3 of 4 copies] Sexuality 1988 Phila. Yearly Mtg.
Farb, Peter Land, wildlife and peoples of the Bible, {The} Biblical Reference 1967 Harper & Row
Fardelmann, Charlotte Lyman Nudged by the Spirit: stories of people responding to the still, small voice of God Devotional Works – Quaker 2001 Pendle Hill
Fardelmann, Charlotte Lyman Sink down to the seed [pamphlet #283] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1989 Pendle Hill
Faricy, Robert L. & Foster, Richard J. & Weaver, Myron W. Prayer [theme of issue in QRT 20:1, Summer 1983] Quaker Religious Thought 1983 QTDG
Farnham, Suzanne G. (ed.) Listening hearts: discerning call in community Personal Growth 1991 Morehouse Publishing
Farrington, Debra K. Hearing with the heart: a gentle guide to discerning God’s will for your life Personal Growth 2003 Jossey Bass (Wiley)
FCNL At the crossroads: disarmament or re-nuclearization [pamphlet] International Peace & Justice 2004 FCNL
FCNL If war is not the answer, what is? : peaceful prevention of deadly conflict [pamphlet] International Peace & Justice 2004 FCNL
FCWTC War tax concerns: resources for study [pamphlet] [1 of 2 copies] International Peace & Justice 1986 FCWTC
FCWTC War tax concerns: resources for study [pamphlet] [1 of 2 copies] Tax Resistance & Military Draft 1986 FCWTC
Feagins, Mary E.B. (trans.) & Halle, Anna Sabine Thoughts are free: a Quaker youth group in Nazi Germany [pamphlet #265] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1985 Pendle Hill
Fell, Margaret Women’s speaking [2 copies?] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1980 Mother Book
Fell, Margaret & Glines, Elsa F. (ed.) & Moore, Rosemary (foreword) Undaunted zeal: the letters of Margaret Fell Quaker Journals & Writings 2003 Friends United Press
Fell, Margaret & Wallace, T.H.S. (ed.) Sincere and constant love, {A}: An introduction to the work of Margaret Fell Quaker Journals & Writings 2009 Friends United Press
Fendall, Lon New roles for the U.N.: problems and opportunities in Haiti [in QRT 27:1, Sept. 1994] Quaker Religious Thought 1994 QTDG
Fendall, Lon & Niyonzima, David & Rawson, David (foreword) Unlocking horns: forgiveness and reconciliation in Burundi International Peace & Justice 2001 Barclay Press
Fenelon, Francois, et al. Guide to true peace, {A} [2 copies?] Devotional Works – Quaker 1946 Pendle Hill
Fessenden, Nicholas B. & Mallonee, Barbara C. & Bonny, Jane Karkalits Minute by minute: a history of the Baltimore Monthly Meetings of Friends Homewood and Stony Run Quakers in the U.S. 1992 Baltimore Monthly Mtgs
Filson, Floyd Vivian & Wright, George Ernest Westminster historical atlas to the Bible, {The} Biblical Reference 1956 Westminster
Finn, Charles C. John Yungblut: passing the mystical torch [pamphlet #417] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 2012 Pendle Hill
Fisher, Dorothy Canfield (intro.) & Broomell, Anna Pettit (ed.) Friendly story caravan, {The} Fiction & Poetry 1935, 1962 Pendle Hill
Fisher, Dorothy Canfield (intro.) & Poley, Irvin C. & Poley, Ruth Verlenden Friendly anecdotes Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1950 Harper & Brothers
Fisher, Neal F. Parables of Jesus: glimpses of the new age Theology 1979 United Methodist Church
Fisher, Roger & Ury, William Getting to yes: negotiating agreement without giving in Personal Growth 1981 Houghton Mifflin
Fitzmyer, Joseph A. (ed.) & Brown, Raymond E. (ed.) & Murphy, Roland E. (ed.) Jerome Biblical commentary, {The} [vol. 1 & 2 in one binding] Biblical Reference 1968 Prentice-Hall
Five Years Meeting Friends worship in a pastoral Meeting [pamphlet] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1960 Five Years Mtg.
Five Years Meeting Practicing Friends’ peace principles [pamphlet] Quaker Faith & Practice 1960 Five Years Mtg.
Flanagan, Eileen Listen with your heart: seeking the sacred in romantic love Parenting & Family Issues 1998 Warner Books
Fleming, D.F. Does deterrence deter? International Peace & Justice 1962 AFSC
Flower, Ruth Conversations on Capitol Hill International Peace & Justice 1995 Wider Quaker Fellowship
Fluegelman, Andrew New games book, {The} Peaceful Lifestyles / Simplicity 1976 Headlands Press
Fogelklou, Emilia & Lutz, Howard T. (ed.) Reality and radiance: selected autobiographical works of Emilia Fogelklou Biography – Quaker 1985 Friends United Press
Forbes, John Quaker star under seven flags, {The} Quakers in the World 1962 Univ. of Pennsylvania
Forbush, Bliss Introducing Elias Hicks [pamphlet] Biography – Quaker 1984 FGC
Forbush, Bliss Toward understanding Jesus Life of Jesus 1946 Friends General Conf.
Ford, Francis (interviewer) & Lovestar, Jim & Phillips, Jack Vetspeak: the voices of Minnesota veterans from WWII through the war in Iraq [DVD, 2 discs] [2 copies] Audiovisual 2007 War Plays Project
Forliti, John E. Toward the common good [on title page: “Everyone is called to serve the city…”] [pamphlet] Justice, Crime & Social Issues 1997 St. Olaf Catholic Church / John E. Forliti
Forsstrom, Roy (ed.) & Minneapolis Friends Meeting Friendly voices, vol. 2 [2 of 4 copies] Fiction & Poetry 1993 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Forsstrom, Roy (ed.) & Minneapolis Friends Meeting Friendly voices, vol. 2 [2 of 4 copies] Minneapolis Friends Meeting 1993 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Forsstrom, Roy, et al. Mpls. Friends Mtg. 9/13/92: Building dedication ceremony [audiocassette] [2 copies] Audiovisual 1995 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Fosdick, Harry Emerson (ed.) & Jones, Rufus M. Rufus Jones speaks to our time [2 copies, date varies] Rufus Jones 1952 Macmillan & Bannisdale Press
Foster, Richard J. Celebration of discipline [1 of 4 copies] Quaker Faith & Practice 1978 Harper & Row
Foster, Richard J. Celebration of discipline [3 of 4 copies] Devotional Works – Quaker 1978 Harper & Row
Foster, Richard J. Freedom of simplicity Peaceful Lifestyles / Simplicity 1989 Harper
Foster, Richard J. Prayer: finding the heart’s true home Devotional Works – Quaker 1992 HarperSanFrancisco
Foster, Richard J. Study guide to “Celebration of discipline” Devotional works – Quaker 1983 Harper & Row
Foster, Richard J. & Weaver, Myron W. & Faricy, Robert L. Prayer [theme of issue in QRT 20:1, Summer 1983] Quaker Religious Thought 1983 QTDG
Fothergill, Samuel & Crosfield, George (ed.) Memoirs of the life and gospel labours of Samuel Fothergill…[reference] Quaker Journals & Writings 1844 Collins, Brother & Co.
Foulds, Elfrida Vipont Bed in hell Fiction & Poetry 1974 St. Martins Press
Foulds, Elfrida Vipont Candle of the Lord, {The} [pamphlet #248] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1983 Pendle Hill
Foulds, Elfrida Vipont Faith to live by, {A} [2 copies] Biography – Quaker 1962 Friends General Conf.
Foulds, Elfrida Vipont Lily among the thorns, {A} Biography – Quaker 1950 Quaker Home Service
Foulds, Elfrida Vipont Mount Street 1830-1930 Quakers in the World 1930 Mount Street
Foulds, Elfrida Vipont Mpls. Friends Mtg. 4/17/77: Semi-programmed worship [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1977 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Foulds, Elfrida Vipont Mpls. Friends Mtg. 4/77: Prayer as a place [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1977 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Foulds, Elfrida Vipont Mpls. Friends Mtg. 4/77: The 1652 country (slide show, short version) [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1977 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Foulds, Elfrida Vipont Quaker search for a faith to live by, {The}: the 1977 Tyler Anderson memorial lecture [audiocassette] Devotional Works – Quaker 1977 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Foulds, Elfrida Vipont Quaker search for a faith to live by, {The}: the 1977 Tyler Anderson memorial lecture [pamphlet] [10 of 16 copies] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1977 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Foulds, Elfrida Vipont Quaker search for a faith to live by, {The}: the 1977 Tyler Anderson memorial lecture [pamphlet] [6 of 16 copies] Devotional Works – Quaker 1977 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Foulds, Elfrida Vipont Quaker witness, {The}: yesterday and today Devotional Works – Quaker 1955 Five Years Mtg.
Foulds, Elfrida Vipont Sparks among the stubble Biography – Quaker 1971 Friends Home Service
Foulds, Elfrida Vipont Story of Quakerism, {The}: 1652-1952 Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1954 Bannisdale Press
Foundation for Inner Peace Course in miracles, {A}: (vol. 1) text Devotional Works – General 1975 Foundation for Inner Peace
Foundation for Inner Peace Course in miracles, {A}: (vol. 2) workbook for students Devotional Works – General 1975 Foundation for Inner Peace
Foundation for Inner Peace Course in miracles, {A}: (vol. 3) manual for teachers Devotional Works – General 1975 Foundation for Inner Peace
Foundation for Inner Peace Course in miracles, {A}: combined volume [I: text; II: workbook for students; III: manual for teachers] Devotional Works – General 1975, 1985 Foundation for Inner Peace
Fowler, Albert Two trends in modern Quaker thought: a statement of belief [pamphlet #112] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1961 Pendle Hill
Fox, George Journal, {A}: or historical account… of George Fox (vol. 1 of 2) [reference] George Fox 1808 Kite / Fry & Kammerer
Fox, George Journal, {A}: or historical account… of George Fox (vol. 2 of 2) [reference] George Fox 1808 Kite / Fry & Kammerer
Fox, George Passages from the life and writings of George Fox: taken from his journal [reference] George Fox 1881 Friends’ Book-Store
Fox, George Works of George Fox, {The}, vol. 2, The Journal, vol. 2 George Fox 1990 New Foundation
Fox, George Works of George Fox, {The}, vol. 5, The Doctrinals vol. 2 George Fox 1990 New Foundation
Fox, George Works of George Fox, {The}, vol. 6, The Doctrinals vol. 3 George Fox 1975 AMS Press
Fox, George Works of George Fox, {The}, vol. 6, The Doctrinals vol. 3 George Fox 1990 New Foundation
Fox, George Works of George Fox, {The}, vol.8, The Epistles vol. 2 George Fox 1990 New Foundation
Fox, George & Beck, Arthur (intro) Works of George Fox, {The}, vol. 4, The Doctrinals vol. 1 George Fox 1990 New Foundation
Fox, George & Cadbury, Henry J. (ed.) George Fox’s Book of Miracles George Fox 1973 Octagon
Fox, George & Cadbury, Henry J. (ed.) Narrative papers of George Fox George Fox 1972 Friends United Press
Fox, George & Hein, Ellis (intro) Works of George Fox, {The}, vol. 3, The great mystery of the great whore unfolded George Fox 1990 New Foundation
Fox, George & Jones, Rufus M. (ed.) Journal of George Fox George Fox 1963 Capricorn
Fox, George & Jones, Rufus M. (ed.) & Cadbury, Henry J. (essay) Journal of George Fox [2 copies] George Fox 1976 Friends United Press
Fox, George & Jones, T. Canby (ed.) Power of the Lord is over all, {The}: the pastoral letters of George Fox George Fox 1989 Friends United Press
Fox, George & Nickalls, John L. (ed.) Early prophetic openings of George Fox [8 copies?, varying dates] George Fox 1962, 1986 Tract Assoc. of Friends
Fox, George & Nickalls, John L. (ed.) Journal of George Fox [2 copies] George Fox 1975 London Yearly Mtg.
Fox, George & Skinner, Max (ed.) & Stillwell, Gardiner (ed.) That thy candles may always be burning: nine pastoral sermons of George Fox George Fox 2001 New Foundation Pubs.
Fox, George & Smith, Nigel (ed.) Journal, {The} [paperback] George Fox 1998 Penguin Books
Fox, George & Tuke, Samuel (ed.) Selections from the epistles of George Fox [3 copies] George Fox 1979 Friends United Press
Fox, George & Wallace, T.H.S. (ed.) QuakerPsalms: a book of devotions Devotional Works – Quaker 2002 George Fox Fund
Fox, George & Wallace, T.H.S. (ed.) & Gwyn, Douglas (intro) Works of George Fox, {The}, vol. 1, The Journal, vol. 1 George Fox 1990 New Foundation
Fox, George & Windsor, Arthur (intro) Works of George Fox, {The}, vol.7, The Epistles vol. 1 George Fox 1990 New Foundation
Fox, Hubert (ed.) Marion Fox, Quaker: a selection of her letters Quaker Journals & Writings 1951 Allen & Unwin
Fox, Matthew (foreword) & Macy, Joanna & Brown, Molly Young Coming back to life: practices to reconnect our lives, our world Personal Growth 1998 New Society Publishers
Fox, Matthew (foreword) & Punshon, John Encounter with silence: reflections from the Quaker tradition Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1987 Friends United Press / Quaker Home Service
Frank, Mary (illus.) & Williams, Terry Tempest Open space of democracy, {The} International Peace & Justice 2004 Orion Society
Free, Ann Coltrell Animals, nature, and Albert Schweitzer Unity with Nature 1988 Flying Fox Press
Freiday, Dean Atonement in historical perspective [in QRT 21:4, Spring 1986] Quaker Religious Thought 1986 QTDG
Freiday, Dean Early Quakers and the doctrine of authority, {The} [in QRT 15:1, Autumn 1973] [2 copies] Quaker Religious Thought 1973 QTDG
Freiday, Dean Speaking as a Friend: essays interpreting our Christian faith Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1995 Barclay Press
Freiday, Dean & Jones, T. Canby & Yoder, John H. Quakers and ecumenism [theme of issue, QRT 10:1, Summer 1968] Quaker Religious Thought 1968 QTDG
Freiday, Dean (ed.) & Barclay, Robert Barclay’s apology in modern English [2 copies] Theology 1967,1991 Barclay Press
French, R.M. (trans.) Way of a pilgrim, {The}, & The pilgrim continues his way [translated from the Russian] Devotional Works – General 1952 Harper & Brothers
Freudberg, David (prod.) Living silence, {A}: an introduction to Quaker history and philosophy [CD, 59 min.] [Includes interviews with prominent Quakers.] Audiovisual 1981 Human Media / NPR
Friedman, Maurice S. Covenant of peace, {The}: a personal witness [pamphlet #110] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1960 Pendle Hill
Friedman, Maurice S. Religion and psychology: the limits of the psyche as a touchstone of reality [in QRT 12:1, Winter 1970] Quaker Religious Thought 1970 QTDG
Friends General Conference Dealing with difficult behavior in meeting for worship: meeting the needs of the many while responding to the needs of the few [pamphlet] [previously published as The Wounded Meeting] Quaker Faith & Practice 2002 Friends General Conf.
Friends General Conference Simple life, {The}: attaining the joy of unencumbered living [pamphlet] Peaceful Lifestyles / Simplicity 1973 Friends General Conf.
Friends General Conference Worship in song: a Friends hymnal Devotional Works – Quaker 1996 Friends General Conf.
Friends General Conference Wounded meeting [pamphlet] [2 copies] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1993 Friends General Conf.
Friends General Conference & Wilkinson, Signe (cartoonist) Quaker way, {The} [revised ed.] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1998 Friends General Conf.
Friends Historical Association Quaker history [semi-annual periodical, 1969(Spring) – 1974(Autumn); 1990(Fall) – 1997(Spring)]; 2003(Spring) Quakerism – History & Beliefs varies Friends Historical Assoc.
Friends Home Service Towards a Quaker view of sex [revised ed., 1976 reprint, pamphlet] [1 of 2 copies] Parenting & Family Issues 1964 Friends Home Service
Friends Home Service Towards a Quaker view of sex [revised ed., 1976 reprint, pamphlet] [1 of 2 copies] Sexuality 1964 Friends Home Service
Friends United Meeting Foundations for membership in a Friends Meeting [pamphlet] [1 of 2 copies] Quaker Faith & Practice 1967 Friends United Mtg.
Friends United Meeting Foundations for membership in a Friends Meeting [pamphlet] [1 of 2 copies] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1967 Friends United Mtg.
Friesen, Lynette After goodbye: a daughter’s story of grief and promise Illness, Death & Loss 2005 Sorin Books
Fromm, Erich Art of loving, {The}: an enquiry into the nature of love Personal Growth 1956 Harper & Bros.
Fromm, Erich War within man [ “Beyond deterrence” series] [pamphlet] International Peace & Justice 1963 AFSC
Frost, William Our deeds carry our message International Peace & Justice 1992 Friends Historical Assoc.
Fry, A. Ruth Quaker adventure, {A} Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1926 Nisbet
Fuchs, Emil Christ in catastrophe [on cover: “an inward record by Emil Fuchs who found serenity through suffering”] [pamphlet #49] [2 copies] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1949 Pendle Hill
Funk, Robert W. Honest to Jesus: Jesus for a new millennium Life of Jesus 1996 HarperSanFrancisco
Furly, Benjamin (trans.) & Balling, Peter Light upon the candlestick, {The}: an early expression of Quaker Universalism [pamphlet] Quaker Journals & Writings 1992 Quaker Universalist Fellowship
FWCC Digging deeper [pamphlet] International Peace & Justice 1985 FWCC
FWCC Finding Friends around the world [2 copies] Quakers in the World 1982 FWCC
FWCC FWCC 1996 Friends Directory [reference] Quakers in the World 1996 FWCC
FWCC Handbook of the Religious Society of Friends Quaker Faith & Practice 1952 FWCC
FWCC No time but this present [1 of 3 copies] Devotional Works – Quaker 1965 FWCC
FWCC No time but this present [2 of 3 copies] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1965 FWCC
FWCC Report on crime and treatment of offenders [2 copies] Justice, Crime & Social Issues 1959 FWCC
FWCC Seek find share: study vol. #2 preparatory to the Fourth World Conference of Friends 1967 International Peace & Justice 1967 FWCC
FWCC Vocation of Friends in the modern world [3 copies] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1952 FWCC
FWCC Vocation of Friends in the modern world, {The}: practical implications of our faith: fourth study booklet [pamphlet] Quakers in the World 1953 FWCC
Gaebe, Helen Survivor’s manual, {The}: a guide to simplifying for the very poor and the very rich Peaceful Lifestyles / Simplicity 1996 Helen Gaebe
Gaevernitz, G. Von Schulze Democracy and religion Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1930 G. Allen & Unwin
Gaffney, W. & Nouwen, Henri Aging Illness, Death & Loss 1971 Image Books / Doubleday
Gallery, John Andrew Reflections from a prayer vigil for peace [pamphlet #358] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 2001 Pendle Hill
Gandy, Michael (ed.) & Besse, Joseph Sufferings of early Quakers in Yorkshire, 1652 to 1690: facsimile of part of the 1753 edition by Joseph Besse] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1998 Sessions Book Trust
Ganzel, Bill (prod.) & Duvall, Jed (host) & White, Joe (participant) Matter of conscience, {A} [videocassette, 58 min.] Audiovisual 1993 Nebraska ETV
Gardiner, A.G. (Alfred George) Life of George Cadbury, {The} Biography – Quaker 1923 Cassell & Co.
Garman, Mary (ed.) & various Hidden in plain sight: Quaker women’s writings 1650-1700 [2 copies] Quaker Journals & Writings 1996 Pendle Hill
Garver, Newton & Reitan, Eric Nonviolence and community: reflections on the Alternatives to Violence Project [pamphlet #322] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1995 Pendle Hill
Gateley, Edwina Warm moist salty God, {A}: women journeying towards wisdom Theology 1993 Source Books
Gates, Liz & Gates, Tom Stories from Kenya [pamphlet #319] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1995 Pendle Hill
Gates, Thomas Members one of another: the dynamics of membership in Quaker meeting [pamphlet #371] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 2004 Pendle Hill
Gates, Tom Opening the scriptures: Bible lessons from the 2005 Annual Gathering of Friends Biblical Reference 2006 Quaker Press of FGC
Gates, Tom & Gates, Liz Stories from Kenya [pamphlet #319] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1995 Pendle Hill
Gay & Lesbian Community Action Council Northstar Project: out and counted: a survey of the Twin Cities Gay & Lesbian Community [pamphlet] Sexuality 1987 Gay & Lesbian Community Action Council
Gee, David Holding faith: creating peace in a violent world Pacifism & Nonviolence 2011 Quaker Books
Gehman, Henry Snyder & Davis, John D. Westminster dictionary of the Bible, {The} Biblical Reference 1944 Westminster
Gerloff, Roswith & Davidson, Carlisle G. & Cooper, Wilmer A. Ministries of the holy spirit [theme of issue in QRT 16:3, Summer 1975] Quaker Religious Thought 1975 QTDG
Gerson, Joseph (ed.) & AFSC & Birchard, Bruce (ed.) Sun never sets, {The}: confronting the network of U.S. military bases International Peace & Justice 1991 South End Press
Gerson, Joseph (ed.) & AFSC & Gumbleton, Bishop Thomas J. (foreword) Deadly connection, {The}: nuclear war and U.S. intervention International Peace & Justice 1986 New Society Publishers
Gibas, Allen & Coffin, Gordon & Lundquist, Dan Mpls. Friends Mtg. 11/11/90: adult forum on conscientious objection and war tax resistance [videocassette] Audiovisual 1990 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Gibas, Allen (interviewee) & Naylor, Sophia & Watson, George (interviewee) Minnesota Semi-Starvation Study, {The}: taking a stand for nonviolence and hunger relief [DVD, 10 min.] Minneapolis Friends Meeting 2006 National History Day in MN
Gibas, Barbara (illus.) & Gibas, Grace Contragate: the tip of the iceberg [pamphlet] International Peace & Justice 1987 Circulating Pines
Gibas, Grace Assassination of John F. Kennedy, {The}: who did it and why? [pamphlet] [2 copies] Justice, Crime & Social Issues 1992 Circulating Pines
Gibas, Grace George Bush: ‘honest and truthful?’ [pamphlet] Minneapolis Friends Meeting 1992 Circulating Pines
Gibas, Grace Nuclear power? [pamphlet] [2 copies] Peaceful Lifestyles / Simplicity 1978 Circulating Pines
Gibas, Grace & Gibas, Barbara (illus.) Contragate: the tip of the iceberg [pamphlet] International Peace & Justice 1987 Circulating Pines
Gibb, H.A.R. Mohammedanism: an historical survey World Religions 1949 New Am. Library
Gibbins, Margaret S. Prayer and worship [pamphlet] [3 copies, publisher varies] Devotional Works – Quaker 1977 Friends Home Service / FWCC
Gibbins, Margaret S. Sigrid Lund: portrait of a Friend Biography – Quaker 1980 FWCC
Gibran, Kahlil Prophet, {The} [2 copies, date varies] Devotional Works – General 1950, 1972 Alfred A. Knopf
Gibran, Khalil Spirits rebellious World Religions 1947 Philosophical
Gilbert, George Holley Student’s life of Paul, {The} Life of Paul 1899 Macmillan
Gillman, Harvey Minority of one, {A}: a journey with Friends Personal Growth 1988 Quaker Home Service
Gillman, Harvey New models, new relationships Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1994 Quaker Resources for Learning
Gillman, Harvey Spiritual hospitality: a Quaker’s understanding of outreach [pamphlet # 314] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1994 Pendle Hill
Giono, Jean & McCurdy, Michael (illus.) Man who planted trees, {The} Peaceful Lifestyles / Simplicity 1985 Chelsea Green Publishers
Glines, Elsa F. (ed.) & Fell, Margaret & Moore, Rosemary (foreword) Undaunted zeal: the letters of Margaret Fell Quaker Journals & Writings 2003 Friends United Press
Glover, T.R. Nature and purpose of a Christian Society, {The} Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1917 Headley Bros.
Goddard, Harold Clarke Blake’s fourfold vision [pamphlet #86] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1956 Pendle Hill
Gofman, John W. Irrevy: an irreverent, illustrated view of nuclear power, {An}: a collection of talks from Blunderland to Seabrook IV Peaceful Lifestyles / Simplicity 1979 Committee for Nuclear Responsibility
Goldberger, Peter Options and consequences Peaceful Lifestyles / Simplicity 1986 FCWTC
Goldman, Ari L. Being Jewish: the spiritual and cultural practice of Judaism today World Religions 2000 Simon & Schuster
Goldman, Connie (ed.) & Berman, Phillip L. (ed.) Ageless spirit, {The}: reflections on living life to the fullest in our later years Illness, Death & Loss 1992 Ballantine Books
Goldsmith, Joel S. World is new, {The} Devotional Works – General 1962 G. Allen & Unwin
Goodacre, George & Jones, Patricia (interviewer) Mpls. Friends Mtg., 9/13/87: On Minneapolis Friends Meeting, 1912-1940 [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1987 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Goodspeed, Edgar J. Paul Life of Paul 1947 John C. Winston Co.
Goodspeed, Edgar J. (trans.) & Smith, J.M Powis (trans.) Bible, {The}: an American translation Bibles 1935 Univ. of Chicago
Goodspeed, Edgar J. (trans.) & Smith, J.M Powis (trans.) Complete Bible, {The}: an American translation Bibles 1939 Univ. of Chicago
Goossen, Rachel Waltner Women agains the Good War: conscientious objection and gender on the American home front, 1941-1947 Pacifism & Nonviolence 1997 Univ. of NC Press
Gorbachev, Raisa & Watson, Karen & Watson, Steve Raisa Gorbachev at Karen & Steve Watson’s home, 6/3/90 [videocassette] Audiovisual 1990
Gore, Albert Inconvenient truth, {An}: a global warning [DVD, 96 min.] [in folder with guide to resources] Audiovisual 2006 Paramount
Gorman, George H. Amazing fact of Quaker worship, {The} Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1979 Quaker Home Service
Gould, Lisa Lofland Be ye perfect: the Quaker call to wholeness + Returning to right relationship: where on earth are we? [Annual Walton Lecture] [pamphlet] Unity with Nature 2002 Southeastern Yearly Mtg.
Gould, Lisa Lofland Becoming a friend to the creation: earthcare leaven for Friends and Friends Meetings Unity with Nature 1994 FCUN
Gould, Lisa Lofland Caring for creation: reflections on the Biblical basis of earthcare Unity with Nature 1999 FCUN
Graham, John Remington Constitutional history of the military draft, {A} Tax Resistance & Military Draft 1971 Ross & Haines
Grannell, Andy & Roop, Gene Two seminaries in partnership: Bethany Theological Seminary & Earlham School of Religion [videocassette] Quaker Education ESR / BTS
Graves, Michael P. Robert Barclay and the rhetoric of the Inward Light [in QRT 26:2, March 1993] Quaker Religious Thought 1993 QTDG
Graves, Michael P. Stephen Crisp’s “Short History” as spiritual journey [in QRT 26:3, Nov. 1993] Quaker Religious Thought 1993 QTDG
Grayson, David Adventures in Friendship Biography – General 1910 Grosset & Dunlap
Green, Betty R. (ed.) & Irish, Donald P. (ed.) Death education: preparation for living [2 copies] Illness, Death & Loss 1971 Schenkmann Publishing
Greene, Dana (ed.) & Mott, Lucretia Lucretia Mott: her complete speeches and sermons Quaker Journals & Writings 1980 Edwin Mellen Press
Greenebaum, Steven Interfaith alternative, {The}: embracing spiritual diversity World Religions 2012 New Society Publishers
Greenwood, John Ormerod Henry Hodgkin: the road to Pendle Hill [pamphlet #229] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1980 Pendle Hill
Greenwood, Jon Friends and relief Quakers in the World 1975 William Sessions
Gregg, Howard F. John Bright: called to the Lord’s service [in QRT 24:3, Summer 1990] [2 copies] Quaker Religious Thought 1990 QTDG
Gregg, Richard B. Self-transcendence Theology 1956 Victor Gollancz Ltd.
Gregg, Richard B. & King, Martin Luther, Jr. (foreword) Power of nonviolence, {The} [2nd rev. ed.] Pacifism & Nonviolence 1959 Fellowship Pubns.
Grellet, Stephen & Seebohm, Benjamin (ed.) Memoirs of the life and gospel labors of Stephen Grellet [abridged from English edition] [reference] Biography – Quaker 1870 Book Assoc. of Friends
Grellet, Stephen & Seebohm, Benjamin (ed.) Memoirs of the life and gospel labors of Stephen Grellet: in one volume [reprint of first American edition with changes] [reference] Quaker Journals & Writings Friends’ Book Store
Griffiths, Louise B. Seekers long ago and now Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1965 Friends General Conf.
Grollman, Earl A. & Avishai, Susan (illus.) Talking about death: a dialogue between parent and child Illness, Death & Loss 1990 Beacon Press
Gross, Sandra & Roberts, Jeffrey P. William Penn: visionary and proprietor (an exhibit catalog) Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1983 Atwater Kent Museum
Grubb, Edward Historic and the inward Christ, {The}: a study in Quaker thought Life of Jesus 1914 Headley Bros.
Grubb, Isabel Quakerism and industry before 1800 Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1930 Williams & Norgate
Grubb, Isabel Quakers in Ireland: 1654-1900 Quakers in the World 1927 Swarthmore Press
Grundy, Martha Paxson (ed.) & Cronk, Sandra L. & Palmer, Parker J. (foreword) Lasting gift, {A}: The journal and selected writings of Sandra L. Cronk Quaker Journals & Writings 2009 Quaker Press of FGC
Grundy, Marty (ed.) & Kline, Florence Ruth (ed.) Companions along the way: spiritual formation within the Quaker tradition; a resource for adult religious education Devotional Works – Quaker 2000 Phila. Yearly Mtg.
Guest, William Stephen Grellet Biography – Quaker 1913 Elizabeth P. Smith
Guindon, Wolf & Chornook, Kay Walking with Wolf: reflections on a life spend protecting the Costa Rican wilderness Unity with Nature 2008 Wander Woods Press
Gulley, Philip & Mulholland, James If God is love: rediscovering grace in an ungracious world Devotional Works – Quaker 2004 HarperSanFrancisco
Gumbleton, Bishop Thomas J. (foreword) & Gerson, Joseph (ed.) & AFSC Deadly connection, {The}: nuclear war and U.S. intervention International Peace & Justice 1986 New Society Publishers
Gurney, Joseph John Essays on the evidences, doctrines, and practical operation, of Christianity [reference] Quaker Journals & Writings 1884 Henry Longstreth
Gurney, Joseph John Observations on the distinguishing views and practices of the Society of Friends [reference] Quaker Journals & Writings 1860 Samuel & William Wood
Gwyn, Douglas Apocalypse of the Word: the life and message of George Fox [1 of 3 copies] Theology 1986 Friends United Press
Gwyn, Douglas Apocalypse of the Word: the life and message of George Fox [2 of 3 copies] George Fox 1986 Friends United Press
Gwyn, Douglas Conversation with Christ: Quaker meditations on the gospel of John Devotional Works – Quaker 2011 FGC QuakerPress
Gwyn, Douglas Mpls. Friends Mtg., 4/12/87: War tax concerns (All Friends’ Weekend) [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1987 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Gwyn, Douglas Mpls. Friends Mtg., 4/87: The prophetic faith: then and now (All Friends’ Weekend) [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1987 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Gwyn, Douglas Prophecy’s rise and eclipse [in QRT 23:4, Winter 1988-89 ] Quaker Religious Thought 1989 QTDG
Gwyn, Douglas Unmasking the idols Devotional Works – Quaker 1989 Friends United Press
Gwyn, Douglas & Chase, Steve (foreword) Sustainable life, {A}: Quaker faith and practice in the renewal of creation Peaceful Lifestyles / Simplicity 2014 FGC
Gwyn, Douglas & Drayton, Brian (intro) Revolutionary Quaker witness: learning from the Lamb’s War of the 1650s [pamphlet] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 2009 Beacon Hill Friends House
Gwyn, Douglas & Marietta, Jack D. & Cooper, Wilmer A. Facing sin and evil [theme of issue in QRT 22:4, Fall 1987] Quaker Religious Thought 1987 QTDG
Gwyn, Douglas & Richmond, Ben Hope and despair, part 2 [theme of issue in QRT 20:4, Winter 1984] [2 copies] Quaker Religious Thought 1984 QTDG
Gwyn, Douglas (intro) & Fox, George & Wallace, T.H.S. (ed.) Works of George Fox, {The}, vol. 1, The Journal, vol. 1 George Fox 1990 New Foundation
Gwyn, Douglas, et al. Declaration on peace, {A}: in God’s people the world’s renewal has begun Pacifism & Nonviolence 1991 Herald Press
Hadley, Martha E. Alaskan diary of a pioneer Quaker missionary Biography – Quaker 1969 Loren S. Hadley
Hadley, Norval (ed.) New call to peacemaking: a challenge to all Friends Pacifism & Nonviolence 1976 FWCC
Haight, Deborah E. Meeting [pamphlet #26] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1987 Argenta Friends Press
Haley, Alex (ed.) Autobiography of Malcolm X, {The} Biography – General 1965 Ballantine
Hall, Douglas John Imaging God: dominion as stewardship Theology 1986 Eerdmans
Hall, Francis B. Quaker worship in North America [1 of 2 copies] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1979 Friends United Mtg.
Hall, Francis B. Quaker worship in North America [1 of 2 copies] Quakers in the U.S. 1979 Friends United Mtg.
Hall, Francis B. Thought of Robert Barclay, {The}: an evaluation [in QRT 7:1, Spring 1965] Quaker Religious Thought 1965 QTDG
Hall, Francis B. & Alexander, Horace (ed.) & Cooper, Wilmer A. Practical spirituality: selected writings of Francis B. Hall Quaker Journals & Writings 1984 Estate of F.B. Hall
Hall, Francis B. (ed.) Friends in the Americas [1 of 3 copies] Quakers in the U.S. 1976 FWCC
Hall, Francis B. (ed.) Friends in the Americas [2 of 3 copies] Quakers in the World 1976 FWCC
Hall, Shirley W. & Root, Robert Struggle of decency: religion and race in modern America Race 1965 Friendship Press
Hall, Willis H. Quaker international work in Europe since 1914 Quakers in the World 1938 Imprimeries Reunies
Halle, Anna Sabine & Feagins, Mary E.B. (trans.) Thoughts are free: a Quaker youth group in Nazi Germany [pamphlet #265] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1985 Pendle Hill
Halliday, Robert Mind the oneness Quaker Faith & Practice 1991 Quaker Home Service
Hamm, Thomas D. Quakers in America, {The} [2 copies] Quakers in the U.S. 2003 Columbia Univ. Press
Hamm, Thomas D. Transformation of the American Quaker narrative style, 1850-1910, {The} [in QRT 26:3, Nov. 1993] Quaker Religious Thought 1993 QTDG
Hancock, Thomas & Miller, Naomi Churgin (intro.) Principles of peace, {The}: exemplified in the conduct of the Society of Friends in Ireland, during the rebellion of the year 1798 Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1974 Garland Publishing
Hanh, Thich Hanh Creating true peace: ending violence in yourself, your family, your community, and the world Devotional Works – General 2003 Free Press
Hanh, Thich Hanh & Kingsley, Ben (narr.) & Maida, Gaetano Kazuo (dir.) Peace is every step: meditation action: the life and work of Thich Nhat Hanh [videocassette, 52 min.] Audiovisual 1997 Mystic Fire Video
Hansell, Norris Josiah White: Quaker entrepreneur Biography – Quaker 1992 Canal History & Technology Press
Harkness, Georgia Ministry of reconciliation International Peace & Justice 1971 Abingdon
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Hollyday, Joyce & Welsh, Anne Morrison Held in the Light: Norman Morrison’s sacrifice for peace and his family’s journey of healing Pacifism & Nonviolence 2008 Orbis Books
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Hunter, Archibald M. Work and words of Jesus, {The} Life of Jesus 1950 Westminster
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Ives, Kenneth Staffing for growth Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1987 Progressive Publisher
Jacob, Caroline N. Builders of the Quaker road, 1652-1952 Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1953 H. Regnery Co.
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Jones, Rufus M. Later periods of Quakerism, vol. 2, {The} Rufus Jones 1921 Macmillan
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Jones, Rufus M. Luminous trail, {The} Rufus Jones 1947 Macmillan
Jones, Rufus M. New quest, {The} Rufus Jones 1928 Macmillan
Jones, Rufus M. New studies in mystical religion Rufus Jones 1927 Macmillan
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Jones, Rufus M. Radiant life, {The} Rufus Jones 1946 Macmillan
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Jones, Rufus M. (foreword) & Curtis, Anna I. Stories of the Underground Railroad Race 1941 Island Workshop
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Jones, T. Canby Biblical basis of conscientious objection, {The} [2 copies] [pamphlet] [Pacifism & Nonviolence?] Unknown 1970 AFSC & New Call to Peacemaking
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Jones, T. Canby George Fox’s attitude toward war Peaceful Lifestyles / Simplicity 1972 Friends United Press
Jones, T. Canby Thomas R. Kelly as I remember him [pamphlet #284 ] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1989 Pendle Hill
Jones, T. Canby Worship as experienced [in QRT 15:2, Winter 1973-74] Quaker Religious Thought 1974 QTDG
Jones, T. Canby & Cooper, Wilmer A. (foreword) & Barbour, Hugh S. Three M’s of Quakerism, {The}: meeting, message, mission (Tenth Anniversary Lectures) Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1971 Earlham School of Religion
Jones, T. Canby & Freiday, Dean & Yoder, John H. Quakers and ecumenism [theme of issue, QRT 10:1, Summer 1968] Quaker Religious Thought 1968 QTDG
Jones, T. Canby & Macy, Howard R. & Benson, Lewis Christ as prophet: studies in the basis for Christian obedience [theme of issue in QRT 16:1-2, Winter 1974-75] Quaker Religious Thought 1975 QTDG
Jones, T. Canby (ed.) & Fox, George Power of the Lord is over all, {The}: the pastoral letters of George Fox George Fox 1989 Friends United Press
Jones, Thomas E. Light on the horizon Quaker Journals & Writings 1973 Friends United Press
Jongewaard, Steve Mpls. Friends Mtg. 5/84: On work, discipline and spirituality [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1984 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Jordan, Clarence Cotton patch version of Paul’s epistles Life of Paul 1968 Koinonia / Association Press
Jordan, Clarence & Doulos, Bill Lane Cotton patch parables of liberation Theology 1976 Herald Press
Jorns, Auguste & Brown, Thomas Kite (trans.) Quakers as pioneers in social work, {The} Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1931 Macmillan
Joy, Leonard How does societal transformation happen?: values, development, collective wisdom, and decision making for the common good International Peace & Justice 2011 Quaker Institute for the Future
Judkins, Mark Lifestyles I have known Peaceful Lifestyles / Simplicity 1982 Northern Yearly Mtg.
Judson, Stephanie Manual on nonviolence and children [2 copies] Peaceful Lifestyles / Simplicity 1977 Phila. Yearly Mtg.
Judson, Sylvia Shaw Quiet eye, {The}: a way of looking at pictures Fiction & Poetry 1954 H. Regnery Co.
Julye, Vanessa Seed cracked open, {The}: growing beyond racism [pamphlet] Race 2006 Quaker Press of FGC
Julye, Vanessa & McDaniel, Donna Fit for freedom, not for friendship: Quakers, African Americans, and the myth of racial justice [1 of 2 copies] Quakers in the U.S. 2009 Quaker Press
Julye, Vanessa & McDaniel, Donna Fit for freedom, not for friendship: Quakers, African Americans, and the myth of racial justice [1 of 2 copies] Race 2009 Quaker Press
Julye, Vanessa (foreword) & Bacon, Margaret Hope Sarah Mapps Douglass: faithful attender of Quaker Meeting: view from the back bench [pamphlet] [1 of 2 copies] Biography – Quaker 2003 Friends General Conf.
Julye, Vanessa (foreword) & Bacon, Margaret Hope Sarah Mapps Douglass: faithful attender of Quaker Meeting: view from the back bench [pamphlet] [1 of 2 copies] Race 2003 Friends General Conf.
Junkin, Tim Bloodsworth: the true story of the first death row inmate exonerated by DNS Justice, Crime & Social Issues 2004 Algonquin Books
Kaiser, Otto & Wilson, R. A. (trans.) Isaiah 1-12: a commentary Biblical Reference 1972 Westminster Press
Kaiser, Otto & Wilson, R. A. (trans.) Isaiah 13-39: a commentary Biblical Reference 1974 Westminster Press
Kamel, Rachael Global factory, {The}: analysis and action for a new economic era International Peace & Justice 1990 AFSC
Kamel, Rachael (ed.) & Whitlock, Katherine Bridges of respect: creating support for lesbian and gay youth Sexuality 1988 AFSC
Kane, Jeff Healing companion, {The}: simple and effective ways your presence can help people heal Illness, Death & Loss 2001 Harper San Francisco
Kashnig, Jane & Powelson, Jack & Lutter, Gusten Seeking truth together: enabling the poor and saving the planet in the manner of Friends International Peace & Justice 2000 Horizon Society Pubns.
Kaufman, Donald D. What belongs to Caesar?: a discussion on the Christian’s response to payment of war taxes Tax Resistance & Military Draft 1969 Herald Press
Keating, Thomas Open mind, open heart: the contemplative dimension of the Gospel Devotional Works – General 1992 Element
Keene, J. Calvin Historic Quakerism and mysticism [in QRT 7:2, Autumn 1965] Quaker Religious Thought 1965 QTDG
Keller, Phillip Shepherd looks at Psalm 23, {A} Theology 1970 Zondervan
Kellerman, Lois & Bly, Nelly Marriage from the heart: eight commitments of a spiritually fulfilling life together Parenting & Family Issues 2002 Penguin Compass
Kelley, Patricia & Callanan, Maggie Final gifts: understanding the special awareness, needs and communications of the dying [large print] Illness, Death & Loss 1995 Walker & Co.
Kelly, Arlene & Pitzer, Ron & Hoppe, Sigurd Mpls. Friends Mtg. 4/12/86: All Friends’ Weekend on “Living out our faith in family, in intimate relationships, in work and community” [on 3 audiocassettes] Audiovisual 1986 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Kelly, Thomas R. Eternal promise, {The} [1 of 3 copies] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1966 Harper & Row
Kelly, Thomas R. Eternal promise, {The} [2 of 3 copies] Devotional Works – Quaker 1966 Harper & Row or Friends United Press
Kelly, Thomas R. Gathered meeting, {The} Quaker Faith & Practice 1948 Quaker Home Service
Kelly, Thomas R. Selections from A Testament of devotion Devotional Works – Quaker 1955 Upper Room
Kelly, Thomas R. Simplification of life, {The} [from A Testament of Devotion] Devotional Works – Quaker 1985 Wider Quaker Fellowship
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Kelsey, Morton T. Other side of silence, {The} Personal Growth 1976 Paulist Press
Kelsh, Nick (photos) & Carson, Rachel Sense of wonder, {The} Unity with Nature 1998 HarperCollins
Kempis, Thomas a’ Imitation of Christ, {The} Devotional Works – General 1953 Pocket Library
Kendall, Susan Willcuts In the company of spiritual orphans [in QRT 26:1, Nov. 1992] Quaker Religious Thought 1992 QTDG
Kent, John Elizabeth Fry [2 copies] Biography – Quaker 1962 Batsford
Kenworthy, Leonard S. Discovering or rediscovering Jesus [pamphlet] Life of Jesus 1991 Quaker Pubns.
Kenworthy, Leonard S. Friends peace testimony, {The} [pamphlet] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1986 Friends United Press
Kenworthy, Leonard S. Meaning of membership in the Religious Society of Friends [pamphlet] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1983 Quaker Pubns.
Kenworthy, Leonard S. Quaker quotations on faith and practice Quaker Faith & Practice 1983 FGC / Quaker Pubns.
Kenworthy, Leonard S. (ed.) Living in the Light: some Quaker pioneers of the 20th century: volume 2 – in the wider world Biography – Quaker 1985 FGC
Kenworthy, Leonard S. (ed.) & various Friends face the world: continuing and current Quaker concerns Quakers in the World 1987 FGC / Friends United Press / Quaker Pubs.
Kenworthy, Leonard S. (ed.) & Watson, Elizabeth (contrib.) Nine contemporary Quaker women speak [including Elizabeth Watson] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1992 Quaker Pubns.
Kersey, Katherine C. Art of sensitive parenting, {The} Parenting & Family Issues 1987 Acropolis Books
Kershner, Howard E. Quaker service in modern war: Spain & France ’39 Quakers in the World 1950 Prentice-Hall
Khalidi, Tarif (ed. & trans.) Muslim Jesus, {The}: sayings and stories in Islamic literature World Religions 2001 Harvard Univ. Press
Kierkegaard, Soren Fear and trembling / Sickness unto death, {The} Theology 1955 Doubleday
Kierkegaard, Soren Philosophical Fragments Theology 1962 Princeton
Kilpack, Gilbert Scruples [pamphlet #89] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1956 Pendle Hill
Kimball, Beatrice & Holden, Joyce Dictionary of Friends’ terms [2 copies] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1984 Friends United Press
King, Lauren A. New Testament account of the resurrection [in QRT 27:2, Feb. 1995] Quaker Religious Thought 1995 QTDG
King, Martin Luther, Jr. Letter from Birmingham City Jail Race 1963 AFSC
King, Martin Luther, Jr. Loving your enemies, and other essays Race 1957 A.J. Muste Institute
King, Martin Luther, Jr. Why we can’t wait Race 1963 Harper & Row
King, Martin Luther, Jr. (foreword) & Gregg, Richard B. Power of nonviolence, {The} [2nd rev. ed.] Pacifism & Nonviolence 1959 Fellowship Pubns.
King, Mike Quakernomics: an ethical capitalism Quakerism – History & Beliefs 2014 Anthem Press
Kingsley, Ben (narr.) & Maida, Gaetano Kazuo (dir.) & Hanh, Thich Hanh Peace is every step: meditation action: the life and work of Thich Nhat Hanh [videocassette, 52 min.] Audiovisual 1997 Mystic Fire Video
Kirk, Jack Friends view of the sacraments Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1990 Friends United Press
Kite, Florence L. (trans.) & Lachmund, Margarethe With thine adversary in the way: a Quaker witness for reconciliation [pamphlet #228] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1979 Pendle Hill
Kivel, Paul Uprooting racism Race 1996 New Society Publishers
Kline, Florence Ruth (ed.) & Grundy, Marty (ed.) Companions along the way: spiritual formation within the Quaker tradition; a resource for adult religious education Devotional Works – Quaker 2000 Phila. Yearly Mtg.
Knox, John Life in Christ Jesus: reflections on Romans 5-8 Life of Jesus 1961 Seabury Press
Kolp, Alan Fox loved the Apostle Paul [in QRT 25:2, Oct. 1991] [2 copies] Quaker Religious Thought 1991 QTDG
Kolp, Alan Friends, sacraments, and sacramental living [in QRT 20:3, Summer 1984] Quaker Religious Thought 1984 QTDG
Kolp, Alan & Allen, Ronald D. & Barker, Lawrence E. Theology of evangelism and outreach [theme of issue in QRT 19:3, Spring 1982] Quaker Religious Thought 1982 QTDG
Kornfeld, Hulen S. & Boerstler, Richard W. Life to death: harmonizing the transition Illness, Death & Loss 1995 Healing Arts Press
Kornfield, Jack Path with heart, {A}: a guide through the perils and promises of spiritual life Personal Growth 1993 Bantam Books
Kozol, Jonathan Rachel and her children Parenting & Family Issues 1988 Crown Publishers
Kriese, Paul (ed.) & Weaver, Harold D., Jr. (ed.) & Angell, Stephen W. (ed.) Black fire: African American Quakers on spirituality and human rights Race 2011 FGC Quaker Press
Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth On death and dying Illness, Death & Loss 1969 Macmillan
Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth To live until we say good-bye Illness, Death & Loss 1978 Prentice Hall
Kuenning, Larry Miserable comforters [in QRT 25:2, Oct. 1991] [2 copies] Quaker Religious Thought 1991 QTDG
Kuenning, Lisa & Bales, Dorlan & Wallace, Terry S. Lewis Benson issue [theme of issue in QRT 22:3, Summer 1987] Quaker Religious Thought 1987 QTDG
Kylin, Helen When silence becomes singing: a study in perception and parable [pamphlet #258] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1984 Pendle Hill
Lacey, Margaret Silent Friends: a Quaker quilt Fiction & Poetry 1992 Stormline Press
Lacey, Paul A. Authority of our meetings is the power of God, {The} [pamphlet #365] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 2003 Pendle Hill
Lacey, Paul A. Death of “the man upstairs,” {The}: a critical appraisal of the new theology [in QRT 8:1, Spring 1966] [2 copies] Quaker Religious Thought 1966 QTDG
Lacey, Paul A. Education and the inward teacher [pamphlet #278] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1988 Pendle Hill
Lacey, Paul A. Leading and being led [pamphlet #264] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1985 Pendle Hill
Lacey, Paul A. Quaker education: work in progress Quaker Faith & Practice 1989 Friends Council on Education
Lacey, Paul A. Quakers and the use of power [pamphlet #241] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1982 Pendle Hill
Lacey, Paul A. Unequal world we inhabit, {The}: Quaker responses to terrorism and fundamentalism [Swarthmore Lecture 2010] International Peace & Justice 2010 Quaker Books
Lachmund, Margarethe & Kite, Florence L. (trans.) With thine adversary in the way: a Quaker witness for reconciliation [pamphlet #228] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1979 Pendle Hill
Lacout, Pierre God is silence [1 of 2 copies] Devotional Works – Quaker 1985 Quaker Home Service
Lacout, Pierre God is silence [1 of 2 copies] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1985 Quaker Home Service
Lakewood Cemetery Heaven in the heart of the city [2 copies] Illness, Death & Loss 1992 Lakewood Cemetery
Lakey, George Nonviolent action: how it works [pamphlet #129] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1963 Pendle Hill
Lambert, D.W. Quiet in the land, {The} Biography – Quaker 1956 Macmillan
Lamoreau, John & Beebe, Ralph Waging peace: a study in Biblical pacifism Pacifism & Nonviolence 1981 Barclay Press
Lamoreau, John & Beebe, Ralph War tax concerns: what does the Bible say? [pamphlet] [1 of 4 copies] International Peace & Justice 1986 FCWTC
Lamoreau, John & Beebe, Ralph War tax concerns: what does the Bible say? [pamphlet] [1 of 4 copies] Peaceful Lifestyles / Simplicity 1986 FCWTC
Lamoreau, John & Beebe, Ralph War tax concerns: what does the Bible say? [pamphlet] [2 of 4 copies] Tax Resistance & Military Draft 1986 FCWTC
Lamott, Anne Grace (eventually): thoughts on faith Devotional Works – General 2007 Riverhead Books
Lamott, Anne Help, thanks, wow: the three essential prayers Devotional Works – General 2012 Riverhead Books
Lamott, Anne Plan B: further thoughts on faith Devotional Works – General 2005 Riverhead Books
Lampen, Diane Guided journey, {A} [pamphlet] International Peace & Justice 1996 Wider Quaker Fellowship
Lampen, John Twenty questions about Jesus Life of Jesus 1985 Quaker Home Service
Lampen, John Twenty questions about Jesus [2 copies?] Devotional Works – Quaker 1954 Quaker Home Service
Lampen, John Wait in the Light Devotional Works – Quaker 1981 Quaker Home Service
Lamperti, John What are we afraid of?: an assessment of the “Communist threat” in Central America International Peace & Justice 1988 South End Press
Lantero, Erminie Huntress Feminine aspects of divinity [pamphlet #191] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1973 Pendle Hill
Lape, Herbert N. Response to Hugh Pyper’s paper “Without apology” Sexuality 1989 [QTDG Conf. on Sexual Morality]
Larson, Bruce There’s a lot more to health than being sick Personal Growth 1981 Word Books
Larson, Jeanne (comp.) & Micheels-Cyrus, Madge (comp.) Seeds of peace: a catalogue of quotations Pacifism & Nonviolence 1987 New Society Publishers
Laubach, Frank C. Greatest life, {The} Life of Jesus 1955 Revell
Lawrence, Brother Practice of the presence of God, {The} Devotional Works – General 1982 Whitaker House
Laymon, Charles M. (ed.) Interpreter’s one-volume commentary on the Bible Biblical Reference 1971 Abingdon
Leach, Robert J. & Blattenberger, Ruth (ed.) Women ministers: a Quaker contribution [pamphlet #227] [3 copies] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1979 Pendle Hill
Leach, Robert J. (ed.) Inward journey of Isaac Penington, {The}: an abbreviation of Penington’s works [pamphlet #29] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1944 Pendle Hill
Leary, Lewis John Greenleaf Whittier Biography – Quaker 1961 College & Univ. Press
Leaveners’ Band, {The} & Biggin, Tony & Davison, Alec Finger on the button [audiocassette with 13 songs] Audiovisual 1984 Leaveners’ Band
Lehman, Stephen & Breton, Denise & Deloria, Vine, Jr. (foreword) Mystic heart of justice, {The}: restoring wholeness in a broken world International Peace & Justice 2001 Chrysalis Books
Lehn, Cornelia Peace be with you Pacifism & Nonviolence 1980 Faith & Life Press
Leitch, Addison H. Reader’s introduction to the New Testament Theology 1971 Doubleday
Lens, Sidney Revolution and Cold War International Peace & Justice 1962 AFSC
Lernoux, Penny Cry of the people: the struggle for human rights in Latin America International Peace & Justice 1980 Penguin
Lernoux, Penny Fear and hope: toward political democracy in Central America [pamphlet] International Peace & Justice 1984 Field Foundation
Letchworth, Rachel K. Yesterday, today — and tomorrow? Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1981 Friends Council on Education
Leuze, Robert (ed.) & Watson, Elizabeth (contrib.) & Boulding, Elise (contrib.) Each of us inevitable [1st ed.] [2 copies] Sexuality 1989 FLGC
Leuze, Robert (ed.) & Watson, Elizabeth (contrib.) & Boulding, Elise (contrib.) Each of us inevitable [2nd ed.] Sexuality 2003 FLGBTQC
Lew, Alan Be still and get going: a Jewish meditation practice for real life Devotional Works – General 2005 Little, Brown & Co.
Lewis, C.S. God in the dock Theology 1970 Eerdmans
Lewis, C.S. Mere Christianity Theology 1952 Macmillan
Libby, Frederick J. To end war International Peace & Justice 1969 Fellowship Pubns.
Liem, Ann Jacob Boehme: insights into the challenge of evil [pamphlet #214] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1977 Pendle Hill
Lijewski, Lolly Writings on disability issues [folder] Justice, Crime & Social Issues 2000
Lindquist, Ulla-Carin & Myers, Margaret (trans.) Rowing without oars Illness, Death & Loss 2004 Viking
Lippitt, Gordon L. Quest for dialog Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1966 Friends General Conf.
Lloyd, Benjamin Turnaround: growing a twenty-first century Religious Society of Friends [pamphlet #387] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 2006 Pendle Hill
Lockman Foundation (ed.) New American Standard Bible [large print] Bibles 1977 A.J. Holman / Lippincott
Logue, Dodie & Logue, Mary Trees: poems / charcoals Fiction & Poetry 2013 Wood Pulp Press
Logue, Mary Hand work: poems Fiction & Poetry 2009 Mid-List Press
Logue, Mary & Logue, Dodie Trees: poems / charcoals Fiction & Poetry 2013 Wood Pulp Press
Lohman, Jeanne Flying horses: poems Fiction & Poetry 2001 Fithian Press
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London Yearly Mtg. Christian faith and practice in the experience of the Society of Friends Quaker Faith & Practice 1960 London Yearly Mtg.
London Yearly Mtg. Church government Quakers in the World 1931 London Yearly Mtg.
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Lord, Mary Can love really overcome violence and hate?: reflections on Friends Peace Testimony [pamphlet] International Peace & Justice 2002 FCNL
Loring, Patricia Listening spirituality: Vol. 1, Personal spiritual practices among Friends Devotional Works – Quaker 1997 Openings Press
Loring, Patricia Listening spirituality: Vol.2, Corporate spiritual practice among Friends Devotional Works – Quaker 1999 Openings Press
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Loukes, Harold Discovery of Quakerism, {The} Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1970 Friends Home Service
Loukes, Harold Friends face reality Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1954 Bannisdale Press
Loukes, Harold Quaker connection, {The} Quaker Faith & Practice 1965 Macmillan
Loukes, Harold Quaker contribution, {The} Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1965 SCM Press Ltd.
Loukes, Harold Readiness for religion [pamphlet #126] [2 copies] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1963 Pendle Hill
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Luder, Hope Elizabeth Women and Quakerism [pamphlet #196] [1 of 2 copies] Biography – Quaker 1974 Pendle Hill
Luder, Hope Elizabeth Women and Quakerism [pamphlet #196] [1 of 2 copies] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1974 Pendle Hill
Luick-Thrams, Michael Far from Hitler: the Scattergood Hostel for European refugees, 1939-43 [produced for the Iowa Historical Society by TRACES] International Peace & Justice 2003 TRACES
Luick-Thrams, Michael Out of Hitler’s reach: the Scattergood Hostel for European refugees 1939-43 [1 of 3 copies] International Peace & Justice 1997 Goodfellow Printing
Luick-Thrams, Michael Out of Hitler’s reach: the Scattergood Hostel for European refugees 1939-43 [2 of 3 copies] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1997 Goodfellow Printing
Luke, Helen M. Life of the spirit in women, {The}: a Jungian approach [pamphlet #230] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1980 Pendle Hill
Lumb, Judy & Ossmann, Kathy & Joe & Zarembka, David Ending cycles of violence II: Kenyan Quaker peacemaking: response to 2007 and 2013 elections Pacifism & Nonviolence 2013 Madera Press
Lundquist, Dan & Coffin, Gordon & Gibas, Allen Mpls. Friends Mtg. 11/11/90: adult forum on conscientious objection and war tax resistance [videocassette] Audiovisual 1990 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Lundquist, Dan & Corcorran, James & Scroeder, Paula (host) Tax Resistors [on “Mid-morning,” MN Public Radio, 4/4/97] [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1997 MN Public Radio
Lundquist, Kathleen & Irish, Don & Nelson, Vivian Ethnic variations in dying, death and grief Illness, Death & Loss 1993 Taylor & Francis
Lupton, Robert D. Toxic charity: how churches and charities hurt those they help (and how to reverse it) International Peace & Justice 2011 HarperOne
Lutter, Gusten & Powelson, Jack & Kashnig, Jane Seeking truth together: enabling the poor and saving the planet in the manner of Friends International Peace & Justice 2000 Horizon Society Pubns.
Lutz, Howard T. (ed.) & Fogelklou, Emilia Reality and radiance: selected autobiographical works of Emilia Fogelklou Biography – Quaker 1985 Friends United Press
Lynd, Alice (ed.) We won’t go: personal accounts of war objectors Tax Resistance & Military Draft 1968 Beacon Press
Maathai, Wangari Replenishing the earth: spiritual values for healing ourselves and the world Unity with Nature 2010 Doubleday
MacCormack, Carol Wisdom, nature and spirit [QUG pamphlet #23] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1994 Quaker Universalist Group
MacCormack, Carol (ed.) There is another world but it is this one: an holistic perspective Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1991 Quaker Universalist Group
MacCulloch, Diarmaid Silence: a Christian history Theology 2013 Viking
Macgregor, G.H.C. Relevance of an impossible ideal, {The}: an answer to the views of Reinhold Niebuhr [pamphlet] Pacifism & Nonviolence 1940 Fellowship of Reconciliation
Maclachlan, Lewis Teaching of Jesus on prayer, {The} Devotional Works – General 1952 James Clark & Co.
Macy, Howard R. Despairing (ch. 4 of Rhythms of the inner life: yearning for closeness with God) [pamphlet] Devotional Works – Quaker 1992 Wider Quaker Fellowship
Macy, Howard R. & Benson, Lewis & Jones, T. Canby Christ as prophet: studies in the basis for Christian obedience [theme of issue in QRT 16:1-2, Winter 1974-75] Quaker Religious Thought 1975 QTDG
Macy, Howard R. & Trueblood, D. Elton (foreword) Rhythms of the inner life Devotional Works – Quaker 1992 Barclay Press
Macy, Howard R. & Trueblood, D. Elton (foreword) Rhythms of the inner life [1 of 2 copies, different editions] Devotional Works – Quaker 1988 Fleming H. Revell
Macy, Joanna & Brown, Molly Young & Fox, Matthew (foreword) Coming back to life: practices to reconnect our lives, our world Personal Growth 1998 New Society Publishers
Macy, Joanna & Johnstone, Chris Active hope: how to face the mess we’re in without going crazy Unity with Nature 2012 New World Library
Macy, Joanna & Seed, John Thinking like a mountain [2 copies?] Unity with Nature 1988 New Society Publishing
Maddock, Keith R. Beyond the bars: a Quaker primer for prison visitors [pamphlet #342] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1999 Pendle Hill
Maddock, Keith R. Living truth: a spiritual portrait of Pierre Ceresole [pamphlet #379] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 2005 Pendle Hill
Maddock, Keith R. Spiritual guidance among Friends [pamphlet] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1999 Argenta Friends Press
Magida, Arthur J. (ed.) & Matlins, Stuart M. (ed.) How to be a perfect stranger: the essential religious etiquette handbook [3rd ed.] World Religions 2003 Skylight Paths Publishing
Magnani, Laura & Wray, Harmon L. Beyond prisons: a new interfaith paradigm for our failed prison system Justice, Crime & Social Issues 2006 Fortress Press / AFSC
Magraw, Daniel B. & Magraw, Richard M. Ferment in medicine: a study of the essence of medical practice and of its new dilemmas Justice, Crime & Social Issues 1966 W.B. Saunders Co.
Magraw, Richard M. & Magraw, Daniel B. Ferment in medicine: a study of the essence of medical practice and of its new dilemmas Justice, Crime & Social Issues 1966 W.B. Saunders Co.
Maida, Gaetano Kazuo (dir.) & Kingsley, Ben (narr.) & Hanh, Thich Hanh Peace is every step: meditation action: the life and work of Thich Nhat Hanh [videocassette, 52 min.] Audiovisual 1997 Mystic Fire Video
Maier, Paul L. First Easter, {The} Life of Jesus 1973 Harper & Row
Mallonee, Barbara C. & Bonny, Jane Karkalits & Fessenden, Nicholas B. Minute by minute: a history of the Baltimore Monthly Meetings of Friends Homewood and Stony Run Quakers in the U.S. 1992 Baltimore Monthly Mtgs
Maloy, Kate Stone bridge north, {A}: reflections on a new life Quaker Journals & Writings 2002 Counterpoint
Mammel, Lois & Hauerwas, Stanley & Bourns, David Marriage and the family [theme of issue in QRT 20:2, Spring 1984] Quaker Religious Thought 1984 QTDG
Manahan, Nancy & Bohan, Becky Living consciously, dying gracefully: a journey with cancer and beyond Illness, Death & Loss 2007 Beaver’s Pond Press
Manousos, Anthony Islam from a Quaker perspective [pamphlet] World Religions 2002 Friends Bulletin / QUF
Manousos, Anthony Living the peace testimony: the legacy of Howard and Anna Brinton [pamphlet #372] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 2004 Pendle Hill
Manousos, Anthony Spiritual linkage with Russians: the story of a leading [pamphlet #301] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1992 Pendle Hill
Manousos, Anthony (ed.) Quakers and the interfaith movement: a handbook for peacemakers International Peace & Justice 2011 Quaker Universalist Fellowship
Manousos, Anthony (ed.) & Hoffman, Gene Knudsen Compassionate listening: and other writings Quaker Journals & Writings 2003 Friends Bulletin
Manousos, Anthony (ed.) & Spring, Cindy (ed.) EarthLight: spiritual wisdom for an ecological age Unity with Nature 2007 Friends Bulletin
Marietta, Jack D. & Gwyn, Douglas & Cooper, Wilmer A. Facing sin and evil [theme of issue in QRT 22:4, Fall 1987] Quaker Religious Thought 1987 QTDG
Marks, Dee Mpls. Friends Mtg. 5/20/79: Semi-programmed worship [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1979 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Marriott, Alice (ed.) & Battey, Thomas C. Life and adventures of a Quaker among the Indians, {The} Quaker Journals & Writings 1968 Univ. of Oklahoma
Marrow, Norman (trans.) Four Gospels, {The} Bibles 1977 White Crescent Press
Marsden, Lorna Unchangeable power, {The} Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1987 Quaker Home Service
Marsh, Callie Lively faith, {A}: reflections on Iowa Yearly Meeting of Friends (Conservative) Quakers in the U.S. 2011 FGC Quaker Press
Marsh, John (illus.) & Sharman, Cecil W. Servant of the Meeting: Quaker business meetings and their clerks [pamphlet] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1983 Quaker Home Service
Marshall, Jay W. Eucharistic fellowship: are Friends included? [in QRT 23:4, Winter 1988-89 ] Quaker Religious Thought 1989 QTDG
Marshall, Jay W. Great people to be gathered?, {A} [pamphlet] Devotional Works – Quaker 2000 Earlham School of Religion
Martin, Marcelle Holding one another in the Light [pamphlet #382] [2 copies] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 2006 Pendle Hill
Martin, Marcelle Invitation to a deeper communion [pamphlet #366] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 2003 Pendle Hill
Mather, Eleanore Price Anna Brinton: A Study in Quaker character [pamphlet #176] Biography – Quaker 1971 Pendle Hill
Mather, Eleanore Price Edward Hicks, primitive Quaker: his religion in relation to his art [pamphlet #170] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1970 Pendle Hill
Mather, Eleanore Price Pendle Hill: a Quaker experiment in education & community Quakers in the U.S. 1980 Pendle Hill
Mather, Eleanore Price (ed.) & Barclay, Robert Barclay in brief [3 copies] [pamphlet #28] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1940 Pendle Hill
Matlins, Stuart M. (ed.) & Magida, Arthur J. (ed.) How to be a perfect stranger: the essential religious etiquette handbook [3rd ed.] World Religions 2003 Skylight Paths Publishing
Matthai, K.V. Ecumenical thoughts for the times [pamphlet] World Religions 1982 Wider Quaker Fellowship
Matthews, Marti As if we are perfectly safe: on fear, faith and destiny [pamphlet] Devotional Works – Quaker 1997 Wider Quaker Fellowship
Mauer, Walt Amish portrait [booklet] World Religions 1998 Garden Spot Gifts, Inc.
Maurer, Herryman Power of truth, {The} [pamphlet #53] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1950 Pendle Hill
Maurer, Johan Mpls. Friends Mtg. 4/24/98: All Friends’ Weekend [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1998 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Maurer, Johan Mpls. Friends Mtg. 4/25/98: All Friends’ Weekend [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1998 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
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Maurer, Johan Mpls. Friends Mtg. 4/26/98: Semi-programmed worship [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1998 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
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McGinnis, James & McGinnis, Kathleen Parenting for peace and justice Parenting & Family Issues 1985 Orbis Books
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Mendl, Wolf Prophets and reconcilers: reflections on the Quaker peace testimony Quaker Faith & Practice 1974 Friends Home Service Committee
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Meyer, Edith Patterson & Osborne, Billie Jean (illus.) In search of peace: the winners of the Nobel Peace Prize, 1901-1975 Biography – General 1978 Abingdon
Michalowski, Helen (ed.) & Cooney, Robert (ed.) Power of the people, {The}: active nonviolence in the U.S. Pacifism & Nonviolence 1987 New Society Publishers
Micheels-Cyrus, Madge (comp.) & Larson, Jeanne (comp.) Seeds of peace: a catalogue of quotations Pacifism & Nonviolence 1987 New Society Publishers
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Miller, Keith Becomers, {The} Devotional Works – Quaker 1973 Word Books
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Miller, Keith Taste of new wine, {The} [1 of 2 copies] Devotional Works – Quaker 1967 Word / Quaker Home Service
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Mills, Paul M. Bible war, {The} Pacifism & Nonviolence 1968 Barclay Press
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Minneapolis Friends Meeting Minneapolis Friends Meeting Spring 1996 directory [with photos of members] Minneapolis Friends Meeting 1996 Olan Mills
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Minneapolis Friends Meeting Jr. High First Day School Food for thought Minneapolis Friends Meeting 1991 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Minnesota Clergy & Laity Concerned Jobs and peace International Peace & Justice 1987 MN Church Center
Mitchell, Hobart We would not kill Pacifism & Nonviolence 1983 Friends United Press
Mitchell, S. Weir Hugh Wynne, free Quaker [2 vols.]: sometime Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel on the staff of His Excellency General Washington Biography – Quaker 1899 Century Co.
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Muggeridge, Malcolm Jesus Life of Jesus 1975 Harper & Row
Mulholland, James & Gulley, Philip If God is love: rediscovering grace in an ungracious world Devotional Works – Quaker 2004 HarperSanFrancisco
Mullen, Thomas J. Mountaintops and molehills Devotional Works – Quaker 1981 Word Books
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Myers, William A. Replacing the warrior: cultural ideals and militarism [pamphlet #263] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1985 Pendle Hill
Mylander, Charles Running the red lights Personal Growth 1986 Regal Books
Nash, Gary B. Quakers and politics: Pennsylvania 1681-1726 Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1968 Princeton
National Geographic Book Service Everyday life in Bible times Biblical Reference 1967 National Geographic
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Naylor, Sophia & Watson, George (interviewee) & Gibas, Allen (interviewee) Minnesota Semi-Starvation Study, {The}: taking a stand for nonviolence and hunger relief [DVD, 10 min.] Minneapolis Friends Meeting 2006 National History Day in MN
Neihardt, John G. Black Elk speaks World Religions 1972 Pocket Books
Nelson, Carl J. Eternity can wait Fiction & Poetry 1962 Hunter Press
Nelson, Vivian & Irish, Don & Lundquist, Kathleen Ethnic variations in dying, death and grief Illness, Death & Loss 1993 Taylor & Francis
Nelson-Pallmeyer, Jack Harvest of Cain Fiction & Poetry 2001 Epica
Nesti, Donald S. Early Quaker ecclesiology [in QRT 18:1, Autumn 1978] Quaker Religious Thought 1978 QTDG
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New York Yearly Mtg. Faith and practice: the book of discipline of the New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends [1998 ed. with corrections] Quaker Faith & Practice 2001 New York Yearly Mtg.
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Newby, Elizabeth Loza Migrant with hope, {A} [1 of 3 copies] Pacifism & Nonviolence 1977 Broodmans Press
Newby, Elizabeth Loza Migrant with hope, {A} [1 of 3 copies] Personal Growth 1977 Broodmans Press
Newby, James R. Creation of a future, {The} Devotional Works – Quaker 1982 Impact Books
Newby, James R. Sacred chaos and the quest for spiritual intimacy Personal Growth 1998 Continuum
Newby, James R. & Trueblood, D. Elton (foreword) Reflections from the Light of Christ: five Quaker classics Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1980 Friends United Press
Newby, James R. (intro) & Penn, William Some fruits of solitude Quaker Journals & Writings 1978 Friends United Press
Newby, Richard P. Address at a teacher’s seminar in Indiana Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1964 Indiana Yearly Mtg.
Newby, Richard P. Spiritual fire and other messages Devotional Works – Quaker 1977 Prinit Press
Newell, Kara Mpls. Friends Mtg. 4/9/94: On peace work and AFSC (All Friends’ Weekend) [on 2 audiocassettes] Audiovisual 1994 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Newhall, Barbara Falconer Wrestling with God: stories of doubt and faith Theology 2015 Patheos Press
Newlin, Algie I. Charity Cook: a liberated woman Biography – Quaker 1981 Friends United Press
Newman, Daisy Diligence in love Fiction & Poetry 1951 Doubleday
Newman, Daisy Golden string Biography – Quaker 1986 Harper & Row
Newman, Daisy Indian summer of the heart Fiction & Poetry 1982 Houghton Mifflin
Newman, Daisy Procession of Friends, {A} [2 copies] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1972 Doubleday
Newman, George Quaker profiles Biography – Quaker 1946 Bannisdale Press
Newman, Leslea (ed.) Loving testimony, {A}: remembering loved ones lost to AIDS Sexuality 1995 The Crossing Press
Nicholson, Bertha May Meditations on a D major scale [pamphlet #276] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1987 Pendle Hill
Nickalls, John L. (ed.) & Fox, George Early prophetic openings of George Fox [8 copies?, varying dates] George Fox 1962, 1986 Tract Assoc. of Friends
Nickalls, John L. (ed.) & Fox, George Journal of George Fox [2 copies] George Fox 1975 London Yearly Mtg.
Niebuhr, H. Richard Christ and culture Theology 1951 Harper
Niyonzima, David & Fendall, Lon & Rawson, David (foreword) Unlocking horns: forgiveness and reconciliation in Burundi International Peace & Justice 2001 Barclay Press
Norlind, Emilia Fogelklou Atonement of George Fox, {The} [pamphlet #166] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1969 Pendle Hill
North Carolina Yearly Mtg. Faith and practice: book of discipline of the North Carolina Yearly Meeting [2 copies?] Quaker Faith & Practice 1983, 1985 North Carolina Yearly Mtg.
North Pacific Yearly Mtg. Faith and practice [2nd ed.] Quaker Faith & Practice 1993 North PacificYearly Mtg.
Northern Pacific Yearly Mtg. Faith and practice of Northern Pacific Yearly Meeting Quaker Faith & Practice 1993 Northern Pacific Yearly Mtg.
Northern Yearly Mtg. Northern Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice: a document in progress [2 copies, 1 reference] Quaker Faith & Practice 1999 Northern Yearly Mtg.
Northwest Yearly Mtg. Faith and practice of Northwest Yearly Meeting [2 copies?] Quaker Faith & Practice 1987 Barclay Press
Nouwen, Henri Gracias! Devotional Works – General 1983 Harper & Row
Nouwen, Henri In memoriam Illness, Death & Loss 1980 Ave Maria Press
Nouwen, Henri Letter of consolation, {A} Devotional Works – General 1982 Harper
Nouwen, Henri Life of the beloved: spiritual living in a secular world Devotional Works – General 1995 Crossroad
Nouwen, Henri Love in a fearful land: a Guatemalan story Devotional Works – General 1985 Ave Maria Press
Nouwen, Henri Making all things new: an invitation to the spiritual life Devotional Works – Quaker 1981 Harper
Nouwen, Henri Way of the heart, {The}: desert spirituality and contemporary ministry Devotional Works – General 1981 Seabury Press
Nouwen, Henri Wounded healer, {The}: ministry in contemporary society Devotional Works – General 1979 Doubleday
Nouwen, Henri & Gaffney, W. Aging Illness, Death & Loss 1971 Image Books / Doubleday
Nouwen, Henri (foreword) & Romero, Oscar Violence of love, {The} Biography – General 1988 Plough Pub. House
Nuhn, Ferner Religious social concern: a Quaker view Justice, Crime & Social Issues 1967 Wider Quaker Fellowship
Nydam, Anne E.G. (illus.) & Vipont, Elfrida George Fox and the Valiant Sixty Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1997 Friends General Conf.
O’Connor, Elizabeth Our many selves Personal Growth 1971 Harper & Row
O’Connor, Kathleen M. Lamentations and the tears of the world Biblical Reference 2002 Orbis Books
O’Fallon, Ann (ed.) & Vaillancourt, Margaret (ed.) Kiss me goodnight: stories and poems by women who were girls when their mothers died Illness, Death & Loss 2005 Syren Book Co.
Ogilvie, Mary Gould (ed.) & Stephen, Caroline Quaker strongholds [pamphlet #59] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1951 Pendle Hill
O’Gorman, Angie (ed.) Universe bends toward justice, {The}: a reader on Christian nonviolence in the U.S. Pacifism & Nonviolence 1990 New Society Publishers
O’Hatnick, Suszanne Hubbard Journey to Bosnia, return to self [pamphlet #348] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 2000 Pendle Hill
Ohio Valley Yearly Mtg. Book of Discipline of Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting Quaker Faith & Practice 1978 Ohio Valley Yearly Mtg.
Ohio Yearly Mtg. Book of Discipline of Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative) Quaker Faith & Practice 1992 Ohio Yearly Mtg.
Olauson, C. Ronald (dir. & adapt.) & Wilson, Dick & Titus, Hiram (arr. & cond.) He lived the good life [videocassette of musical, 90 min.] Audiovisual 1992 Lutheran Brotherhood & Good Life Productions
Olmsted, Sterling (ed.) & Woolman, John Conversations on the true harmony of mankind and how it may be promoted [pamphlet] John Woolman 1987 Wider Quaker Fellowship
Olmsted, Sterling P. (ed.) & Heller, Mike (ed.) John Woolman: a nonviolence and social change source book (2nd ed.) John Woolman 2013 Friends United Press
Olness, Karen & Torjesen, Hakon & Torjesen, Erik Gift of the refugees, {The}: notes of a volunteer family at a refugee camp Race 1981 The Garden
Olson, Richard L. Spring equinox II: romantic piano music of the present age [audiocassette] Audiovisual Richard L. Olson
Olson, Sandy & Jacobs, Connie Sandy Olson, speaking on her spiritual journey, 9/20/07; Connie Jacobs speaking in meeting for worship, 10/29/06 [audiocassette] Audiovisual 2007 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
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O’Reilley, Mary Rose Barn at the end of the world, {The} [3 copies] Quaker Journals & Writings 2000 Milkweed Editions
O’Reilley, Mary Rose & Palmer, Parker J. (foreword) Radical presence: teaching as contemplative practice Devotional Works – Quaker 1998 Boynton/Cook
Orlick, Terry Cooperative sports and games book Parenting & Family Issues 1978 Pantheon
Orlick, Terry Winning through cooperation Peaceful Lifestyles / Simplicity 1981 Acropolis Books
Osborne, Billie Jean (illus.) & Meyer, Edith Patterson In search of peace: the winners of the Nobel Peace Prize, 1901-1975 Biography – General 1978 Abingdon
Osborne, Mary Pope Standing in the Light: the captive diary of Catharine Carey Logan [fictional character] [“Dear America” series”] Fiction & Poetry 1998 Scholastic
Ossmann, Kathy & Joe & Lumb, Judy & Zarembka, David Ending cycles of violence II: Kenyan Quaker peacemaking: response to 2007 and 2013 elections Pacifism & Nonviolence 2013 Madera Press
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Ostrom, Warren In God we live [pamphlet #268] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1986 Pendle Hill
Page, Kirby Kirby Page, social evangelist: the autobiography of a 20th century prophet for peace Biography – General 1975 Fellowship Press
Paine, Ruth Hyde How do I know it’s a leading? [pamphlet] [Annual Michener Lecture] Devotional Works – Quaker 2002 SoutheasternYearly Mtg.
Painter, Levinus K. Hill of vision, {The} Quakers in the World 1951 English Press
Palmer, Candida Cultural impedimenta old and new in Friends’ relation to the arts [in QRT 14:3, Winter 1972-73] Quaker Religious Thought 1973 QTDG
Palmer, Parker J. Active life, {The}: a spirituality of work, creativity, and caring Devotional Works – General 1990 Harper & Row
Palmer, Parker J. And a little child shall lead them [2 copies] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1978 Friends Publishing
Palmer, Parker J. Courage to teach, {The}: exploring the inner landscape of a teacher’s life Quaker Education 1998 Jossey-Bass
Palmer, Parker J. Healing the heart of democracy: the courage to create a politics worthy of the human spirit Justice, Crime & Social Issues 2011 Jossey-Bass
Palmer, Parker J. Hidden wholeness, {A}: the journey toward an undivided life: welcoming the soul and weaving community in a wounded world Devotional Works – Quaker 2004 Jossey-Bass
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Palmer, Parker J. (foreword) & Cronk, Sandra L. & Grundy, Martha Paxson (ed.) Lasting gift, {A}: The journal and selected writings of Sandra L. Cronk Quaker Journals & Writings 2009 Quaker Press of FGC
Palmer, Parker J. (foreword) & O’Reilley, Mary Rose Radical presence: teaching as contemplative practice Devotional Works – Quaker 1998 Boynton/Cook
Palmer, T. Vail, Jr. Deeds and rules in Quaker ethics [in QRT 13:2, Winter 1971-72] Quaker Religious Thought 1972 QTDG
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Palpant, Judy & Holtom, Pleasaunce Gift of God which is within thee, {The} [pamphlet] Devotional Works – Quaker 1983 Wider Quaker Fellowship
Parker, John (Jack) Mpls. Friends Mtg. 1/30/00: My spiritual journey [audiocassette] [2 copies] Audiovisual 2000 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
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Parker, John (Jack) Mpls. Friends Mtg. 9/13/92: Semi-programmed worship (preceding building dedication ceremony) [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1995 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Parker, John (Jack) & Urness, Carol Louise (ed.) Book for Jack, {A}: words to, by and about John Parker Minneapolis Friends Meeting 1991 Associates of the James Ford Bell Library
Parker, Robert Allerton Family of Friends, {A} Quaker Journals & Writings 1959 Museum Press
Parker-Rhodes, Damaris Way out is the way in, {The} Biography – Quaker 1985 Quaker Home Service
Parrinder, Geoffrey (ed.) World religions: from ancient history to the present World Religions 1971 Facts on File
Paton, Alan Instrument of Thy peace Personal Growth 1968 Seabury Press
Paullin, Ellen Ted’s stroke: the caregiver’s story Illness, Death & Loss 1988 Seven Locks Press
Paxson, Thomas D. Human welfare: economics and theology [in QRT 27:1, Sept. 1994] Quaker Religious Thought 1994 QTDG
Peabody, Emily Clough Lives worth living Biblical Reference 1968 H.S. Stuttman Co.
Peachey, J. Lorne How to teach peace to children [pamphlet] Peaceful Lifestyles / Simplicity 1981 Herald Press
Peare, Catherine Owens Mary McLeod Bethune Race 1951 Vanguard Press
Peck, George Triple way, {The}: purgation, illumination, union [pamphlet #213] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1977 Pendle Hill
Peck, M. Scott People of the lie Justice, Crime & Social Issues 1983 Simon & Shuster
Pedigo, Marlene New church in the city Peaceful Lifestyles / Simplicity 1988 Friends United Press
Penal Affairs Committee Why prison? Justice, Crime & Social Issues 1970 Friends Home Service
Penkava, Melinda (host) & Jeavons, Thomas & Morscheck, Peggy Quakers and volunteer service [on “Talk of the nation”, broadcast of 4/29/97] [audiocassette] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1997 National Public Radio
Penn, William Key, {A}: opening the way to every capacity [pamphlet] Quaker Journals & Writings Friends Bookstore
Penn, William No cross, no crown [1 of 2 copies, different editions] Quaker Journals & Writings 1981 London Yearly Mtg.
Penn, William & Bronner, Edwin William Penn, 17th century founding father: selections from his political writings [pamphlet #204] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1975 Pendle Hill
Penn, William & Bronner, Edwin (ed.) Peace of Europe, {The}; The fruits of solitude; and other writings Quaker Journals & Writings 1993 Everyman
Penn, William & Janney, Samuel M. Life of William Penn, {The}: with selections from his correspondence and autobiography [reference] Biography – Quaker 1852 Lippincott, Grambo & Co.
Penn, William & Newby, James R. (intro) Some fruits of solitude Quaker Journals & Writings 1978 Friends United Press
Penn, William & Selleck, Ronald (ed.) No cross, no crown [modern English edition] [1 of 2 copies, different editions] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1981 Friends United Press
Penn, William & Tolles, Frederick Barnes (ed.) & Alderfer, E. Gordon (ed.) Witness of William Penn, {The} Biography – Quaker 1957 Macmillan
Penn, William & Welcome Soc. of PA (ed.) Your Friend, William Penn [pamphlet] [1 of 2 copies] Quaker Journals & Writings Welcome Soc. of PA
Penn, William & Welcome Soc. of PA (ed.) Your Friend, William Penn [pamphlet] [1 of 2 copies] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1994? Welcome Soc. of PA
Pennington, Chester A. & McCarthy, Abigail Q. Are we set in slippery places?: the Hennepin/Hamline dialogues: a Christian inquiry into our secular society Devotional Works – General 1987 Hamline Univ.
Pennington, Levi Double duty of Friends for such a time as this, {The}: a Quaker message [pamphlet] [2 copies] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1968? Western Yearly Mtg.?
Penshorn, Julie D. & Berlowe, Burt F. & Janke, Rebecca A. Compassionate rebel, {The}: energized by anger, motivated by love: interviews and stories Pacifism & Nonviolence 2002 Triangle Park Creative
Perera, Eve Lewis (ed.) & Salitan, Lucille (ed.) Virtuous lives: four Quaker sisters remember family life, abolitionism, and women’s suffrage Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1994 Continuum
Perisho, Stanley & Cooper, Wilmer A. & Curtis, John H. Explorations of the theology of the holy spirit [issue theme in QRT 16:4, Spring 1976] Quaker Religious Thought 1976 QTDG
Perlman, Jim (ed.) & Cooper, Deborah (ed.) & Hart, Mara (ed.) Beloved of the earth: 150 poems of grief and gratitude Fiction & Poetry 2009 Holy Cow! Press
Peterson, Eugene H. Long obedience in the same direction, {A} Personal Growth 1980 Inter-Varsity Fellowship
Peterson, Nancy Mpls. Friends Mtg., semi-programmed worship: Thoughts on God as female [audiocassette] Audiovisual Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Peterson, Nancy Spring at last Fiction & Poetry 1985 Kiel Printing Co.
Peterson, Nancy & various Heartsong: women sharing our spiritual journeys through our poetry [pamphlet] Fiction & Poetry 1985
Peterson, Nancy (ed.) & James, Judith M. (ed.) White women getting real about race: their stories about what they learned teaching in diverse classrooms Race 2013 Stylus Publishing
Philadelphia Yearly Mtg. Faith and practice in Friends schools Quaker Faith & Practice 1989 Phila. Yearly Mtg.
Philadelphia Yearly Mtg. Faith and practice of the Religious Society of Friends of Philadelphia and vicinity: a book of Christian discipline Quaker Faith & Practice 1943 Friends’ Book Store
Philadelphia Yearly Mtg. Faith and practice: a book of Christian discipline Quaker Faith & Practice 1997 Phila. Yearly Mtg.
Philadelphia Yearly Mtg. Faith and practice: A book of Christian discipline Quaker Faith & Practice 2002 Phila. Yearly Mtg.
Philadelphia Yearly Mtg. Faith and practice: a book of Christian discipline [3 copies] Quaker Faith & Practice 1972 Phila. Yearly Mtg.
Philadelphia Yearly Mtg. Quaker biographies, vol. 4 Biography – Quaker Phila. Yearly Mtg.
Philadelphia Yearly Mtg. Quaker biographies, vol. 5 Biography – Quaker Phila. Yearly Mtg.
Philadelphia Yearly Mtg. Rules of discipline and advices of the Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends Held in Philadelphia Quaker Faith & Practice 1913 Phila. Yearly Mtg.
Philadelphia Yearly Mtg. Shadow and light in bereavement Illness, Death & Loss 1959 Phila. Yearly Mtg.
Philadelphia Yearly Mtg. Sharing our journeys: journal writing, spiritual friendship and group conversation [pamphlet] Personal Growth 1995 Quaker Home Service
Philadelphia Yearly Mtg. & Wheelock, Steve (ed.) & Roth, Kevin (music) Quakers, {The}: that of God in every one [videocassette] Audiovisual 1993 Phila. Yearly Mtg.
Phillips, Bernard Search will make you free, {The} Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1979 Friends Bookstore
Phillips, Dorothy B. (ed.) Choice is always ours, {The} [2 copies] Devotional Works – General 1960 Harper & Row
Phillips, Emily B.H. Thoughts from a Quaker home [2 copies] Parenting & Family Issues 1968 Friends General Conf.
Phillips, J.B. Young church in action, {The} Bibles 1955 Macmillan
Phillips, J.B. Your God is too small Theology 1953 Macmillan
Phillips, J.B. (trans.) Book of Revelation, {The}: a new translation of the Apocalypse Bibles 1957 Macmillan
Phillips, J.B. (trans.) Gospels, {The}: translated into modern English Bibles 1953 Macmillan
Phillips, J.B. (trans.) Letters to young churches [4 copies, date varies] Bibles 1950 Macmillan
Phillips, J.B. (trans.) New Testament in modern English, {The} Bibles 1958 Macmillan
Phillips, J.B. (trans.) New Testament in modern English, {The} [large print] Bibles 1958 Macmillan
Phillips, Jack Walking gently on the earth: an earthcare checklist [pamphlet] Unity with Nature 1992 FCUN
Phillips, Jack & Ford, Francis (interviewer) & Lovestar, Jim Vetspeak: the voices of Minnesota veterans from WWII through the war in Iraq [DVD, 2 discs] [2 copies] Audiovisual 2007 War Plays Project
Pickett, Clarence E. For more than bread Biography – Quaker 1953 Little, Brown & Co.
Pickthall, Mohammed Marmaduke (trans.) Meaning of the glorious Koran, {The}: an explanatory translation World Religions 1953 New American Library
Pickvance, Joseph Reader’s companion to George Fox’s journal, {A} George Fox 1989 Quaker Home Service
Pilgrim, Peace Her life and work International Peace & Justice 1991 Ocean Tree Books
Pitman, Ruth M. Structures of accountability [in QRT 21:2, Summer 1985] Quaker Religious Thought 1985 QTDG
Pitre, David W. To Martin Luther King with love: a southern Quaker’s tribute [pamphlet #254] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1984 Pendle Hill
Pitzer, Ron Children’s reactions to crises [pamphlet] Parenting & Family Issues 1965 Univ. of Minnesota
Pitzer, Ron & Hoppe, Sigurd & Kelly, Arlene Mpls. Friends Mtg. 4/12/86: All Friends’ Weekend on “Living out our faith in family, in intimate relationships, in work and community” [on 3 audiocassettes] Audiovisual 1986 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Poer, Nancy Jewel Living into dying: a journal of spiritual and practical deathcare for family and community Illness, Death & Loss 2004 White Feather Pub. Co.
Poley, Irvin C. & Poley, Ruth Verlenden & Fisher, Dorothy Canfield (intro.) Friendly anecdotes Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1950 Harper & Brothers
Poley, Ruth Verlenden & Poley, Irvin C. & Fisher, Dorothy Canfield (intro.) Friendly anecdotes Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1950 Harper & Brothers
Polster, Betty Open to new light [pamphlet #29] [Canadian YM Gardner lecture] Quaker Journals & Writings 1988 Argenta Friends Press
Porter, Anne Living things: collected poems Fiction & Poetry 2006 Zoland Books
Potts, J. Manning (ed.) & Woolman, John Selections from The Journal of John Woolman [pamphlet] John Woolman 1957 The Upper Room
Powell, Maude Eternally yours Biography – Quaker 1979 Celo Press
Powelson, Jack Dialogue with Friends Peaceful Lifestyles / Simplicity 1988 Horizon Society Publishers
Powelson, Jack Quaker economist, {The}: global issues of concern to Quakers International Peace & Justice 2002 Horizon Society Pubns.
Powelson, Jack & Lutter, Gusten & Kashnig, Jane Seeking truth together: enabling the poor and saving the planet in the manner of Friends International Peace & Justice 2000 Horizon Society Pubns.
Prabhavananda, Swami & Isherwood, Christopher (trans.) Song of God, {The}: Bhagavad-Gita World Religions 1951 New Am. Library
Prairie Island Coalition Good nukes — almost good enough [videocassette] [multiple copies] Audiovisual 199? Prairie Island Coalition
Prechtel, Martin’ On grief and praise (Martin’ Prechtel, Mayan from Guatemala) [audiocassette] Audiovisual
Prevallet, Elaine Interconnections [pamphlet #261] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1985 Pendle Hill
Priestland, Gerald Reasonable uncertainty Quaker Faith & Practice 1982 Quaker Home Service
Pringle, Cyrus & Cadbury, Henry J. (foreword) Civil war diary of Cyrus Pringle [pamphlet #122] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1962 Pendle Hill
Pritchard, Doug (foreword) & Brown, Tricia Gates (ed.) 118 days: Christian Peacemaker Teams held hostage in Iraq International Peace & Justice 2008 DreamSeeker Books
Pritchard, James B. (ed.) Ancient Near East, {The} Theology 1958 Princeton
Pullinger, Edna & Adkinson, Helen Guide to A Hymnal for Friends, {A} [2 copies?] Devotional Works – Quaker 1955 Friends General Conf.
Punshon, John Alternative Christianity [pamphlet #245] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1982 Pendle Hill
Punshon, John Letter to a Universalist [pamphlet #285] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1989 Pendle Hill
Punshon, John Mpls. Friends Mtg. 9/16/95: On the diversity of American Quakerism (All Friends’ Weekend, part 1) [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1995 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Punshon, John Mpls. Friends Mtg. 9/16/95: On the diversity of American Quakerism (All Friends’ Weekend, part 2) [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1995 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Punshon, John Mpls. Friends Mtg. 9/17/95: Semi-programmed worship [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1995 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Punshon, John Patterns of change: the Quaker experience and the challenges of the contemporary world [pamphlet] Devotional Works – Quaker 1987 Friends United Mtg.
Punshon, John Portrait in grey: a short history of the Quakers [2 copies] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1986 Quaker Home Service
Punshon, John Testimony and tradition: some aspects of Quaker spirituality Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1990 Quaker Home Service
Punshon, John & Fox, Matthew (foreword) Encounter with silence: reflections from the Quaker tradition Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1987 Friends United Press / Quaker Home Service
Purdy, Alexander C. Gospel and Letters of John, {The} [pamphlet] Theology 1946 Friends General Conf.
Purdy, Alexander C. Preparation for tomorrow [pamphlet] Quaker Journals & Writings 1955 Five Years Mtg.
Purdy, Alexander C. Reality of God, {The}: thoughts on the “Death of God” controversy [pamphlet #154] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1967 Pendle Hill
Purdy, Alexander C. Recovering a lost radiance [pamphlet] [1 of 2 copies] Devotional Works – Quaker 1963 Five Years Mtg.
Purdy, Alexander C. Recovering a lost radiance [pamphlet] [1 of 2 copies] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1963 Five Years Mtg.
Pye, Ellen Living in the life and sharing it [in QRT 20:3, Summer 1984] Quaker Religious Thought 1984 QTDG
Quaker Hill Conference Friends consultation on doing the Truth Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1986 Quaker Hill Conf.
Quaker Hill Conference Friends consultation on eldering Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1982 Quaker Hill Conf.
Quaker Hill Conference Friends consultation on membership Quaker Faith & Practice 1983 Quaker Hill Conf.
Quaker Hill Conference Friends consultation on spiritual authority Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1984 Quaker Hill Conf.
Quaker Hill Conference Friends consultation on testimonies, queries and advices Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1988 Quaker Hill Conf.
Quaker Hill Conference Friends consultation on worship Quaker Faith & Practice 1989 Quaker Hill Conf.
Quaker Home Service Funerals and memorial meetings [3rd ed.] [vol. 2 of the Eldership and Oversight handbook series] Quaker Faith & Practice 2012 QuakerBooks
Quaker Quest Twelve Quakers and evil [pamphlet #4] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 2006 Quaker Quest (Britain YM)
Quaker Quest Twelve Quakers and God [pamphlet #1] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 2006 Quaker Quest (Britain YM)
Quaker Quest Twelve Quakers and Jesus [pamphlet #6] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 2006 Quaker Quest (Britain YM)
Quaker Quest Twelve Quakers and pacifism [pamphlet #3] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 2006 Quaker Quest (Britain YM)
Quaker Quest Twelve Quakers and simplicity [pamphlet #5] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 2006 Quaker Quest (Britain YM)
Quaker Quest Twelve Quakers and worship [pamphlet #2] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 2006 Quaker Quest (Britain YM)
Quaker Social Responsibility & Education & Wills, David (contrib.) Six Quakers look at crime and punishment [pamphlet] Justice, Crime & Social Issues 1985 Quaker Home Service
Quaker Theological Discussion Group Quaker religious thought [periodical] [see also individual authors and article titles] Quaker Religious Thought 1959-1995 QTDG
Quaker Women’s Group Bringing the invisible into the Light: some Quaker feminists speak of their experience Quaker Journals & Writings 1986 Quaker Home Service
Quimby, Chester Warren Paul for everyone Life of Paul 1944 Macmillan
Quin, Cosslett (trans.) & Eichrodt, Walther Ezekiel: a commentary Biblical Reference 1970 Westminster Press
Raines, Robert A. Creative brooding Devotional Works – General 1966 Macmillan
Ralston, Tom & Schmidt, Larry (interviewer) Mpls. Friends Mtg. 3/22/86: Interview with Tom Ralson, a person with AIDS (adult forum) [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1986 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Ratliff, J. Bill (ed.) & various Out of the silence: Quaker perspectives on pastoral care and counseling Quaker Journals & Writings 2001 Pendle Hill
Raven, C.E. Teilhard de Chardin: scientist and seer Biography – General 1962 Collins
Ravndal, Jeneal Turnbull Very good week behind bars, {A} [pamphlet #380] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 2005 Pendle Hill
Rawson, David (foreword) & Niyonzima, David & Fendall, Lon Unlocking horns: forgiveness and reconciliation in Burundi International Peace & Justice 2001 Barclay Press
Raymond, Diane Christine & Blumenfeld, Warren J. Looking at gay and lesbian life Sexuality 1988 Beacon Press
Redding, Earl Historic doctrinal statements of Quakers [audiocassette] Audiovisual
Reece, Glenn Friends and the Holy Spirit Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1960 Five Years Mtg.
Reeves, Don Mpls. Friends Mtg. 8/23/87: On the year of the jubilee and sustainable agriculture (semi-programmed worship) [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1987 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Rehard, Mary Kay Bringing God home: exploring family spirituality [pamphlet #362] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 2002 Pendle Hill
Reichart, Dorothy Finding our way in the Bible Biblical Reference 1986 Phila. Yearly Mtg.
Reichart, Dorothy & Religious Education Committee Guide for discussion of the Journal of George Fox (John L. Nickalls edition) George Fox 1984 Phila. Yearly Mtg.
Reitan, Eric & Garver, Newton Nonviolence and community: reflections on the Alternatives to Violence Project [pamphlet #322] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1995 Pendle Hill
Religious Education Committee & Reichart, Dorothy Guide for discussion of the Journal of George Fox (John L. Nickalls edition) George Fox 1984 Phila. Yearly Mtg.
Relin, David Oliver & Mortenson, Greg Three cups of tea: one man’s mission to fight terrorism and build nations…one school at a time International Peace & Justice 2006 Viking
Remmes, Brenda Bevan Quaker Café, {The}: a novel Fiction & Poetry 2014 Lake Union Publishing
Reuman, Robert E. Walls Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1966 Pendle Hill
Rhodes, David & Berquist, Robert & Treadway, Carolyn Smith Scattergood Friends School 1890-1990 Quaker Education 1990 Scattergood Friends School
Richards, Leonce & Jones, Peter D. Some things never change [“Radical hope in the nuclear age” & “A power that makes for wholeness”] [pamphlet] Devotional Works – Quaker 1984 Wider Quaker Fellowship
Richardson, Alan Theological word book of the Bible, {A} Biblical Reference 1960 Macmillan
Richmond, Ben Testimonies Devotional Works – Quaker 1993 Friends United Press
Richmond, Ben & Gwyn, Douglas Hope and despair, part 2 [theme of issue in QRT 20:4, Winter 1984] [2 copies] Quaker Religious Thought 1984 QTDG
Rickerman, Sally Growing up Quaker and Universalist too [pamphlet] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1999 Quaker Universalist Fellowship
Rieu, C.H. (trans.) Acts of the Apostles, {The}, by Saint Luke Bibles 1957 Penguin
Riki, Mira & Elliot, Jeffrey & Abileah, Joseph Voices for a Middle East confederation: two interviews [pamphlet] International Peace & Justice 1977 Soc. for Middle East Confed.
Roberts, Arthur O. Early Friends and the work of Christ [in QRT 3:1, Spring 1961 ] Quaker Religious Thought 1961 QTDG
Roberts, Arthur O. Holiness and Christian renewal [in QRT 9:1, Spring 1967] Quaker Religious Thought 1967 QTDG
Roberts, Arthur O. Mind your calling Quaker Faith & Practice 1972 Friends United Mtg.
Roberts, Arthur O. Move over, Elijah Fiction & Poetry 1967 Barclay Press
Roberts, Arthur O. People called Quakers [2 copies] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1977 Barclay Press
Roberts, Arthur O. Reflection on death and resurrection [in QRT 15:4, Summer 1974] Quaker Religious Thought 1974 QTDG
Roberts, Arthur O. Tomorrow is growing old Quakers in the U.S. 1978 Barclay Press
Roberts, Arthur O. Universalism of Christ in early Quaker understanding, {The} [in QRT 24:1, Summer 1989] [3 copies] Quaker Religious Thought 1989 QTDG
Roberts, Arthur O. (ed.) & Barbour, Hugh S. (ed.) & various Early Quaker writings, 1650 – 1700 Quaker Journals & Writings 2004 Pendle Hill
Roberts, Jeffrey P. & Gross, Sandra William Penn: visionary and proprietor (an exhibit catalog) Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1983 Atwater Kent Museum
Roberts, Trish More than equals: spiritual friendships [pamphlet #345] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1999 Pendle Hill
Robertson, Gay (ed.) Emily Greene Balch: the holy fire [pamphlet] Biography – Quaker 1964 Wider Quaker Fellowship
Robinson, Jo Ann A.J. Muste, pacifist and prophet: his relation to the Society of Friends [pamphlet #235] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1981 Pendle Hill
Robinson, John A.T. Honest to God Theology 1963 Westminster Press
Robinson, Marilynne Gilead Fiction & Poetry 2004 Farrar, Straus & Giroux
Roby, David S. Pioneer of moral treatment: Isaac Bonsall [1 of 2 copies] Justice, Crime & Social Issues 1982 Friends Hospital
Roby, David S. Pioneer of moral treatment: Isaac Bonsall [1 of 2 copies] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1982 Friends Hospital
Rochelle, Jay C. Attender at the altar, {An}: a sacramental Christian responds to silence [pamphlet #280] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1988 Pendle Hill
Rockwell, Robert, et al. Hug a tree Parenting & Family Issues 1985 Gryphon House
Roehlkepartain, Eugene C. Building assets in congregations: a practical guide for helping youth grow up healthy Parenting & Family Issues 1998 Search Institute
Rogers, William R. On the pool at the base of the waterfall [pamphlet] [2 of 4 copies] Devotional Works – Quaker 1984 Friends United Mtg.
Rogers, William R. On the pool at the base of the waterfall [pamphlet] [2 of 4 copies] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1984 Friends United Mtg.
Rogness, Alvin N. Appointment with death Illness, Death & Loss 1972 Thomas Nelson
Romero, Oscar & Nouwen, Henri (foreword) Violence of love, {The} Biography – General 1988 Plough Pub. House
Roop, Eugene F. Justice in the Biblical tradition [in QRT 17:2, Spring 1977] Quaker Religious Thought 1977 QTDG
Roop, Gene & Grannell, Andy Two seminaries in partnership: Bethany Theological Seminary & Earlham School of Religion [videocassette] Quaker Education ESR / BTS
Root, Robert & Hall, Shirley W. Struggle of decency: religion and race in modern America Race 1965 Friendship Press
Ross, Isabel Margaret Fell: mother of Quakerism Biography – Quaker 1949 Longmans, Green
Ross, Judith Joy Protest the war Pacifism & Nonviolence 2007 Steidl Publishers
Roth, Kevin (music) & Philadelphia Yearly Mtg. & Wheelock, Steve (ed.) Quakers, {The}: that of God in every one [videocassette] Audiovisual 1993 Phila. Yearly Mtg.
Rowan, Carl T. South of freedom Race 1952 Knopf
Rowe, Violet A. First Hertford Quakers, {The} Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1970 Religious Society of Friends, Hertford
Rumi, Jelaluddin & Barks, Coleman (trans.) & Moyne, John (trans.) Essential Rumi, {The} Fiction & Poetry 1997 Castle Books
Runyon, David (intro) & Heusel, Lorton G. Practical implications of peacemaking, {The} (talk by Lorton Heusel, 8/10/78) [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1978
Runyon, Theodore (ed.) Theology, politics, and peace Theology 1989 Orbis Books
Russell, Elbert Inner Light in the history and present problems of the Society of Friends, {The}: historical lecture [pamphlet] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1945 NC Friends Historical Soc.
Russell, Katherine Guiding children through grief: a resource handbook of recommended books to help young children cope with death, dying and grief Illness, Death & Loss 1989 Centering Corp.
Rustin, Bayard & Houser, George M. We challenged Jim Crow!: a report on the journey of reconciliation, April 9-23, 1947 [pamphlet] Race 1947 Fellowship of Reconciliation & CORE
Salitan, Lucille (ed.) & Perera, Eve Lewis (ed.) Virtuous lives: four Quaker sisters remember family life, abolitionism, and women’s suffrage Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1994 Continuum
Samet, Elizabeth D Soldier’s heart: reading literature through peace and war at West Point International Peace & Justice 2008 Farrar, Straus & Giroux
Sandman, Gary Quaker artists Biography – Quaker 1992 Kishwaukee Press
Sareyan, Alex Turning point, {The}: how men of conscience brought about major change in the care of America’s mentally ill Pacifism & Nonviolence 1994 Am. Psychiatric Press
Sarton, May Reckoning, {A} Fiction & Poetry 1978 W.W. Norton
Scanzoni, Letha Dawson Sexuality Sexuality 1984 Westminster
Scanzoni, Letha Dawson & Mollenkott, Virginia R. Is the homosexual my neighbor?: another Christian view Sexuality 1978 Harper & Row
Schacter, Ellie & Hole, Francis D. Little journal of devotions out of Quaker worship, {A}: an experiment with 104 entries across two thousand miles [2 copies, different editions] Devotional Works – Quaker 1995,2001 Friends Press, Quaker Press
Schaeffer, Edith Affliction Personal Growth 1978 Revell
Schatz, William Healing a father’s grief Illness, Death & Loss 1984 Medic Publishing
Scheeran, Michael J. Beyond majority rule [2 copies] Quaker Faith & Practice 1996 Phila. Yearly Mtg.
Schenck, Patience A. Answering the call to heal the world [pamphlet #383] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 2006 Pendle Hill
Schmidt, Larry (interviewer) & Ralston, Tom Mpls. Friends Mtg. 3/22/86: Interview with Tom Ralson, a person with AIDS (adult forum) [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1986 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Schonfield, Hugh J. Jew of Tarsus, {The} Life of Paul 1946 MacDonald & Co.
Schrauwers, Albert (ed.) & Canadian Yearly Mtg. Faith, Friends and fragmentation: essays on nineteenth century Quakerism in Canada Quakers in the World 1995 Canadian Friends Historical Assoc.
Schubert, Earl Mpls. Friends Mtg.: On the theme of peace in Isaiah (adult forum with Jewish scripture teacher) [audiocassette] Audiovisual Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Schurman, Virginia Quaker theology of the stewardship of creation, {A} [in QRT 24:4, Dec. 1990] Quaker Religious Thought 1990 QTDG
Schwartz, Morrie & Solman, Paul (intro) Morrie: in his own words Illness, Death & Loss 1996 Delta / Dell
Schweitzer, Albert Reverence for life Theology 1966 Harper
Scott, Merton Task–peacemaking, {The}: two lectures given at Earlham College [pamphlet] Pacifism & Nonviolence 1953 Five Years Mtg.
Scott, Richenda Elizabeth Cadbury 1858-1951 Biography – Quaker 1955 George G. Harrap
Scott, Richenda Quakers in Russia, {The} Quakers in the World 1964 Yale
Scott, William T. & Cole, Kara People of God in the world today, {The} [theme of issue in QRT 17:3, Winter 1977-78] Quaker Religious Thought 1978 QTDG
Scroeder, Paula (host) & Lundquist, Dan & Corcorran, James Tax Resistors [on “Mid-morning,” MN Public Radio, 4/4/97] [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1997 MN Public Radio
Scroggs, Robin Paul for a new day Life of Paul 1977 Fortress
Search Institute Foundation for success, {A}: congregations building assets in youth [videocassette, 25 min.] Parenting & Family Issues 1997 Search Institute
Seebohm, Benjamin (ed.) & Grellet, Stephen Memoirs of the life and gospel labors of Stephen Grellet [abridged from English edition] [reference] Biography – Quaker 1870 Book Assoc. of Friends
Seebohm, Benjamin (ed.) & Grellet, Stephen Memoirs of the life and gospel labors of Stephen Grellet: in one volume [reprint of first American edition with changes] [reference] Quaker Journals & Writings Friends’ Book Store
Seed, John & Macy, Joanna Thinking like a mountain [2 copies?] Unity with Nature 1988 New Society Publishing
Seeger, Daniel A. I have called you Friends Life of Jesus 1997 Quaker Universalist Fellowship
Seeger, Daniel A. Place of universalism in the Society of Friends, {The} Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1986 Quaker Universalist Fellowship
Seeger, Daniel A. Practicing the Gospel of hope in a nuclear age [2 copies] International Peace & Justice 1963 FWCC
Seeger, Daniel A. Practicing the gospel of hope in a nuclear age [in QRT 20:4, Winter 1984, theme: “Hope and despair, part 1” ] [2 copies] Quaker Religious Thought 1984 QTDG
Seeger, Daniel A. Seed and the tree, {The}: a reflection on nonviolence [pamphlet #269] [1 of 2 copies] Pacifism & Nonviolence 1986 Pendle Hill
Seeger, Daniel A. Seed and the tree, {The}: a reflection on nonviolence [pamphlet #269] [1 of 2 copies] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1986 Pendle Hill
Seeger, Daniel A. Silence: our eye on eternity [pamphlet #318] [1 of 3 copies] Devotional Works – Quaker 1994 Pendle Hill
Seeger, Daniel A. Silence: our eye on eternity [pamphlet #318] [1 of 3 copies] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1994 Pendle Hill
Seeger, Daniel A. Silence: our eye on eternity [pamphlet #318] [1 of 3 copies] Quaker Faith & Practice 1994 Pendle Hill
Seeger, Daniel A. Speaking about G-d: some dilemmas [in QRT 25:3, March 1992] [2 copies] Quaker Religious Thought 1992 QTDG
Seeger, Daniel A. Universalist spirituality: a ministry among Friends and in the world [in QRT 24:2, Winter 1989-90] [2 copies] Quaker Religious Thought 1990 QTDG
Seeger, Daniel A. (contrib.) & Ackerman, Dorothy (contrib.) & Taber, William P. (contrib.) Variations on the Quaker message: articles of lasting interest on varied theological perspectives from the Friends Journal [pamphlet] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1990 Quaker Universalist Fellowship
Seeger, Daniel A. (contrib.) & Hetherington, Ralph (contrib.) & Alexander, Horace (contrib.) Quaker Universalist reader, number 1, {The}: a collection of essays, addresses, and lectures (study guide) Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1988 Quaker Universalist Fellowship
Sein, Heberto On the need for revolution [pamphlet] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1954 Western Yearly Mtg.
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Sharp, Gene Politics of nonviolent action, part 1: power and struggle Pacifism & Nonviolence 1973 Porter Sargent Publishers
Sharp, Gene Politics of nonviolent action, part 2: methods of nonviolent action Pacifism & Nonviolence 1973 Porter Sargent Publishers
Sharp, Gene Politics of nonviolent action, part 3: dynamics of nonviolent action Pacifism & Nonviolence 1973 Porter Sargent Publishers
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Sider, Ronald J. Christ and violence Pacifism & Nonviolence 1979 Herald Press
Silverstein, Charles Family matter, {A} Sexuality 1977 McGraw-Hill
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Simon, Scott (narrator) & AFSC Love amid the ruins: Quaker service after the war [videocassette, 60 min.] Audiovisual 1996 ZDF German Public Television
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Smith, Hannah Whitall Christian’s secret of a happy life, {A} Personal Growth 1985 Word Books
Smith, Hannah Whitall Unselfishness of God, {The} [1 of 2 copies] Biography – Quaker 1987 Littlebrook
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Smith, J.M Powis (trans.) & Goodspeed, Edgar J. (trans.) Complete Bible, {The}: an American translation Bibles 1939 Univ. of Chicago
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Smith, Nigel (ed.) & Fox, George Journal, {The} [paperback] George Fox 1998 Penguin Books
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Smith, Roy L. (ed.) Minneapolis pulpit, {The} Theology 1929 Revell
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Snyder, Edward (ed.) Witness in Washington International Peace & Justice 1994 FCNL
Snyder, Ross Authentic life: its theory and practice, {The} Quaker Faith & Practice 1968 Friends General Conf.
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Thoreau, Henry David Walden Pacifism & Nonviolence 1951 Bramhall House
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Thurman, Howard Growing edge, {The} Devotional Works – General 1956 Harper
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Trueblood, D. Elton Humor of Christ, {The} Elton Trueblood 1964 Harper
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Trueblood, D. Elton Prayers of Christ, {The} Elton Trueblood 1965 Prinit Press
Trueblood, D. Elton Predicament of modern man, {The} Elton Trueblood 1944 Harper & Bros.
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Trueblood, D. Elton Trustworthiness of religious experience, {The} Elton Trueblood 1939 Friends United Press
Trueblood, D. Elton While it is day: an autobiography Elton Trueblood 1974 Harper & Row
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Trueblood, D. Elton & Trueblood, Pauline Recovery of family life, {The} [1 of 2 copies] Elton Trueblood 1953 Harper & Bros.
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Trueblood, Pauline & Trueblood, D. Elton Recovery of family life, {The} [1 of 2 copies] Elton Trueblood 1953 Harper & Bros.
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Ullmann, Richard K. Between God and history: the human situation exemplified in Quaker thought and practice Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1959 Allen & Unwin Ltd.
Unger, Merrill, F. Unger’s Bible dictionary Biblical Reference 1966 Moody Press
Universal House of Justice Promise of world peace, {The} [pamphlet] International Peace & Justice 1985 Baha’i World Centre
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Urbanska, Wanda, et al. Escape from affluenza [videocassette] Audiovisual 1998 Bullfrog Films
Urner, Carol Reilley Needle’s eye, {The]: a Philippine experience [pamphlet #275] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1987 Pendle Hill
Urness, Carol Louise (ed.) & Parker, John (Jack) Book for Jack, {A}: words to, by and about John Parker Minneapolis Friends Meeting 1991 Associates of the James Ford Bell Library
Ury, William & Fisher, Roger Getting to yes: negotiating agreement without giving in Personal Growth 1981 Houghton Mifflin
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Vallentine, Jo & Helpsmeet, Mark Judkins (interviewer) Jo Vallentine (Australian Green Party senator): interviewed on 3/26/2006 [CD] Audiovisual 2006 Northern Spirit Radio
Van Doren, Mark (foreword) & Smith, Bradford Dear gift of life: a man’s encounter with death [pamphlet #142] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1965 Pendle Hill
Van Dyke, Henry Ruling passion, {The} Fiction & Poetry 1901 Scribner’s
Van Nuys, Kelvin Still more catholic Quakerism, {A} (continuing discussion of “The future of Quakerism”) [in QRT 9:1, Spring 1967] Quaker Religious Thought 1967 QTDG
various Blueprints, vol. 38 Devotional Works – Quaker 1982 United Soc. of Friends Women
various Blueprints, vol. 40 Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1984 United Soc. of Friends Women
various Bread: words and graphics from the Pendle Hill Community, 1971-1972 [pamphlet] Fiction & Poetry 1972 Pendle Hill
various Canadian Friend (July-August 1986) Quakers in the World 1986 Canadian Friend
various First international theological conference of Quaker women Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1990 Earlham School of Religion
various Fourteen friends’ guide to eldercaring: practical advice, inspiration, shared experiences, space for your thoughts Illness, Death & Loss 1999 Broadway Books
various Friend, {The} [6/13/97 issue] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1997 The Friend
various Friendly Woman: Survival [vol. 11, no. 3, Fall 1993] Quaker Journals & Writings 1993 Friendly Woman
various Friends in Civilian Public Service: Quaker conscientious objectors in World War II look back and look ahead Pacifism & Nonviolence 1998 Pendle Hill
various Friends’ quarterly, {The} [Jan., Apr., Jul., Oct. 1996 and July 1991 issues] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1996 The Friend
various Governor’s conference for the religious community on battered women (parts 1-8) [on 4 audiocassettes] Audiovisual
various How on earth do we live now?: natural capital, deep ecology, and the commons Unity with Nature 2011 Quaker Institute for the Future
various Inclusive Psalms, {The} Bibles 1997 Priests for Equality
various Living legacy of William Penn, {The} [newspaper and 6 other brief handouts: Quotes, Chronology, Bibliography, Resources, Sites & Exhibits, 350th Anniversary Project] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1994 Phila. Inquirer / Quaker Information Center
various Monteverde Jubilee Family Album [2 copies] Quakers in the World 2001 Asociacion de Amigos de Monteverde
various Re-imagining Conference 1993, vol. 1 [1st 10 of 20 audiocassettes] [tapes 1-1 & 1-2 missing?] Audiovisual 1993 Re-Imaging Conf. 1993
various Re-imagining Conference 1993, vol. 2 [2nd 10 of 20 audiocassettes] [tapes 12-1 & 12-2 missing?] Audiovisual 1993 Re-Imaging Conf. 1993
various Spirit rising: young Quaker voices Quaker Journals & Writings 2011 FGC Quaker Press
various & Barbour, Hugh S. (ed.) & Roberts, Arthur O. (ed.) Early Quaker writings, 1650 – 1700 Quaker Journals & Writings 2004 Pendle Hill
various & Bill, J. Brent (ed.) Imagination and spirit: a contemporary Quaker reader Quaker Journals & Writings 2002 Friends United Press
various & Dahlke, H. Otto What canst thou say? : voices from Richmond, VA Monthly Meeting [pamphlet] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1995 Quaker Universalist Fellowship
various & Dandelion, Ben Pink (ed.) & Fager, Chuck (contrib.) God the Trickster?: eleven essays Devotional Works – Quaker 2001 Quaker Books
various & Garman, Mary (ed.) Hidden in plain sight: Quaker women’s writings 1650-1700 [2 copies] Quaker Journals & Writings 1996 Pendle Hill
various & Kenworthy, Leonard S. (ed.) Friends face the world: continuing and current Quaker concerns Quakers in the World 1987 FGC / Friends United Press / Quaker Pubs.
various & Peterson, Nancy Heartsong: women sharing our spiritual journeys through our poetry [pamphlet] Fiction & Poetry 1985
various & Ratliff, J. Bill (ed.) Out of the silence: Quaker perspectives on pastoral care and counseling Quaker Journals & Writings 2001 Pendle Hill
various & Steere, Douglas V. (ed.) Quaker spirituality: selected writings [2 copies] Quaker Journals & Writings 1984 Paulist Press
various & Watson, Elizabeth Realignment: nine views among Friends Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1991 Pendle Hill
various & West, Jessamyn (ed.) Quaker reader, {The}: selected and introduced by Jessamyn West [4 copies] Quaker Journals & Writings 1992 Pendle Hill
Vellacott, Jo Constructive caring [pamphlet] Parenting & Family Issues 1983 Canadian Quaker Pamphlets
Vermilye, Dyckman W. & Crowe, Avis Ministry of presence, {The}: without agenda in South Africa [pamphlet #293] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1990 Pendle Hill
Viereck, Peter Inner liberty: the stubborn grit in the machine [pamphlet #95] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1957 Pendle Hill
Vining, Elizabeth Gray Contributions of the Quakers, {The} Quakers in the World 1939 Davis
Vining, Elizabeth Gray Friend of life: a biography of Rufus M. Jones [copy 1 of 2] Rufus Jones 1958 Lippincott
Vining, Elizabeth Gray Friend of life: a biography of Rufus M. Jones [copy 2 of 2] Biography – Quaker 1958 Lippincott
Vining, Elizabeth Gray Mr. Whittier: a biography Biography – Quaker 1974 Viking
Vining, Elizabeth Gray Quest there is, {A} [pamphlet #246] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1982 Pendle Hill
Vining, Elizabeth Gray William Penn: mystic: as reflected in his writings [pamphlet #167] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1969 Pendle Hill
Vining, Elizabeth Gray Windows for the Crown Prince Biography – Quaker 1952 Lippincott
Vipont, Elfrida & Nydam, Anne E.G. (illus.) George Fox and the Valiant Sixty Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1997 Friends General Conf.
Waak, Patricia Planet awakening Unity with Nature 2000
Waddington, Lynn Staying true: musings of an odd-duck Quaker lesbian approaching death Illness, Death & Loss 2012 Plain Speech Press
Wahl, Albert J. Jesse Herman Holmes, 1864-1942: a Quaker’s affirmation for man Biography – Quaker 1979 Friends United Press
Wahl, Rosalie Mpls. Friends Mtg. 3/31/79: “We will try what love can do” (1979 Tyler Anderson lecture) [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1979 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Wahl, Rosalie Mpls. Friends Mtg. 4/1/79: Panel on values and the Minnesota Supreme Court [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1979 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Wahl, Rosalie Strength to lead, faith to follow [audiocassette of plenary address at 1998 FGC Gathering, River Falls, WI] Audiovisual 1998
Walker, James F. World-wide Society of Friends Quakers in the World 1964 Guilford College
Walker, Richard L. Vistas from inner stillness [pamphlet #299] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1991 Pendle Hill
Walker, Susan B. (U.S. contact) & Chabasse, Philippe (Paris contact) Antipersonnel mines in the world: November 1993 [videocassette] Audiovisual 1993 Handicap International
Wallace, T.H.S. (ed.) & Fell, Margaret Sincere and constant love, {A}: An introduction to the work of Margaret Fell Quaker Journals & Writings 2009 Friends United Press
Wallace, T.H.S. (ed.) & Fox, George QuakerPsalms: a book of devotions Devotional Works – Quaker 2002 George Fox Fund
Wallace, T.H.S. (ed.) & Fox, George & Gwyn, Douglas (intro) Works of George Fox, {The}, vol. 1, The Journal, vol. 1 George Fox 1990 New Foundation
Wallace, Terry S. & Bales, Dorlan & Kuenning, Lisa Lewis Benson issue [theme of issue in QRT 22:3, Summer 1987] Quaker Religious Thought 1987 QTDG
Wallin, Franklin & Boobyer, George Fruits of the Spirit: the Word (talk by George Boobyer) / Choosing survival (talk by Franklin Wallin) [All Friends’ Weekend?] [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1976?
Wallis, Jim Great awakening, {The}: reviving faith and politics in a post-religious right America International Peace & Justice 2008 HarperOne
Wallis, Jim Revive us again: a sojourner’s story Biography – General 1983 Abingdon
Wallis, Jim & Hollyday, Joyce (ed.) Crucible of fire: the church confronts apartheid Race 1989 Orbis Books
Wallis, Jim (ed.) Peacemakers: Christian voices from the new abolitionist movement Pacifism & Nonviolence 1983 Harper & Row
Wallis, Jim (foreword) & Baum, Markus Against the wind: Eberhard Arnold and the Bruderhof Biography – General 1998 Plough Pub. House
Walters, Kerry (ed.) & Jones, Rufus M. Rufus Jones: essential writings Rufus Jones 2001 Orbis Books
Walton, Joseph (comp.) Incidents and reflections containing illustrations of Christian truths [reference] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1888 Friends’ Book Store
Walvin, James Quakers, {The}: money and morals Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1997 John Murray
WalVoord, John F. (ed.) & Zuck, Roy B. (ed.) Bible knowledge commentary, {The}: an exposition of the scriptures, by Dallas Seminary faculty (Old Testament) Biblical Reference 1985 Victor / Scripture Press
Ward, Sheila Mother for peace: Lucy Behenna Biography – Quaker 1989 Quaker Home Service
Warner, Ernest Jordans: a Quaker shrine Biography – Quaker 1921 Friends Bookstore
Warren, Robert Penn & Whittier, John Greenleaf John Greenleaf Whittier’s poetry: an appraisal and a selection Fiction & Poetry 1971 Univ. of Minn. Press
Warren, Roland L. Searching for the real Jesus [pamphlet #330] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1997 Pendle Hill
Waskow, Arthur Unintended war [“Beyond deterrence” series] [pamphlet] International Peace & Justice 1962 AFSC
Watson, Elizabeth Clearness for marriage [includes “The protection of solitude”] [pamphlet] [2 of 4 copies] Parenting & Family Issues 1981 Phila. Yearly Mtg.
Watson, Elizabeth Clearness for marriage [includes “The protection of solitude”] [pamphlet] [2 of 4 copies] Personal Growth 1981 Phila. Yearly Mtg.
Watson, Elizabeth Daughters of Zion [1 of 2 copies] Biblical Reference 1982 Friends United Press
Watson, Elizabeth Daughters of Zion [1 of 2 copies] Parenting & Family Issues 1982 Friends United Press
Watson, Elizabeth Guests of my life [1 of 3 copies] Minneapolis Friends Meeting 1979 Celo Press
Watson, Elizabeth Guests of my life [2 of 3 copies] Illness, Death & Loss 1979 Celo Press
Watson, Elizabeth Healing ourselves and our earth [pamphlet] [2 copies] Unity with Nature 1991 FCUN
Watson, Elizabeth Journey to Universalism [1 of 2 copies] [pamphlet] Biography – Quaker 1991 Quaker Universalist Fellowship
Watson, Elizabeth Journey to Universalism [1 of 2 copies] [pamphlet] Devotional Works – Quaker 1991 Quaker Universalist Fellowship
Watson, Elizabeth Let their lives speak [pamphlet] [1 of copies] Devotional Works – Quaker 1981 Friends United Press
Watson, Elizabeth Let their lives speak [pamphlet] [1 of 2 copies] Theology 1981 Friends United Press
Watson, Elizabeth Marriage in the Light: reflections on commitment and the clearness process (“a revision and expansion of Clearness for Marriage”) [pamphlet] [2 copies] Parenting & Family Issues 1993 Phila. Yearly Mtg.
Watson, Elizabeth Mpls. Friends Mtg. 10/23/?: On “Guests of my life” [audiocassette, poor sound quality] Audiovisual Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Watson, Elizabeth Mpls. Friends Mtg. 10/24/82: Semi-programmed worship (All Friends’ Weekend) [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1982 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Watson, Elizabeth Mpls. Friends Mtg. 12/20/92: Christmas story told by the women (adult forum) [audiocassette] [2 copies] Audiovisual 1992 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Watson, Elizabeth Mpls. Friends Mtg. 4/3/93: Renaming the world: liberation & feminist theology (All Friends’ Weekend, part one) [audiocassette, partly garbled] [2 copies, one may be OK] Audiovisual 1993 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Watson, Elizabeth Mpls. Friends Mtg. 4/3/93: Renaming the world: liberation & feminist theology (All Friends’ Weekend, part two) [audiocassette, partly missing?] [2 copies, one may be OK] Audiovisual 1993 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Watson, Elizabeth Mpls. Friends Mtg. 4/4/93: Semi-programmed worship (All Friends’ Weekend) [audiocassette] [2 copies] Audiovisual 1993 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Watson, Elizabeth Sexuality: a part of wholeness [pamphlet] [2 of 5 copies] Personal Growth 1982 Phila. Yearly Mtg.
Watson, Elizabeth Sexuality: a part of wholeness [pamphlet] [3 of 5 copies] Sexuality 1982 Phila. Yearly Mtg.
Watson, Elizabeth This I know experimentally [2 copies?] Biography – Quaker 1977 Friends General Conf.
Watson, Elizabeth Wisdom’s daughters: stories of women around Jesus [1 of 2 copies] Life of Jesus 1997 Pilgrim Press
Watson, Elizabeth Wisdom’s daughters: stories of women around Jesus [1 of 2 copies] Minneapolis Friends Meeting 1997 Pilgrim Press
Watson, Elizabeth You, neighbor God [pamphlet] Devotional Works – Quaker 1971 IllinoisYearly Mtg.
Watson, Elizabeth & Calvi, John John Calvi & Elizabeth Watson: September 14, 2002 [CD] Audiovisual 2002 R.E.M. Video & Event Co.
Watson, Elizabeth & various Realignment: nine views among Friends Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1991 Pendle Hill
Watson, Elizabeth & Watson, George Pilgrimage to India: in search of Gandhi and Tagore Quakers in the World 1988 William Watson
Watson, Elizabeth (contrib.) & Kenworthy, Leonard S. (ed.) Nine contemporary Quaker women speak [including Elizabeth Watson] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1992 Quaker Pubns.
Watson, Elizabeth (contrib.) & Leuze, Robert (ed.) & Boulding, Elise (contrib.) Each of us inevitable [1st ed.] [2 copies] Sexuality 1989 FLGC
Watson, Elizabeth (contrib.) & Leuze, Robert (ed.) & Boulding, Elise (contrib.) Each of us inevitable [2nd ed.] Sexuality 2003 FLGBTQC
Watson, George Growing in Quakerism with Elizabeth [2 CDs] [plenary talk at FGC Gathering in River Falls, WI] Audiovisual 2007 Quaker Press
Watson, George Mpls. Friends Mtg. 10/7/01: On William Penn [audiocassette] Audiovisual 2001 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Watson, George & Coffin, Linda (ed.) George Watson: innovative Quaker educator: a memoir [2 copies] Minneapolis Friends Meeting 2010 HistoryCrafters
Watson, George & Watson, Elizabeth Pilgrimage to India: in search of Gandhi and Tagore Quakers in the World 1988 William Watson
Watson, George (interviewee) & Naylor, Sophia & Gibas, Allen (interviewee) Minnesota Semi-Starvation Study, {The}: taking a stand for nonviolence and hunger relief [DVD, 10 min.] Minneapolis Friends Meeting 2006 National History Day in MN
Watson, Karen & Gorbachev, Raisa & Watson, Steve Raisa Gorbachev at Karen & Steve Watson’s home, 6/3/90 [videocassette] Audiovisual 1990
Watson, S. Arthur William Penn College: a product & producer Quakers in the U.S. 1971 William Penn College
Watson, Steve & Gorbachev, Raisa & Watson, Karen Raisa Gorbachev at Karen & Steve Watson’s home, 6/3/90 [videocassette] Audiovisual 1990
Watts, Richard G. & Crossan, John Dominic Who is Jesus?: Answers to your questions about the historical Jesus Life of Jesus 1996 Westminster John Knox
Waziyatawin What does justice look like?: the struggle for liberation in Dakota homeland International Peace & Justice 2008 Living Justice Press
Weatherhead, Leslie D. Manner of the resurrection, {The} Life of Jesus 1959 Abingdon
Weatherhead, Leslie D. Will of God, {The} Devotional Works – General 1944 Abingdon
Weaver, Harold D., Jr. (ed.) & Kriese, Paul (ed.) & Angell, Stephen W. (ed.) Black fire: African American Quakers on spirituality and human rights Race 2011 FGC Quaker Press
Weaver, Myron W. & Foster, Richard J. & Faricy, Robert L. Prayer [theme of issue in QRT 20:1, Summer 1983] Quaker Religious Thought 1983 QTDG
Webb, Norval E. Evangelism after the manner of Friends Quaker Faith & Practice 1961 John Woolman Press
Weber, Karl & Yunus, Muhammad Creating a world without poverty: social business and the future of capitalism International Peace & Justice 2007 Public Affairs
Webster, Leslie (cartoonist) & Fager, Chuck Quakers are funny!: a new collection of Quaker humor Fiction & Poetry 1987 Kimo Press
Weekley, Carolyn J. & Barry, Laura Pass Kingdoms of Edward Hicks, {The} Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1999 Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
Weems, Renita J. Just a sister away: a womanist vision of women’s relationships in the Bible Devotional Works – General 1988 LuraMedia
Wegener, G.S. 6000 years of the Bible Biblical Reference 1963 Harper & Row
Wehmiller, Paula L. Gathering of gifts [2 copies?] Devotional Works – Quaker 1988 Friends Council on Education
Wehmiller, Paula L. Miracle of the bread dough rising, {The} [pamphlet] Quaker Education 1986 Friends Council on Education
Wehrli, Eugene S. Gospel and conflicting faiths, {The} Theology 1969 United Church Press
Weil, Simone Iliad, or The poem of force, {The} [pamphlet #91] Fiction & Poetry 1943 Pendle Hill
Weisbord, Marvin R. Some form of peace: true stories of the AFSC at home and abroad International Peace & Justice 1968 Viking
Weitsch, Martina (ed.) & Banks, John (ed.) Meeting gay Friends: essays by gay Quakers Sexuality 1982 Friends Homosexual Fellowship
Welcome Soc. of PA (ed.) & Penn, William Your Friend, William Penn [pamphlet] [1 of 2 copies] Quaker Journals & Writings Welcome Soc. of PA
Welcome Soc. of PA (ed.) & Penn, William Your Friend, William Penn [pamphlet] [1 of 2 copies] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1994? Welcome Soc. of PA
Wells, Donald War myth, {The}: the rationalization of war-making in Western thought… Peaceful Lifestyles / Simplicity 1967 Pegasus
Wells, Tom & Dick & Jane’s Big Brass Band Dick & Jane’s Big Brass Band [CD] Audiovisual 2006
Welsh, Anne Morrison Fire of the heart: Norman Morrison’s legacy in Viet Nam and at home [pamphlet #381] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 2005 Pendle Hill
Welsh, Anne Morrison & Hollyday, Joyce Held in the Light: Norman Morrison’s sacrifice for peace and his family’s journey of healing Pacifism & Nonviolence 2008 Orbis Books
Wena, Joan Answering the love of God: living our testimonies [pamphlet] Devotional Works – Quaker 1997 FWCC
West, Cornel (foreword) & Alexander, Michelle New Jim Crow, {The}: mass incarceration in the age of colorblindness (revised ed.) Justice, Crime & Social Issues 2011 The New Press
West, Jessamyn Collected stories of Jessamyn West Fiction & Poetry 1986 Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
West, Jessamyn Except for thee and me Fiction & Poetry 1949 Harcourt, Brace & World
West, Jessamyn Friendly persuasion, {The} [3 copies?] Fiction & Poetry 1940 Harcourt Brace
West, Jessamyn Violence [or Friends and violence?] International Peace & Justice 1960? AFSC
West, Jessamyn (ed.) & various Quaker reader, {The}: selected and introduced by Jessamyn West [4 copies] Quaker Journals & Writings 1992 Pendle Hill
West, Mel (ed.) & Beck, Bill (ed.) Cowboy memories [on the 50th anniversary of Heifer Project International] International Peace & Justice 1994 Heifer Project International
Whalen, William J. Our neighbors, {The} Friends [pamphlet] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1966 Claretian Pubns.
Whalen, William J. Quakers, {The}, or Our neighbors, the Friends [pamphlet] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1982 Friends General Conf.
Wheelock, Steve (ed.) & Philadelphia Yearly Mtg. & Roth, Kevin (music) Quakers, {The}: that of God in every one [videocassette] Audiovisual 1993 Phila. Yearly Mtg.
White, Ethel Bear His mild yoke: the story of Mary Dyer Quaker Journals & Writings 1966 Abingdon
White, Joe (participant) & Duvall, Jed (host) & Ganzel, Bill (prod.) Matter of conscience, {A} [videocassette, 58 min.] Audiovisual 1993 Nebraska ETV
Whitlock, Katherine & Kamel, Rachael (ed.) Bridges of respect: creating support for lesbian and gay youth Sexuality 1988 AFSC
Whitney, Janet Elizabeth Fry Biography – Quaker 1947 Guild Books
Whitney, Janet John Woolman: American Quaker John Woolman 1942 Little, Brown & Co.
Whitney, John R. & Howe, Susan W. Religious literature of the West World Religions 1971 Augsburg
Whitney, Norman J. & Brinton, Howard H. (intro) Experiments in community: Ephrata; the Amish; the Doukhobors; the Shakers; the Bruderhof; Monteverde [pamphlet #149] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1966 Pendle Hill
Whittier, Elizabeth H. & Whittier, John Greenleaf Personal poems; Occasional poems; The tent on the beach [vol. 4 of: The writings of JGW in 7 vols.] Fiction & Poetry 1893 Houghton, Mifflin
Whittier, John Greenleaf Anti-slavery poems; Songs of labor and reform [vol. 3 of: The writings of JGW in 7 vols.] Fiction & Poetry 1893 Houghton, Mifflin
Whittier, John Greenleaf Conflict with slavery, {The}; Politics and reform; The inner life; Criticism [vol. 7 of: The writings of JGW in 7 vols.] Quaker Journals & Writings 1893 Houghton, Mifflin
Whittier, John Greenleaf Margaret Smith’s Journal; Tales and sketches [vol. 5 of: The writings of JGW in 7 vols.] Quaker Journals & Writings 1893 Houghton, Mifflin
Whittier, John Greenleaf Narrative and legendary poems [vol. 1 of: The writings of JGW in 7 vols.] Fiction & Poetry 1893 Houghton, Mifflin
Whittier, John Greenleaf Old portraits and modern sketches [reference] Biography – Quaker 1858 Hurst & Co.
Whittier, John Greenleaf Old portraits and modern sketches; Personal sketches and tributes; Historical papers [vol. 6 of: The writings of JGW in 7 vols.] Quaker Journals & Writings 1893 Houghton, Mifflin
Whittier, John Greenleaf Poems of nature; Poems subjective and reminiscent; Religious poems [vol. 2 of: The writings of JGW in 7 vols.] Fiction & Poetry 1893 Houghton, Mifflin
Whittier, John Greenleaf Poetical works of Whittier, {The} [2 copies] Fiction & Poetry 1975 Houghton Mifflin
Whittier, John Greenleaf Selections from the religious poems of John Greenleaf Whittier Fiction & Poetry 1999 Tract Assoc. of Friends
Whittier, John Greenleaf & Warren, Robert Penn John Greenleaf Whittier’s poetry: an appraisal and a selection Fiction & Poetry 1971 Univ. of Minn. Press
Whittier, John Greenleaf & Whittier, Elizabeth H. Personal poems; Occasional poems; The tent on the beach [vol. 4 of: The writings of JGW in 7 vols.] Fiction & Poetry 1893 Houghton, Mifflin
Whittlesey, Ruth Taber Quaker courageous Fiction & Poetry 1955 Exposition Press
Wider Quaker Fellowship Love knows no tense: a collection of favorite quotations from members of the Wider Quaker Fellowship [pamphlet] Devotional Works – Quaker 1984 Wider Quaker Fellowship
Wilbur, John Journal of the life of John Wilbur: a minister of the Gospel in the Society of Friends; with selections from his correspondence, &c. [reference] Quaker Journals & Writings 1859 George H. Whitney
Wilkinson, Signe (cartoonist) & Friends General Conference Quaker way, {The} [revised ed.] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1998 Friends General Conf.
Williams, J. Paul What Americans believe and how they worship World Religions 1952 Harper
Williams, Terry Tempest & Frank, Mary (illus.) Open space of democracy, {The} International Peace & Justice 2004 Orion Society
Williams, Walter R. Rich heritage of Quakerism, {The} Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1987 Barclay Press
Wills, David (contrib.) & Quaker Social Responsibility & Education Six Quakers look at crime and punishment [pamphlet] Justice, Crime & Social Issues 1985 Quaker Home Service
Wilson, Dan Promise of deliverance [pamphlet #60] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1951 Pendle Hill
Wilson, Dick From the mountaintop [audiocassette of musical] Audiovisual 1993 Good Life Productions
Wilson, Dick From the mountaintop: the new musical presentation of the Sermon on the Mount [videocassette] Audiovisual 1993 Good Life Productions
Wilson, Dick He lived the good life [audiocassette of musical] Audiovisual 1992 Lutheran Brotherhood & Good Life Productions
Wilson, Dick One day someday [audiocassette of musical] Audiovisual 1987 Dick Wilson
Wilson, Dick & Allison, DeAnn What’s the matter with the world today? [audiocassette of musical] Audiovisual 1996 Stradivarius Productions
Wilson, Dick & Olauson, C. Ronald (dir. & adapt.) & Titus, Hiram (arr. & cond.) He lived the good life [videocassette of musical, 90 min.] Audiovisual 1992 Lutheran Brotherhood & Good Life Productions
Wilson, Dwight L. Mpls. Friends Mtg. 4/15/78 & 4/16/78: The changing face of truth (1978 Tyler Anderson lecture) and semi-programmed worship [audiocassette] [2 copies] Audiovisual 1978 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Wilson, E. Raymond If flowers behaved like human beings [pamphlet] Peaceful Lifestyles / Simplicity 1981 Prinit Press
Wilson, E. Raymond Mpls. Friends Mtg. 10/21/78: On disarmament (All Friends’ Weekend) [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1978 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Wilson, E. Raymond Mpls. Friends Mtg. 10/22/78: On enemies (All Friends’ Weekend) [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1978 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Wilson, E. Raymond Thus far on my journey [1of 3 copies] International Peace & Justice 1976 Friends United Press
Wilson, E. Raymond Thus far on my journey [2 of 3 copies] Biography – Quaker 1976 Friends United Press
Wilson, E. Raymond Uphill for peace [2 copies] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1975 Friends United Press
Wilson, Edmund Scrolls from the Dead Sea Theology 1955 Oxford
Wilson, Gerald H. Restoring the image: perspectives on a Biblical view of creation [in QRT 24:4, Dec. 1990] Quaker Religious Thought 1990 QTDG
Wilson, J. Christy Introducing Islam World Religions 1950 Friendship Press
Wilson, Lloyd Lee Essays on the Quaker vision of Gospel order Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1993 Celo Valley Books
Wilson, R. A. (trans.) & Kaiser, Otto Isaiah 1-12: a commentary Biblical Reference 1972 Westminster Press
Wilson, R. A. (trans.) & Kaiser, Otto Isaiah 13-39: a commentary Biblical Reference 1974 Westminster Press
Wilson, Rick Breaking the cycle: West Virginia’s Listening Project Pacifism & Nonviolence 1995 AFSC
Wilson, Robert E. Aideen MacLennon: The Story of a Rebel Fiction & Poetry 1952 Fellowship Pubns.
Wilson, Robert H. & Ballinger, Raymond A. (design) Philadelphia Quakers 1681-1981: a tercentenary family album [2 copies] Quakers in the U.S. 1981 Phila. Yearly Mtg.
Wilson, Roger C. What Jesus means to me: Jesus the liberator Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1981 Wider Quaker Fellowship
Windsor, Arthur (intro) & Fox, George Works of George Fox, {The}, vol.7, The Epistles vol. 1 George Fox 1990 New Foundation
Wink, Walter Homosexuality and the Bible [pamphlet] [2 copies] Sexuality 1996 Fellowship Bookstore
Wink, Walter Jesus and nonviolence: a third way Pacifism & Nonviolence 2003 Fortress Press
Wink, Walter Naming the powers: the language of power in the New Testament [vol. 1 of series “The powers”] Theology 1984 Fortress Press
Wink, Walter Unmasking the powers: the invisible forces that determine human existence [vol. 2 of series “The powers”] Theology 1986 Fortress Press
Wink, Walter (ed.) Peace is the way: writings on nonviolence from the Fellowship of Reconciliation Pacifism & Nonviolence 2000 Orbis Books
Wise, Rabbi Irvin Mpls. Friends Mtg. 11/22/87: On simplicity [audiocassette] Audiovisual 1987 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Wolfelt, Alan Child’s view of grief, {A} [videocassette] Illness, Death & Loss 1990 Service Corp. Int’l.
Wood, Herbert George George Fox George Fox 1912 Headley Bros.
Wood, Raquel K. Northern Yearly Meeting (1975-1985): a tenth anniversary commemorative [pamphlet] [1 of 2 copies] Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1985 Northern Yearly Mtg.
Wood, Raquel K. Northern Yearly Meeting (1975-1985): a tenth anniversary commemorative [pamphlet] [1 of 2 copies] Quakers in the U.S. 1985 Northern Yearly Mtg.
Woodbury, John Mpls. Friends Mtg. 6/27/82: On gratitude, thanks, and praise [audiocassette, poor quality] Audiovisual 1982 Mpls. Friends Mtg.
Woodman, Charles M. Quakers find a way: their discoveries in practical living Quakerism – History & Beliefs 1950 Bobbs-Merrill
Woodward, Walter C. Timothy Nicholson: master Quaker Biography – Quaker 1927 Nicholson
Woolman, John Plea for the poor, {A} [pamphlet #357] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 2001 Pendle Hill
Woolman, John Some considerations on the keeping of Negroes John Woolman 1975 Grossman
Woolman, John Worship [pamphlet #51] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1950 Pendle Hill
Woolman, John & Moulton, Phillips P. (ed.) Journal and major essays of John Woolman, {The} [3 copies] John Woolman 1989 Friends United Press
Woolman, John & Olmsted, Sterling (ed.) Conversations on the true harmony of mankind and how it may be promoted [pamphlet] John Woolman 1987 Wider Quaker Fellowship
Woolman, John & Potts, J. Manning (ed.) Selections from The Journal of John Woolman [pamphlet] John Woolman 1957 The Upper Room
Woolman, John & Tolles, Frederick Barnes (intro) Journal of John Woolman, {The}: and a plea for the poor John Woolman 1961 Citadel Press
Working Party on Sexual Abuse (NEYM M&C) Addressing sexual abuse in Friends Meetings Sexuality 1994 New England Yearly Mtg.
World Conference of Friends In spirit and in truth Quakers in the World 1981 FWCC
World Resources Institute Making common cause Peaceful Lifestyles / Simplicity 1985 World Resources Inst.
Wray, Harmon L. & Magnani, Laura Beyond prisons: a new interfaith paradigm for our failed prison system Justice, Crime & Social Issues 2006 Fortress Press / AFSC
Wright, George Ernest & Filson, Floyd Vivian Westminster historical atlas to the Bible, {The} Biblical Reference 1956 Westminster
Wyatt, Martin (ed.) & Heeks, Peggy (ed.) There is a unity: Quaker thoughts on racial justice [pamphlet] [1 of 2 copies] Justice, Crime & Social Issues 1984 Quaker Home Service
Wyatt, Martin (ed.) & Heeks, Peggy (ed.) There is a unity: Quaker thoughts on racial justice [pamphlet] [1 of 2 copies] Race 1984 Quaker Home Service
Yarrow, C.H. Mike Quaker experiences in international conciliation International Peace & Justice 1978 Yale Univ. Press
Yoder, John H. He came preaching peace Devotional Works – General 1985 Herald Press
Yoder, John H. Nevertheless: the varieties and shortcomings of religious pacifism Pacifism & Nonviolence 1971 Herald Press
Yoder, John H. Original revolution, {The}: essays on Christian pacifism Pacifism & Nonviolence 1971 Herald Press
Yoder, John H. Politics of Jesus, {The} Theology 1972 Eerdmans
Yoder, John H. What would you do?: a serious answer to a standard question Pacifism and Nonviolence 1983 Herald Press
Yoder, John H. & Jones, T. Canby & Freiday, Dean Quakers and ecumenism [theme of issue, QRT 10:1, Summer 1968] Quaker Religious Thought 1968 QTDG
Young, James & Hope, Marjorie Struggle for humanity, {The}: agents of nonviolent change in a violent world Pacifism & Nonviolence 1977 Orbis Books
Young, Mildred Binns Insured by hope [pamphlet #90] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1956 Pendle Hill
Young, Robert Analytical concordance to the Bible Biblical Reference 1970 Eerdmans
Youngdahl, Reuben K. Going God’s way Minneapolis Friends Meeting 1951 Augustana Book Concern
Youngs, Bettie B. & Youngs, Jennifer Leigh Taste berries for teens: inspirational short stories and encouragement on life, love, friendship and tough issues Personal Growth 1999 Health Communications
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